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Pulpo a la Gallega (Galician octopus) is Galicia's signature dish. The octopus is boiled and then garnished with
paprika, rock salt and olive oil. The flavor is subtle and inoffensive but the texture might put some people off.
Octopus actually has two textures - the inner muscle is slightly chewy, while the exterior (where the suckers
are) is very slippery.
Despite what a popular tourist guide says, Pulpo a la Gallega is the same thing as Pulpo a la Feria (or Pulpo
Feira in Galician). The addition of potato is optional, though when potato and vegetables are added it is
normally grilled on a hot plate and called pulpo a la plancha or pulpo a la parilla.
Though Galicia is most famous for the gallego version, this is actually the most popular way of eating it
throughout Spain. The grilled version is harder to find, easier for octopus novices to try (less slimey) and, in my
opinion, a lot nicer!
Ingredients for 2 people:
-1 Octopus of about 1 kilo (if you buy it fresh is to freeze 48 hours and then thawed to break the fibers and that
it is not hard, if you buy just have to thaw frozen).
-1 Large onion.
-1 Potato about 500 grs.
-Cayenne pepper, olive oil and salt.
-Bring to boil the sweet potato, thinly sliced with a little salt. When drain and reserve.
-Put a pan of unsalted water to boil. If you want you can add half an onion and some laurel. When it is boiling,
dip Octopus and pulls back, repeating this process 3 times before leaving permanently in the water (this
technique is known as "scare the octopus").
-Cook for 20-25 minutes (go pricked with a fork in the area just below the head, where it can stick a fork
without offering much resistance is the time to put out the fire). Once off Cook for 15 minutes to avoid
dropping the skin.
-Cut the onion into half-moon and placed in the bottom of a flat. Add sweet potatoes on top. Finally add the
squid, cut into dice are not too large.
-Season with cayenne pepper, salt and a splash of olive oil.
DIFFICULTY: Medium (there you get the point to the octopus, we are not is hard but not too soft).
Preparation time: 40 minutes.
Approximate price: 8 euros.
"People with weight problems, diabetes or acne refrain from adding sweet potato.

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