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PALAK: Hello students, teachers, parents, and guests. Welcome to the Mu Alpha Theta and
Science National Honor Society joint Induction Ceremony. My name is Palak Shah and I am the
President of Mu Alpha Theta. I would like to congratulate all the new inductees for their
accomplishment and thank everyone for coming. Now Ankita, the President of the Science
National Honor Society, will say a few words.
ANKITA: Hello and welcome to the induction ceremony. My name is Ankita and I am the
President of the Science National Honor Society. Congratulations to all the new inductees. Today
the sponsors of both Science National Honor Society and Mu Alpha Theta will say a few words,
followed by a speech from our honorary guest, Dr. Davis, a professor of mathematics at the
University of Richmond. After that, we will start our induction ceremony, first with Science
National Honor Society, followed by Mu Alpha Theta. After the ceremony, there will be a short
reception. Now, we would like to request the teacher sponsor of Science National Honor Society,
Ms. Fender, to come forward and say a few words.
STEPHANY: Thank you Mrs. Fender. Now we would like to call Mrs. Schwieder, the sponsor of
Mu Alpha Theta to say a few words.
MITCH: Thank you Mr. Schwieder. Now I would like to welcome our guest speaker for this
evening, Dr. Davis. Dr. Davis has been the professor of mathematics at the University of
Richmond for 23 years, holding the Richardson Chair of Mathematics for 12 years. His main
area of research focuses on an area of algebra called sequences and sets. In addition, he has taken
his theoretical mathematics and applied it to industry by consulting with Hewlett Packard in the
area of wireless networking. He's a national leader in the emerging area of undergraduate
research in mathematics. He enjoys playing squash nearly every day of the week, participating in
church activities and spending time with his family including his two sons who study here at
Henrico in the IB program. Please welcome Dr. Davis.
GINA: On behalf of Mu Alpha Theta and the Science National Honor Society, I would like to
thank Dr. Davis for taking his time to say a few motivational words. Also we would like to give a
token of our appreciation. (GIVE THE GIFT CARD)
ANKITA: Now we would like to first start our Science National Honor Society Inductions. The
Science National Honor Society was organized in 2000 with the following objectives:
* To encourage and recognize scientific and intellectual thought


To advance students knowledge of classical and modern science

To communicate with the scientific community
To aid the civic community with its comprehension of science, and
To encourage students to participate in community service and, in turn, encourage a dedication
to the pursuit of scientific knowledge that benefits all of mankind.
The motto inscribed in Latin on the SNHS shield translates: Fortunate is one who understands
the causes of things. It is indeed fortunate to have students like these here tonight who are
willing to share their understanding of the causes of things with other students and community

CHRISTINE: My name is Christine Tran and I am the Vice President of Science National Honor
Society. Every student inducted as a member into SNHS this evening has met and maintained the
following qualifications:
* Each member is classified as either a junior or senior at HHS.
* Each member must have and maintain a 3.0 grade point average on a 4.0 scale.
* Each member must have credit for at least one pre-AP/IB science course during or prior to
their junior year in school.
* Each member must have credit for at least one AP/IB science during or prior to their senior
year in high school.
* Each member must maintain an average grade of at least 85 across all sciences courses in
grades 9 through 12.
* Each member must not have been suspended from school nor have attended alternative school
in grades 9 through 12.
PALAK: My name is Palak Shah and I am the Treasurer of Science National Honor Society.
Science is woven into the fabric of our society. It will aid students in understanding the causes of
events in our world, from the macroscopic to the microscopic. Science is a tradition that
Hippocrates, Newton, Pasteur and Hawking have all followed the Science National Honor
Society will help culture new scientists who will also follow in this discipline and improve our
GINA: My name is Gina and I am the Public Relations of Science National Honor Society. Our
new Science National Honor Society members have used their science studies to better
understand how the world around them works. They will now use their science knowledge to
illuminate the world of science for others. We will now introduce the new members of the
Henrico High School Chapter of the Science National Honor Society. As your name is called,
please come up to receive your induction certificate, shake hands with our teacher sponsor, and
please stand in your line in the open spaces available.
****announces names while PR (Gina) hands out certificates
ANKITA: As a formal conclusion for the induction ceremony, all new members will now stand
and recite the following oath after the officers.

I promise, as a member of Henrico High Schools Science National Honor Society, that I will
strive for excellence in my efforts to reach new heights in my science courses at school and in
the applications of science in the world around me. I will follow all rules and regulations of the
society to further increase my potential in science.
Congratulations. You are now officially members of the Science National Honor Society. You
may be seated. And now we shall proceed to the Mu Alpha Theta Induction Ceremony.
PALAK: Today, you are joining a historic organization established in 1957 for the purpose of
promoting scholarship in mathematics and establishing math as an integral part of high school
and junior college education." It is an honor to be selected for membership in this organization
which has over 1450 chapters across the United States and in some foreign countries. By joining
this society, you are demonstrating your passion for and dedication to the study and spread of
math. We commend you for your interest and participation in this society and hope that you have
a great math-filled year in front of you! Congratulations!
STEPHANY: My name is Stephany Yang and I am the Vice President of Mu Alpha Theta. Each
of you meets the requirements for membership, and this includes work done with distinction in
college preparatory mathematics and in other academic subjects. In this way you have
demonstrated the qualities of industry, initiative, and reliability. The principal purpose of Mu
Alpha Theta is to stimulate a deeper and more effective interest in mathematics.
GINA: My name is Gina Vuu and I am the Secretary of Mu Alpha Theta. The history of
mathematics has given mankind the power to discover the technology that would bring man to a
new age of scientific discoveries. In the twentieth century, the works of Einstein stands as
examples of imaginative developments in the field, and the great importance which mathematics
has begun to take in our everyday lives. Also the applications of 20th century higher mathematics
have radically changed virtually every aspect of our lives. Business and economics have
benefited from new theories in statistics and group analysis. Advances in medical technology
and communications abound. Mathematics has taken a large step from its role in the past decades
as an obscure mental exercise of the few into a position of prominence in modern life, making
our world both more comfortable and interesting.
MITHUNAN: My name is Mithunan Gnynanodayan and I am the Treasurer of Mu Alpha Theta.
The mathematics of the future relies increasingly upon man's ability to imagine and create, as
well as his ability to reason. Mankind awaits new mathematical and scientific theories to
complete the work of the great men who have come before. Just as mathematical principles and
research have helped mankind reach the moon, we now anticipate further research and
development to push back the limits of our knowledge and allow us greater understanding of the
world around us.
LOGAN: My name is Logan Taylor and I am the Public Relations of Mu Alpha Theta. You see
before you a replica of the insignia of Mu Alpha Theta. Blue represents truth as unlimited as the
sky. Gold shines as a symbol that mathematics is indeed a valuable treasure. The insignia
represents, above all, a high point in the history of the world, an important relationship in
mathematics ...... one that combines the mystery, the challenge, and the beauty of numbers with a

simple geometric figure, the right triangle. Let this symbol serve as a challenge to you and as a
symbol of encouragement.
PALAK: Now we will introduce the new members of Henrico High School Mu Alpha Theta. As
your name is called, please come up to receive your membership cards, shake hands with our
officers and sponsors, and stand back at your seats.
***announces name while PR (Logan) hands out membership cards
Now, all new members, please repeat after me:
My dedication and determination to mathematics has obligated me to take upon myself a
responsibility to realize that mathematics is a fundamental and integral pillar of the infrastructure
of life, to recognize the contributions of those mathematicians that have gone before us, to
understand the challenges they have posed to us and have the courage to accept them and rise
Congratulations, you are officially part of the Henrico High School Mu Alpha Theta. You may be
seated. Thank you everyone for being a part of this induction ceremony. There will now be a

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