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Indirect Instruction Lesson Plan Template*

Ashton Prillaman
Kindergarten- Science
Common Core/Essential Standard Objective:
K.P.1.1. Compare the relative position of various objects observed in the classroom and outside using position words such
as: in front of, behind, between, on top of, under, above, below and beside.
Daily Lesson Objective (student friendly): The students will be able to understand and use the words that are associated
with the position of an object. By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to use the words with eighty percent

Description of Activities and Setting

I will begin the lesson by giving each student a stuffed animal that they get to pick from
the basket that I will walk around with. I will ask the students, have you ever been
1. Engage
under the bed? Have you ever stood beside a tree? The students will have already
known about the words describing their actions, but they would have not even known it.
I will ask the students to sit at their table with the stuff animal in their lap. (I will have a
stuff animal with me as well to help demonstrate.) I will ask them to put the animal on
top of the table. I will ask them to say on top of. I will ask the students to move
their chair back a little back from the table. I will ask them to put the animal behind
their chair. I will ask them to say behind. I will ask them to put the animal in front
of their feet. I will ask them to say in front of. I will then ask the students to scoot
2. Explore
back to their table to where their feet are under the table. Ask the students to place the
animal under the table in their laps. The animal is under the table. The students
will then place the animal above. The class will say together that the animal is
above the table. The students will place the animal under their chair and the animal
will be below them. The animal is below you. The last one will be to place the
animal beside their chair. The animal is beside you.
I would have the students work together in their table groups to explain to each other
what they thought each word meant. I would pass out a paper with pictures describing
3. Explain
each action that we went over in the lesson. I would want them to show each other the
action and what the animal is doing.
In this part, I would put two students together and have them walk around the room
showing each other the actions with the animals. For example, I would want the students
4. Elaborate
to put the animal underneath something else besides the desk or the chair. I want them
to see that you can do it with anything.
5. Evaluate
I would walk around the room listening to all the students talking and seeing what they
Assessment Methods of were saying to each other and how the animal could go under different objects in the
all objectives/skills
room, but you could still use the same verb to mean different things.
I would want to go around the room and ask different students to show me how they could
6. Assessment Results of
use a word I tell them and where they would put the animal. The students should have
all objectives/skills
eighty percent accuracy.
Materials/Technology: stuffed animals, a worksheet.
*Taken from UNCC / edTPA and modified (simplified) for use in ELED 3111 (djs)

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