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Breaking An Attempt to Censor This Blog

Today, May 22, 2012, 6 hours ago | Harvard Law Unbound
At approximately 11:30 a.m. today, Eastern time, the following comment was left by Andrew on this blog (under each of the posts, below,
detailing our various Fast & Furious posters):
This comment is to notify you that this blog is in violation of the WordPress terms of service and the Digital Millenium Copyright
Act, for its unauthorized and illegal impersonation of a Harvard Law School journal. WordPress, its licensed copyright agent, and
the Harvard administration have all been contacted about this website. We advise you to permanently delete this site and its
contents, and desist from any further impersonations and false representations.
This comment is false. The top right of this blog, and the referenced About page, are explicit: this blog has NO CONNECTION to
any Harvard Law School journal, and is not recognized or approved by Harvard Law School in ANY WAY. No e-mail was
received calling attention to any issue prior to the posting of this comment. This is a blatant effort to use the DMCA to censor speech that
some at Harvard apparently disapprove of.

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Think Bigger Posters 3 & 4: Eric Holder Knew . . . As His Nose Grew
Yesterday, May 21, 2012, 11:30:53 AM | Harvard Law Unbound
Here are the final two posters in our new Unbound Campaign, Think Bigger: Help Hold Eric Holder Accountable for Fast and
They focus on summarizing the key evidence that Attorney General Eric Holder was frequently briefed, throughout 2010, concerning Fast
and Furious, via numerous personal contacts and memos (Poster 3, Eric Holder Knew) and thus that he lied when he testified before
Congress on May 2, 2011, that hed heard about Fast and Furious for the first time only in the previous several weeks (Poster 4, As His
Nose Grew).
Poster three:[5/22/2012 5:29:40 PM]

Harvard Law Unbound

Poster four:[5/22/2012 5:29:40 PM]

Harvard Law Unbound

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Think Bigger Poster 2: A Deadly, Insane Plan

Yesterday, May 21, 2012, 11:00:28 AM | Harvard Law Unbound
Here is the second of four posters in our new Unbound Campaign, Think Bigger: Help Hold Eric Holder Accountable for Fast and
Furious, which focuses on the hundreds of Mexican citizens killed as a result of Operation Fast and Furious, and the knowledge of Eric
Holders Justice Department that this was the likely result of implementing this insane strategy of facilitating the ability of Mexican drug
cartels to acquire military-grade weaponry:[5/22/2012 5:29:40 PM]

Harvard Law Unbound

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Think Bigger Poster 1: Brian Terry Died / Eric Holder Lied (teaser poster)
Yesterday, May 21, 2012, 10:30:50 AM | Harvard Law Unbound
Today we launch a new Unbound Campaign: Think Bigger: Help Hold Eric Holder Accountable for Fast and Furious.
This is our first four-poster campaign. As before, posters will be going up on bulletin boards throughout the Law School to publicize some of[5/22/2012 5:29:40 PM]

Harvard Law Unbound

the issues brought to the fore by Eric Holders visit to the campus this Wednesday.
As has been the practice with previous poster campaigns, photos of a few of the bulletin boards will added later, after the posters are up.
Heres the text of the first poster, a teaser poster designed to draw peoples attention to the campaign, so theyll want to read the other
posters, either on the bulletin boards or on this blog:

Comments (3)

Think Bigger: Help Hold Eric Holder Accountable For Fast and Furious[5/22/2012 5:29:40 PM]

Harvard Law Unbound

Yesterday, May 21, 2012, 10:00:49 AM | Harvard Law Unbound

[A link to this post is being e-mailed today to members of the Class of 2012, who are graduating this Thursday.]
To: Harvard Law School Class of 2012
From: Harvard Law Unbound (not recognized or authorized by HLS in any way)
Date: May 21, 2012
Re: Think Bigger: Help Hold Eric Holder Accountable For Fast and Furious
This afternoon the Law School is holding the HLS Thinks Big program. Faculty members will be sharing some of their big ideas on a wide
variety of topics. They plan to offer courageous and inspiring ideas. In case you havent noticed it, heres the poster advertising the
event, which appears on bulletin boards throughout the Law School:[5/22/2012 5:29:40 PM]

Harvard Law Unbound

Soon you may notice some other posters throughout the Law School.
How about this big idea? When Attorney General Eric Holder arrives here on Wednesday afternoon to be honored as the Class Day speaker,
possibly members of the Law School community should use this high-profile event to urge Holder to stop obstructing the investigation by the
House of Representatives into the Departments Fast and Furious operation its program which not just allowed, but actually assisted,
Mexican drug cartels in buying thousands of high-powered weapons in Arizona, which were then used to murder U.S. Border Patrol Agent
Brian Terry and hundreds of Mexican citizens. The best general introduction to date concerning the evidence of Holders wrongdoing is
theNew York Times best-selling book by Katie Pavlich,Fast and Furious: Barack Obamas Bloodiest Scandal and Its Shameless Cover-Up .
The last time a sitting U.S. Attorney General dared show his face at Harvard Law School while under an ethical cloud for his official actions,
he was openly and loudly heckled and disrespected by students. While attending a class reunion in 2007, Attorney General Alberto Gonzalez
was the subject of intense organized efforts by students to embarrass him during the taking of his classs photo (pictures of the protest
here). Afterwards, the protesters followed Gonzalez into the library, shouting shame! and resign!. Twenty of them stalked Gonzalez all[5/22/2012 5:29:40 PM]

Harvard Law Unbound

the way up to the fourth floor of the library.

Of course, those courageous faculty members who specialize in coming up with big ideas might come up with distinctions between Holder
and Gonzalez which might just possibly give Holder a pass when he visits the campus.
For one thing, Holder is a liberal Democrat with political views that most on campus agree with, whereas heckled and harassed Gonzalez was
a conservative Republican. As one student observed back in 2007:It is pretty mainstream politics on the campus to oppose Alberto
Also, Holder is a member of the African-American community, a highly favored group on campus, whereas heckled and harassed Gonzalez
was not. Students might reasonably fear being called racists if they were to heckle and harass Holder.
Also, Holder merely oversaw an operation which helped Mexican drug cartels buy thousands of high-powered weapons, which were then used
to murder a federal law enforcement agent and hundreds of Mexican citizens then, once the scheme became public, he pretended hed
only recently heard about it. Heckled and harassed Gonzalez was guilty, by contrast, of truly serious offenses: he authorized the enhanced
interrogation of terrorists who had murdered U.S. citizens, and he fired some attorneys who were political appointees serving at his pleasure.
Maybe Holders politics, ethnicity, and comparatively minor offenses justify students not dressing up in costumes, stalking Holder, and yelling
at him, shame! and resign!. But perhaps both students and faculty members ought to use this occasion to express at least some concern
about Holder having been honored with an invitation to the campus despite the ethical cloud under which he is operating regarding his
handling of Fast and Furious.
Why not protest in some fashion the corruption inherent in Harvard Law School permitting Holder to participate in official commencement
activities at this juncture, thereby lending implicit support to Holder in his defense against the serious charges pending against him?
Whether you do it by speaking to Holder about Fast and Furious, or merely by turning your back or hissing (as conservatives are hissed
from time to time here), or even booing, when Holder speaks, this is your opportunity to say that one big idea that should be pursued at
Harvard Law School is the idea of speaking truth to power, not just conservatives in power, but liberals in power.
Consider adding your support to the growing, and now bipartisan, movement in the House to have Holder held in contempt for his
obstruction of the investigation into Fast and Furious.
To help publicize the double standard, and issues concerning the corruption of institutional integrity, presented by Attorney General Eric
Holder being invited at this juncture to participate in commencement activities, today marks the launch of our third poster campaign
(following up on the Firmly Refuse campaign and the Dis-honoring of Edward S. Harkness campaign). For more on the posters, see the
three posts on this blog immediately above this post.

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Photos of The Dis-honoring of Edward S. Harkness posters on bulletin boards

Friday, April 20, 2012, 7:00:10 PM | Harvard Law Unbound
As with previous postering, here are some photos of the posters for the latest Unbound Campaign, The Dis-honoring of Edward S.
Harkness, put up early this morning on bulletin boards throughout the Law School:[5/22/2012 5:29:40 PM]

Harvard Law Unbound[5/22/2012 5:29:40 PM]

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Harvard Law Unbound[5/22/2012 5:29:40 PM]

Harvard Law Unbound[5/22/2012 5:29:40 PM]

Harvard Law Unbound

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The Dis-honoring of Edward S. Harkness: Part 2 (full poster)

Friday, April 20, 2012, 4:00:09 PM | Harvard Law Unbound
Here is the text of the second of two posters in our new Unbound Campaign, The Dis-honoring of Edward S. Harness.
This version presents more detail concerning the dis-honoring of Edward S. Harkness that will take place today, as Justice Kagan officially
completes the process of stripping his name off the building formerly known as Harkness Commons, and renaming the building in honor of
a cowardly tax cheat who committed suicide rather than face justice.
Some photos and links have been added for illustration, but the text is as exactly as it appears on the poster itself (see the image of the
actual poster below).
Remember the Harkness Commons?[5/22/2012 5:29:40 PM]

Harvard Law Unbound

Well you can forget it.

Thanks to former Dean Elena Kagan, who renamed it after a cowardly tax cheat.
The Harkness Commons was dedicated in 1950 in honor of Edward S. Harkness.[5/22/2012 5:29:40 PM]

Harvard Law Unbound

In 1929 Harkness gave Harvard $174 million in todays dollars ($13 million then) to build its massive undergraduate House
system. A Yale alumnus, he also donated massive sums for Yales House system and for other projects.
Modest to a fault, Harkness insisted that nothing at Harvard be named after him. After his death, Harvard convinced his
widow to allow the dedication of Harkness Commons so there would be a lasting monument to his philanthropic spirit.
But Dean Elena Kagan agreed to rename the building the Caspersen Student Center, in honor of Finn M.W. Caspersen, for
a donation of a measly $30 million (less than a fifth of the Harkness donation, in real dollars).

Caspersen was an undistinguished executive who inherited a successful company from his daddy.[5/22/2012 5:29:40 PM]

Harvard Law Unbound

He was respected mainly for his knowledge of horses and French wines. In exchange for millions in earlier donations,
Caspersen had gotten all four of his even less impressive sons (Finn Jr., Erik, Samuel, and Andrew) admitted to the Law
Caspersen was a $100 million tax cheat who would have done time with Bernie Madoff if he hadnt blown his brains out in
2009, as IRS agents were closing in on his secret Liechtenstein bank accounts. His wife fled to Florida, dodging creditors.
Sorry, students and alumni, thats life in the Legal-Capital Complex.
Harvard Law used to have a monument to a modest philanthropist.
Now it has a monument to a cowardly tax cheat who killed himself to avoid prison.[5/22/2012 5:29:40 PM]

Harvard Law Unbound[5/22/2012 5:29:40 PM]

Harvard Law Unbound[5/22/2012 5:29:40 PM]

Harvard Law Unbound[5/22/2012 5:29:40 PM]

Harvard Law Unbound

The corrupt donor is in the ground.

The corrupt fundraiser is on the Supreme Court.
Money talks. Kagan walks.
An Unbound Campaign.
Heres an image of the poster:[5/22/2012 5:29:40 PM]

Harvard Law Unbound

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The dis-honoring of Edward S. Harkness: Part 1 (teaser poster)

Friday, April 20, 2012, 7:00:10 AM | Harvard Law Unbound
Today we launch a new Unbound Campaign: The Dis-honoring of Edward S. Harkness.
It is a two-part poster campaign. Contemporaneously with this blog post, the posters are going up on bulletin boards throughout the Law
School so they will be viewable by students and also by alumni, who happening to be visiting this weekend for reunions.
As has been the practice with previous poster campaigns, photos of a few of the bulletin boards will added later, after the posters are up.
Heres the text of the first poster, a teaser poster designed to draw peoples attention to the campaign, so theyll want to read the full
poster, either on the bulletin board or on this blog:

Sorry, Harvard Law students and alumni![5/22/2012 5:29:40 PM]

Harvard Law Unbound

On April 20 youll see Justice Kagan dedicate a monument to Finn Caspersen, a schmuck who cheated the IRS out of $100 million,
gave $30 million of it to Harvard Law, then blew his brains out as IRS agents closed in.
The corrupt donor is in the ground.
The corrupt fundraiser is on the Supreme Court.
Money talks. Kagan walks.
An Unbound Campaign.
Heres an image of the poster:

Comments (0)[5/22/2012 5:29:40 PM]

Harvard Law Unbound

Early Interview Program (EIP) posters

Monday, April 16, 2012, 1:00:00 PM | Harvard Law Unbound
Today we put up all over the Law School three posters specifically targeted at getting our fellow students who currently plan to participate in
the Early Interview Program (EIP) to think hard about their rationales for doing so. Here are images of the three posters:[5/22/2012 5:29:40 PM]

Harvard Law Unbound[5/22/2012 5:29:40 PM]

Harvard Law Unbound

Here are photos of the posters as placed on bulletin boards throughout the Law School:[5/22/2012 5:29:40 PM]

Harvard Law Unbound[5/22/2012 5:29:40 PM]

Harvard Law Unbound

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Kelley Drye poster

Friday, April 13, 2012, 3:00:28 PM | Harvard Law Unbound
Today we also put up our poster on the Kelley Drye law firm. Heres a text copy:

Kelley Drye used forum non conveniens to shield a chemical manufacturer after one of the worst industrial massacres in history
a poisonous gas leak that killed over 10,000 people and permanently injured over 100,000. Kelley Drye forced the Indian
Government to settled for $2,058 per death. How convenient.
See In re Union Carbine Corp. Gas Plant Disaster at Bhopal, India in Dec., 1984, 809 F.2d 195 (2d Cir. 1987).

Can we talk about who firms actually defend?

Firmly refuse. An Unbound Campaign.
Heres an image of the poster:[5/22/2012 5:29:40 PM]

Harvard Law Unbound

Heres a photo of the poster as it appears on the bulletin boards:[5/22/2012 5:29:40 PM]

Harvard Law Unbound

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Cravath poster
Thursday, April 12, 2012, 1:00:11 PM | Harvard Law Unbound
Today we put up our poster on the Cravath law firm. The firm and its partners have for decades played a major role in the Law Schools
fundraising projects, posing a possible issue of corruption or conflict of interest, as weve discussed on our About page. Heres a text copy:

What part of subjecting black South African employees to intimidation, detention, and torture is not acting in furtherance of
Apartheid? How about creating a computer database just to deprive black South Africans of citizenship and restrict their freedom
of movement? Cravath defending Chrysler, IBM, and other Apartheid supporters since, uh, 2004.
See In re South African Apartheid Litigation , 617 F. Supp. 2d 228 (S.D.N.Y. 2009)

Can we talk about who firms actually defend?

Firmly refuse. An Unbound Campaign.
Heres an image of the poster:[5/22/2012 5:29:40 PM]

Harvard Law Unbound

Here are a couple photos of the poster as it appears on the bulletin boards:[5/22/2012 5:29:40 PM]

Harvard Law Unbound[5/22/2012 5:29:40 PM]

Harvard Law Unbound

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Mayer Brown poster

Thursday, April 12, 2012, 10:00:29 AM | Harvard Law Unbound
Today we put up our poster on the Mayer Brown law firm. Like Kirkland & Ellis, this firm has been a major donor to the Law School, posing a
possible issue of corruption or conflict of interest, as weve discussed on our About page. Heres a text copy:


Remember contracts? Well you can forget it. Thanks to Mayer Browns take on the Federal Arbitration Act, it will be up to large
corporations not the courts to decide which civil and economic rights consumers and employees are allowed to have. Sorry
defrauded consumers no class actions for you.
See AT&T Mobility LLC v. Concepcion , 131 S. Ct. 1740 (2011)

Can we talk about who firms actually defend?

Firmly refuse. An Unbound Campaign.
Heres an image of the poster:

Heres a photo of the poster as it appears on the bulletin boards:[5/22/2012 5:29:40 PM]

Harvard Law Unbound

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Kirkland & Ellis poster

Tuesday, April 10, 2012, 10:00:59 AM | Harvard Law Unbound
Today we put up our poster on the Kirkland & Ellis law firm. This firm has been a major donor to the Law School, posing a possible issue of
corruption or conflict of interest, as weve discussed on our About page. Heres a text copy:

Kirkland & Ellis defended BP against hundreds of oil workers after the largest environmental disaster in US history killed 11 of their
colleagues, destroyed an entire ecosystem, and ruined the regional economy. Is that what it takes to become the US News 2011
Litigation Law Firm of the Year?
See In re Oil Spill by the Oil Rig Deepwater Horizon in the Gulf of Mexico, on April 20, 2010, 808 F. Supp. 2d 943 (E.D. La. 2011)

Can we talk about who firms actually defend?

Firmly refuse. An Unbound Campaign.
Heres an image of the poster:[5/22/2012 5:29:40 PM]

Harvard Law Unbound

Heres a photo of the poster as it appears on the bulletin boards:[5/22/2012 5:29:40 PM]

Harvard Law Unbound

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Quinn Emanuel poster

Monday, April 09, 2012, 11:00:45 AM | Harvard Law Unbound
Weve also put up our poster on the Quinn Emanuel law firm. Heres a text copy.

Quinn Emanuel argued that corporations should face no civil liability for human rights violations even after Shell gave Nigerian
authorities the logistical and financial support to detain, torture, and murder nine Nigerian activists who protested Shells
environmental devastation of the Niger Delta. But thanks for the flip flops.
See Kiobel v. Royal Dutch Petroleum Co ., 621 F.3d 111 (2d Cir. 2010)

Can we talk about who firms actually defend?

Firmly refuse. An Unbound Campaign.
Heres an image of the poster:[5/22/2012 5:29:40 PM]

Harvard Law Unbound

Here are some photos of the poster as it appears on the bulletin boards:[5/22/2012 5:29:40 PM]

Harvard Law Unbound[5/22/2012 5:29:40 PM]

Harvard Law Unbound[5/22/2012 5:29:40 PM]

Harvard Law Unbound

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Gibson Dunn poster

Monday, April 09, 2012, 8:00:27 AM | Harvard Law Unbound
Weve just put up, all around the Law School, our poster on the Gibson Dunn law firm. Heres a text copy:

Gibson Dunn tried to exempt Chevron from $18 billion in damages after they produced the largest oil-related environmental
catastrophe in history 18 billion gallons of industrial waste dumped into the Amazon rainforest, a toxic area the size of Rhode
Island, and widespread cancer outbreaks. Talk about Chevron deference.
See Chevron Corp. v. Naranjo , 667 F.3d 232 (2d Cir. 2012)

Can we talk about who firms actually defend?

Firmly refuse. An Unbound Campaign.
Heres an image of the poster:[5/22/2012 5:29:40 PM]

Harvard Law Unbound

Here are a couple photos of the poster as it appears on the bulletin boards:[5/22/2012 5:29:40 PM]

Harvard Law Unbound[5/22/2012 5:29:40 PM]

Harvard Law Unbound

Comments (0)[5/22/2012 5:29:40 PM]

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