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Epiphany Speech Outline

1. Introduction
a. Greeting - how will you greet the audience?
b. Hook - how will you get the audiences attention?
c. Thesis - think of something that will make the audience sit up
and listen and narrow it down to a well-written point.
2. Body
a. Subpoints - aim for three
b. Purpose - tell your audience why you think your presentation
will be useful to them.
c. Support - ideas, details, or examples to support your main
3. Conclusion
a. Transition - think of a sentence that will make it clear to the
audience that you have finished the body and are now
coming to the end of the speech.
b. Restatement of main points - summarize your main points
and think of which piece of information you really want the
audience to remember.
c. Closer - think of a final sentence to help the audience
remember your speech.

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