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Running Head: The Body Image

Title 2111 Physical Development

The University of Memphis


Body Image
1. Introduce your topic
1. Windsor, Murrell,& Magun-Jackson, (2015) states how they value themselves and
whether they feel worthwhile.
2. Physical-Body Image
3. Self-awareness and self-esteem.
1. Topic In depth
1. Windsor, Murrell,& Jackson, (2015), suggest the importance here is the closer
peoples ideal body image is with their actual image the less likely they too have
psychological problems.
2. Anorexia, Bulimia
3. Helping my friends self esteem
1. Body image is a broad construct that comprises multiple components, including
perceptions, attitudes, feelings, and behaviors toward ones body (Cash, 2004).

Story In Depth

1. Type of Development


1. Somatic growth
2. Connect by showing how individual perception is very important in life.
3. Change depends on the person itself.
4. What else could be happening simultaneously
Blashill, A. J., & Wilhelm, S. (2014). Body image distortions, weight, and depression
in adolescent boys: Longitudinal trajectories into adulthood. Psychology of Men &
Masculinity, 15(4), 445-451.
Windsor, D.L., Murrell, V.S., Magum-Jackson S (2015). Lifespan development: An
educational psychology perspective. Boston, MA: Person Learning Solutions.

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