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C15/6 Saf Games Village, Koyambedu, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India Cell: +91 7401547620


National Institute Of Technology, Trichuchirapalli
B.Tech in Mechanical Engineering
Cgpa: 8.19/10
SBOA School and Junior College, Chennai
Higher Education, CBSE
Percentage: 92.4 %

May 2015

March 2012

Research Experience
Research Assistant
Robotics Research Center
May 2015 - Present
(International Institute of Information Technology, Hyderabad)
Optimal trajectory planning of Humanoids in cluttered environments with obstacle avoidance.
Planning using Sampling based algorithms like RRT, RRT*, PRM, PRM*, FMT*.
Simulation on Open Hubo Plus robot in OpenRAVE and V-REP.
Manuscript under preparation for a journal (link does not work with internet explorer).
Inverse Kinematics and support polygon reshaping of Humanoids
Inverse kinematics using artificial neural networks. The whole workspace is
divided into discrete pixels and curves are fit by neural network regression.
Support polygon reshaping is performed by dividing the support plane into
discrete voxels and using pattern classification by neural networks.
Manuscript under preparation (link does not work with internet explorer)

Undergraduate Research
Control of Segway
(National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirapalli)
Feb 2015 April 2015
Advisor: Dr. V. Shankaranarayan
Design of control system for a Segway to balance it and to make it immune to perturbation
Real time implementation of theoretical model through Lego kits

Optimization of flow through a curved diverging duct

(National Institute Of Technology, Tiruchirapalli)
Feb 2015 April 2015
Advisor: Dr. R.B Anand
CFD Analysis of Y Duct to minimize losses in pressure, energy.
Energy losses controlled using deflector plates to create secondary flows which interact with
the original fluid flow
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Duct modeled using ProEngineer and CFD analysis performed using ANSYS Fluent Workbench

Motion planning of humanoid with optimal torque under gravity

(International Institute of Information Technology, Hyderabad)
Summer 2014
Advisor: Dr. Suril Shah
Finding the path which ensures minimum torque at all joints
Torque optimized using constrained gradient descent optimization through MATLAB
Bio inspired humanoid having 25 DOF in total including a 5 DOF spine

Locomotion and gait planning of bipedal robots

(International institute Of Information Technology, Hyderabad)
Summer 2013
Advisor: Dr. Suril Shah
Analysis of human walking gait
Implementation of walking gait in Bipedal robots
Implementation of upper body motion namely arm swing to reduce torque at the stationary



C/C++, Embedded C, Python, MATLAB, Linux Shell Scripting
ROS, V-REP, OpenRAVE, Adams, Gazebo

Co-curricular projects

Created a grid solving robot which works on the A* supervised searching algorithm with image
processing to realize grids.
Created a mems laser printer. The printer works by using the dvd laser attached to a stepper
motor with micro stepping.
Worked on Arduino projects for line follower, color detection.

Extra-curricular activities

Member of the robotics and machine intelligence club, NIT Trichy

Member of national social service team, NIT Trichy
Secured silver medal in National Science Olympiad,2009

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