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NGSS Lesson Planning Template

Grade/ Grade Band: 1B

Topic: living things and

their Environments.

Lesson: environment

Brief Lesson Description: students will identify and understand the environment and
the land environment
Performance Expectation(s): students will be Abel to identify the meaning of
Specific Learning Outcomes: students will understand what the meaning of
environment and one kind of land environment
Narrative / Background Information
Prior Student Knowledge:
Students already some of the environment.
Science & Engineering
- asking questions and
defining problem.
- Analyzing and
interpreting data.

Disciplinary Core Ideas:

Crosscutting Concepts:

- Ecosystem:
interactions,energy and

-systems and system


Possible Preconceptions/Misconceptions:
Students may confuse about the animal that live in land environment.


ENGAGE: Opening Activity Access Prior Learning / Stimulate Interest / Generate Questions:

The teacher will play with the students a game to let the students discover the name
of the lesson. So she will put mixing picture of environment and she ask the students
what did you see? What we call this all places?
EXPLORE: Lesson Description Materials Needed / Probing or Clarifying Questions:

The teacher will do a conversation with the students by asking a question. We're we
liv? What we call this plaice that we are living on it or that the people live on it?
EXPLAIN: Concepts Explained and Vocabulary Defined:

The teacher will start to explain the lesson by using the PowerPoint.
First the meaning of environment and then the teacher will talk about one
environment which is the land environment and she will describe this environment
first then the animal, plant that live there.

Environment, land environment

ELABORATE: Applications and Extensions:

The teacher will give the students a work sheet about the land environment.

The teacher will check the students work together and she will answer the work
sheet with them.
Elaborate Further / Reflect: Enrichment:

doing review on what they just learn in this lesson


This lesson is to explain for the students the mean of the environment. What it mean? Why we live their?
So what I just did with them at In the beginning of the class I start to ask some question for the students.
Where did you live? Why you live their? What did you do in your environment?
So the students were very active with me and they all were answering the question but they were noisy
because of some of them didn't raise their hand but I just worn them and I say that after the class I will give
the excellent students who behave very will sticker so all of them start to behave will and they raise their
Overall the lesson was very good but I still need to work more in management

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