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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam November 28, 2015

What is the easiest way to realize the One present in everyone? Bhagawan
lovingly explains to us in crystal clear terms today.

Creation or manifestation started, as the Upanishads say, when the

One willed, Ekoham bahusyam - "I am One; let Me become Many. It is
the integer (I) that fills the zeros after it with value and validity! The
realisation of the function of the I and the act of ignoring all zeros that
come after it, is the end and goal of all human endeavour. When the
mind is unruffled and the intelligence is sharpened, this realisation will
take place naturally. Through the discipline of selfless service, you can
easily recognise the One who appears as many. To attain that
experience, service must be rendered either from a supreme sense of
duty or as a humble dedicatory offering to the Highest, or in a spirit of
total surrender to the will of God leaving all thought of the consequence
to His grace. Any act of service done with these pure motives, will
develop detachment and confer highest rewards.
- Divine Discourse, Nov 1970.

Avoid hating, envying or even disliking anyone for any reason. Put love into practice
28 nvMbr,2015
through selfless service. - Baba
sweI ieMnspwier dw pMjwbI tRWslySn
pRSn: auh ikhVw Awswn FMg hY ijhdy nwl ieh pqw l`gy ik iek hI Awqmw,swirAW iv`c iv`dmwn hY?Bgvwn,A`j
swnUM ipAwr nwl smJwauNdy hn[
au`qr:aupniSd kihMdy hn ik bRhmMf,aus vyly hoNd iv`c AwieAw jd Bgvwn ny ie`Cw pRkt kIqI Aqy ikhw ik mYN
iek hW Aqy mYN bhuiqAW iv`c pRkt hovW gw[Bgvwn,ihMdsw,iek(1) dI qrHW hn ,ijhdy ihMdsy iek(1) dy s`jy h`Q
jd AsIN isPry(0) joVdy jWdy hW qW ihMdsy iek(1) dI kImq(nMbr) vDdI jWdI hY[ihMdsy iek dI hoNd nUM mMndy
hoey Aqy isPirAW nUM ,iek dy s`jy h`Q nw lgwieAw jwvy qW ieh swry mnu`KW dw AMiqm tIcw hY ArQwq Bgvwn iv`c
vlIx hoxw hY[jd mnu`K dw mn SWq ho jWdw hY Aqy aus dI bu`DImqw qyz ho jWdI hY,Bgvwn dI hoNd dw igAwn
jldI ho jWdw hY[jd koeI insvwrQ syvw krdw hY qW aus nUM Bgvwn dy ie`kpn dw igAwn ho jWdw hY Aqy pqw
lg jWdw hY ik iek hI Bgvwn,sMswr dy hr pRwxI iv`c iv`dmwn hn[ieh AnuBv pRwpq krn leI,jW qW syvw
nUM,ifaUtI smJ ky,jW Bgvwn nUM Aripq kr ky jW pUrI qrHW Bgvwn dI ie`Cw m`n ky kIqw jwvy Aqy aus dy nqIjy
Bgvwn au`qy C`f dau[ies qrHW dy piv`qr ivcwrW nwl kIqI syvw,mnu`K nUM,moh mwieAw qoN mukq krdI hY Aqy aus
nUM cMgy Pl idMdI hY[(nvMbr,1970 dy idvX pRvcn)[

kwrx BwvyN koeI vI hovy,mnu`K nUM cwhIdw hY ik auh,iksy nUM nPrq nw kry,iksy nwl hsd nw kry Aqy iksy
nUM,nwpsMd nw kry[insvwrQ syvw rwhIN,hr iek nUM ipAwr krn dw A`iBAws kro[(bwbw)[

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