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Spring 2015



Pearl Post

Epsilon Mu Prepares for Kitchen Renovation

he annual meeting of the Epsilon Mu Corporation
was held October 12, 2014, in Keller Auditorium.
During the meeting we elected two new members to the

board, Sarah Keen Preumer 01 and Jennifer Conrad

97. As we welcome Sarah and Jennifer we also say
goodbye and thank you to Kristie Bray Larson 94 and
Patricia Jarboe Buchanan, Beta Sigma 59, for their
dedication and service to the Epsilon Mu Corporation Board
and chapter.


The Epsilon Mu Corporation Board makes improvements
and updates to the chapter house throughout the school
year based on feedback from chapter members. We have
updated the security system at the house by adding more
cameras to the exterior, which has helped make the women
feel more secure.

to renovate both the commercial and small kitchen in the

house. We hope to add items to the small kitchen area that
will be useful for the members living in the house such as
multiple toasters, updated coffee maker, a filtered water line
and convection oven. We look forward to this project as it is
the last area of the house that needs to be renovated.
At the end of the school year we will say goodbye to our
house director, Ms. Elaine, who will be retiring. Elaine has
been a great asset to Epsilon Mu for the last two years and
we wish her nothing but the best as she enjoys retirement!
We have started our search for a new house director for the
2015-2016 school year and are accepting applications. If
you know of anyone who would be a great fit for this role,
please contact me directly.


This summer we are planning to complete another large
renovation project in the chapter house the kitchen. We
are working with our contracting firm to finalize plans

In Sigma Kappa,
Krista Thomas Roberts 99
Corporation Board President
(636) 236-5082

Chapter Breaks 300-Member Mark

Epsilon Mu Continues to Soar

ast year was another successful one for the

books. We were competitive on campus,
participating in the Rockin Against Multiple

Sclerosis (RAMS) fundraising events, Greek

Week, and Homecoming. Our RAMS Rock
It lip sync team made it to the finals, and we
placed first in several categories in Greek Week
and Homecoming.
Fall recruitment went very well, with more than
95 women going through initiation. With our
new pledge class, our chapter size has grown to
roughly 320.
Epsilon Mu was the highest raising team for the
2014 Walk to End Alzheimers. Our chapter
single-handedly raised more than $37,000.
Because of this, our outgoing and incoming vice

presidents of philanthropic service were invited

to attend the Alzheimers Association national
convention in Orlando, Florida.
In the upcoming year, we are looking forward
to raising our cumulative GPA after topping the
all-university, all-Greek and all-female GPAs
last semester. Sadly, we will be saying goodbye
to a large portion of our colony class as our
seniors graduate in the spring, but we expect
another strong formal recruitment next fall.
After attending the Sigma Kappa Regional
Leadership Conference in Tulsa, Oklahoma,
the executive board feels empowered and ready
to lead Epsilon Mu for the next 11 months.
Alumnae, if you are ever in Columbia, please
make a point to stop by the house and meet
the amazing young women of Epsilon Mu. We

would be more than happy to see you!

In Sigma Kappa,
Lindsay Gloor 13
Chapter President
(630) 200-9849

Lucia La Torre 14 and Megan Goddard 14.

The Pearl Post

A Lifetime of Sisterhood
Sarah Godfrey 93 Cherishes

Her Sigma Kappa Friendships

arah Godfrey 93 quickly learned that Sigma Kappa was meant
to be her home away from home when going through recruitment.
Growing up she was an only child, so she always thought that getting
the chance to live with a bunch of girls would be the best way to get
over the limitations that come with that.

I kept a full schedule all week, but Sigma Kappa was the only place
that continually impressed me; the conversations were meaningful and
their sincerity was obvious, Sarah said. It wasnt just the sincerity
that encouraged Sarah to stay involved but her experience overall in
the chapter during her collegiate years. As a freshman, she became the
PR chairman and held positions until her first semester senior year,
including vice president of communication and social chairman.

o Epsilon Mu
93 (left) and tw
10 years ago.
Sarah Godfrey
u Homecoming
sisters retu

Through these years you mature so much, and I believe Sigma Kappa has
helped me become who I am today, said Sarah. I learned how to become
a better friend, a better leader, and a much better multi-tasker so that they
are all now second nature to me, which I am thankful for, she said.
Her involvement in Sigma Kappa did not dissolve when she graduated
but has strengthened through her time as an advisor. Sarah is the advisor
for the VPP, VPC, PR/Web chair, and the Triangle correspondent for
Zeta Upsilon at California State Polytechnic University in Pomona,
California. This opportunity wasnt something she was necessarily
seeking, but she couldnt turn it down.
When Epsilon Mu Chapter started their recruitment following the
formal recruitment in 2012, the alumnae were invited to assist, and I
met with national President Cheri Morrell De Jong, Epsilon Omega,
to talk about what suggestions we had, but as we talked it came up that
I should apply to be an advisor, said Sarah. I didnt think much of it,
as I lived so far away from Mizzou, but when I got the call and talked
to the other advisors for Zeta Upsilon, it quickly became clear we were
on the same page, and I knew this was for me.

Sarah reunited with three members

of her
pledge class at Lake Michigan in Chic
ago last year.

Living across the country makes it hard for Sarah to return often to
the chapter house, but that hasnt stopped her from keeping in touch
with her sisters. With the help of Facebook and social media she has
remained close with several friends despite their busy lives. Even with
full schedules, Sarah and a few of her sisters have taken a trip to Vegas,
returned to Mizzou for Homecoming, and met in Chicago.
Memories havent faded, but as time has gone on she has realized that
writing them down wouldve helped enhance them. I wish I had kept
a journal through my time in the chapter because its so easy to lose
the full details of what happened, said Sarah. In the end these are the
things that helped you develop as a woman, but you may not realize at
the time, so you can look back to see how far youve come.
Sigma Kappa isnt four years, but for life; a true sisterhood cannot
be broken. Sarah lives in Glendale, California, and can be reached at


Bid Day 1993

2015 Executive Council

Chapter Officers Corner

Chapter President: Lindsay Gloor 13
My name is Lindsay Gloor, and I am the incoming president of Sigma
Kappa Epsilon Mu, which is a real honor. I am a sophomore at MU
studying journalism, with an emphasis in convergence reporting, and
Spanish language. My hometown is Naperville, Illinois, and I hope to
return to Chicago to work. Besides being a member of the Sigma Kappa
executive board, I am also secretary of a student-run organization called
Center Stage, in which I teach dance to underprivileged children in the
Columbia community. I am really looking forward to continuing to grow
our new chapter throughout this next year.

November and to start serving as the liaison between alumnae and the
chapter in January.

Vice President of Alumnae Relations: Megan Branstetter 13

My name is Megan Branstetter, and I am the newly elected vice
president of alumnae relations for the Epsilon Mu Chapter. I am an
elementary education major and involved in several organizations
on campus. I was beyond excited to be elected to this position last

Our ritual and traditions are what connect each and every Sigma Kappa
across the country and from generation to generation. Therefore, I
challenge you to live by our values of friendship, loyalty, personal growth,
and service. Sigma Kappa is a connection so deep and will be there
through every deprivation and victory throughout your life.

Lindsay Gloor 13
Naperville, Ill.
(630) 200-9849
Executive Vice President
Jodi Ganapathy 13
Evansville, Ind.
Vice President of Programing
Layla Torgoley 13
Ballwin, Mo.

Over the 2015 calendar year I will strive to strengthen the alumnacollegian relationship, for I will make sure to update alumnae on how
they can stay involved in our chapter events. My goal is to meet as many
of you all as I can and to become connected on a more personal level. So
far I have had the pleasure to meet Cheri De Jong, national president, at
the Regional Leadership Conference in January and other advisors from
District 6.

Executive Council

Vice President of
New Member Education
Claire Banderas 13
Lees Summit, Mo.

Vice President of
Alumnae Relations
Megan Branstetter 13
Ballwin, Mo.

Vice President of
Allie Marra 14
St. Louis, Mo.

Vice President of Membership

Emily Collins 13
Glenview, Ill.
(847) 226-8138

Vice President of Scholarship

Anna Tamasi 13
Chesterfield, Mo.

Vice President of
Philanthropic Service
Frannie Jones 12
Downers Grove, Ill.

Vice President of Finance

Erin Janov 13
Evergreen, Colo.

Panhellenic Delegate
Kylie Musgrove 14
Blue Springs, Mo.

Find Us Online


Pearl Post



Epsilon Mu Chapter of Sigma Kappa

908 Curtis Avenue
Columbia, MO 65201
Address Service Requested




Attention: This newsletter is intended for alumnae and undergraduates. If your daughter is still attending the University of Missouri,
she will receive a copy at the chapter house. If she has graduated, please send us her permanent address to update our records. Thank you.

Members at the new Traditions Plaza on campus.

In Jamaica over winter break, big Elizabeth Moore 14 and little Kylie Boyce 13.

Lucia La Torre 14 and Ryan Kboudi 14 throw what they

know over winter break in Rockefeller Center, NYC.

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