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Consider: who are your learners? What are their special needs?

Exceptionalities? Alternative ways of learning? Giftedness?

The students in my ninth-grade Voyager English class are considered to be
low-level or at-risk learners, in fact, the class itself is considered to be a Tier
II Intervention class. This means that almost all of the students in this class
need a lot of extra help with reading, writing, speaking and listening. In this
class there are also five ELL students, one student on an IEP, and one
student on a 504, so, the learning needs in this class are diverse. The ELL
students, the student on a 504 and the student on an IEP sometimes require
more individual instruction and more time with a topic.
Consider: what specific ways have you included to make certain
student learning needs are being met? Multiple Intelligence
activities? Learning style understanding? Special seating? Special
In this lesson I have made sure to adhere to my diverse student population in
several ways. First, I make sure all students are in their assigned seats so
that all my special-needs students are utilizing the key accommodations Mrs.
Rickett has in place to help them. For example: Tanner, the student on a 504,
has an SLD (Specialized Learning Disability) and he needs to sit by himself at
the front of the room. The second thing I do is follow Mrs. Rickett's daily
routine. I start with having the students complete their online journal, and
then transition over to their individualized Read 180 program and spend
about twenty minutes on there practicing grammar, spelling and
punctuation. By keeping the same routine I am reinforcing the good writing
habits and practices that these students have developed, and allowing them
the time to practice their skills. And lastly, if any students need more help
throughout the lesson I will personally sit with them during work-time and
help them work through whatever problem they may be having, and will do
brief check-ins with the other students to make sure that they are on the
right track.
Include two specific examples of students for whom you provided
modifications, adaptations and or accommodations. Create 2
hypothetical examples if you do not have students who are labelled.
For Tanner, the student on the 504, I will allow him to listen to music during
work time, as per the mandate on his 504. I will also make sure he is sitting
alone so he does not get distracted and will personally help him if he needs
it. Tanner has trouble staying focused and on-task so if I can prevent him
from getting too distracted I have no doubts that he will complete his work.
For Cassidy, the student on the IEP, I will allow her to partner up with Madi,
her table buddy, in order to complete all the days activities. Cassidy has
trouble keeping up with the class so by letting her work with a friend she is
more likely to be engaged in the activities and it gives her more chances to
participate than otherwise.

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