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Lesson Plan Guide

Teacher Candidate: Brian Florence

Date: September 13, 2015

Grade and Topic: 2nd Grade Government and Civics

Length of Lesson: 50 Minutes 1 Day

Mentor Teacher: Jennifer Townes

School: University of Memphis IDT 3600


This lesson plan is a part of a unit plan on Government & Civics
1. Given the lyrics for The Star Spangled Banner select lyrics that can be described and explain what they mean with a
score of fair or excellent on the rubric
2. Select pictures that support your lyrics and why you chose them with a score of fair or excellent on the rubric
3. Given a handout of the lyrics recite a line or two with your group members with a score of fair or excellent on the

TN Social Studies - 2.21 Analyze the lyrics of The Star Spangled Banner to determine the meaning of
the song ad its origins in the War of 1812

3. Research and Information Fluency: Students apply digital tools to gather, evaluate, and use information.

b. Locate, organize, analyze, evaluate, synthesize, and ethically use information from a variety of sources and media

Paper with the lyrics of The Star Spangled Banner
Microsoft Word
Microsoft Word Clip Art
Star Spangled Banner Video:
War of 1812 Video:
The computer will be used for the students to look up information on the War of 1812, The website above will be used for
students to listen to The Star Spangled Banner to familiarize themselves with it. Microsoft Clip Art will be used to
provide pictures that analyze the lyrics of the The Star Spangled Banner


Students will understand the history and why The Star Spangled Banner was created
Academic Language is not addressed in IDT 3600
This lesson does not connect with previous lessons
We will refer to this lesson as we continue to explore the early wars.
I am aware that modifications will be made for students who did not master the objectives and for those
ready for enrichment. However, modifications are not covered in this course and are not part of this
particular lesson.


Begin having the students recite The Star Spangled Banner without any assistance.

Begin By having the students listen to The Star Spangled Banner and have them watch the video on the War of


Teacher Before Computer Activity (10 Minutes)

1. After the students watch the video give them the sheet with the lyrics from The Star Spangled Banner
with the highlighters have the students to highlight 3 lines worth of lyrics that mean the most to them that they
will illustrate later on by using the Clip Art tool

Student Before Computer Activity (10 Minutes)

1. Highlight the 3 lines of lyrics that mean the most to them
2. Write on a sheet of paper why those lyrics mean the most to them

Teacher Computer Activity (30 Minutes)


Have the students open up Microsoft Word

Direct students to MS Clipart
Have the students create a 3 x 3 table in MS Word
Have the students label each column Lyric What It Means Picture

Student Computer Activity (30 Minutes)


Open MS Word
Open MS Clipart
Create a 3 x 5 Table
Label each column Lyric What It Means Picture
In the column labeled lyric type the 3 lyrics that were selected
In the column labeled What It Means give a definition on why that lyrics that were chosen are relative
to the War of 1812
7. Refer back to MS Clipart and search for pictures that describe the lyrics the best and apply them in the
8. Print

Teacher After Computer Activity (10 Minutes)

1. Arrange for the students to get into groups of 3-4
2. Depending on the group size have the students recite a line from The Star Spangled Banner by using
the lyrics provided to them

Students After Computer Activity

1. Get into groups of 3-4
2. Decide which line would be read off from each student in the group
3. Recite The Star Spangled Banner

Closure: The teacher calls on students to share which lyrics mean the most to them and why, Teacher
will collect the printed copies of the assignment.

Rationale for using
the lyrics

Images Chosen

Reciting Of The

All of the lyrics
chosen had a
meaning for why
they were chosen
and were very
All of the images
chosen clearly
represented the
lyrics chosen
All of the lyrics were
recited clearly

Almost all of the
lyrics chosen had a
meaning and had
some details

Few or no lyrics
chosen had a
meaning and or did
not have any details

Almost all of the

images chosen
clearly represented
the lyrics chosen
Almost all of the
lyrics were recited

Few or no images
chosen represented
the lyrics chosen
Few or no lyrics
were recited

I am aware that modifications will be made for students who did not master the objectives and for those ready
for enrichment. However, modifications are not covered in this course and are not part of this particular lesson.

Student Sample

What They Mean

Oer the land of the free and the

home of the brave?

That after the war was over the

soldiers and the country gained

Oh, say can you see by the dawns

early light

The sun was rising where the

soldiers were fighting

Gave proof through the night that

our flag was still there.

The flag could be seen from afar

even during battle


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