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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam November 27, 2015

What is the barometer for a genuine spiritual aspirant? Bhagawan lovingly

explains the qualities that will help us overcome our ego.

People develop in themselves an abounding variety of selfish habits and

attitudes, causing themselves great discontent. The impulse for this comes from
the power complex, the greed for accumulating authority, domination and power!
The greed for things can never be eternal and full, and in fact, it is impossible for
anyone to satiate their desires fully. A person might feel elated to become the
master of all arts, owner of all wealth, possessor of all knowledge, or repository of
all the scriptures, but from whom did the person acquire all these? You may think
you earned all this through your own efforts and toil. The source from which all
authority, talent, energy and power originate is the Lord of all. Ignoring Lords
omnipotence, deluding oneself that the little greatness acquired is supreme, is
indeed selfishness, conceit and pride (ahamkara). A genuine aspirant can be
recognized by the characteristics of truth, kindness, love, patience, forbearance
and gratefulness. Wherever these reside, ego cannot subsist; it has no place.
Therefore seek to develop these.
- Prema Vahini, Ch 15.

True Culture lies in giving up bad thoughts and bad actions and cultivating sacred thoughts and
performing noble deeds. Baba
27 nvMbr,2015
sweI ieMnspwier dw pMjwbI tRWslySn
pRSn: iek s`cy A`iDAwqimk ,bxx vwly dw kI pYmwnw hY?Bgvwn,swnUM kuJ gux dsdy hn ijhVy swfy GmMf nUM
Kqm krn iv`c mdd krdy hn[
au`qr[lok,Awpxy iv`c keI qrHW dI svwrQI AwdqW Aqy vrqwau krdy hn,ijhdy nwl aus iv`c bhuq ASWqI Aqy
bycYnI pYdw huMdI hY[ies qrHW dy Avgux,aus iv`c v`fI SkqI Aqy pdvI hwsl krn dw lwlc huMdw hY[cIzW dI
ie`Cw ,kdy vI sQweI Aqy pUrI nhIN huMdI Aqy Asl iv`c,ieh iksy leI vI sMBv nhIN ik aus dIAW swrIAW ie`CwvW
pUrIAW hox[koeI mnu`K,BwvyN swry hunrW dw igAwqw hovy,bhuq Dn vwlw hovy,swrIAW iv`idAW dw igAwqw hovy jW swry
gRMQW dw igAwqw hovy,pr d`so aus mnu`K ny ieh swrw ku`J iks qoN is`iKAw?qusIN socdy hovo gy ik ieh swrw ku`J,mYN
AwpxI ih`mq nwl is`iKAw hY[mnu`K dI pdvI,hunr,SkqI Aqy aUrjw dw sRoq,kyvl Bgvwn hI hn[Bgvwn dy
srv-ivAwpk hox dI AndyKI kr ky jy koeI ieh socdw hY ik mYN hI srv-au`qm hW,ieh aus dy svwrQ,DoKy Aqy

hMkwr nUM drswauNdw hY[iek shI ie`Cuk auh hY ijhdy iv`c,s`c bolx,dieAwluqw,ipAwr,iKmw-Bwvnw,sbr Aqy
ikRiqigAqw dy gux hox[ij`Qy ieh gux hox gy au`Qy,hMkwr kdy vI nhIN hovy gw[ies leI,ieh swry gux
Apnwau[(pRym vwihnI,A`iDAwey,15)[
s`cI s`iBAqw auh hY ijhdy iv`c mnu`K,bury ivcwr Aqy bury krm C`f idMdw hY Aqy Su`D ivcwr Aqy nyk kMm krnw
SurU kr idMdw hY[(bwbw)[

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