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Anna Karizza Esguerra

COMM 2110
Proposal Assignment
I tend to get annoyed and not listen to someone Im in a conversation with because the topic
doesnt interest me or because I get impatient while talking to others. I tend to wander off and
pretend to listen and at times I can be very insensitive towards other peoples feeling whether it
is on purpose or not. I would like to improve my active listening and be a little bit more
sympathetic towards other peoples feelings because I would hate to offend people with such bad
When Im in a conversation with another person I find myself getting annoyed because the
conversation isnt over yet. I find myself very annoyed and defensive every time I talk to
somebody with a topic that doesnt interest me. It has been affecting my relationship with my
boyfriend and anyone close to me. I find that every time I do it, it annoys the other person and I
find myself in an argument with that other person. This annoying habit is affecting my
relationship with the people that are close to me and I need to change it. By improving such bad
actions I realized that everything can turn around for me and the people that I care about. My
active listening can be better and I can be a little more sensitive towards other peoples feeling
when I talk to them.
By July 5, 2016 I will be using the following strategies at least 85% of the time on my
conversations with the people that I care most.
1) I will improve my empathy (how to improve Empathetic Listening Skills) by understanding
and experiencing how the other person is feeling (Beebe, p. 134-136).
2) I will improve my active listening (Active Listening) by being attentive and making sure that
I let the other person know that I am physically and mentally engaged in the conversation
(Beebe, p. 137-138).
3) I will improve my understanding (Understanding) by making sure that the other person is
aware that I understand his or her point (Beebe, p. 121-122).
I will begin using my strategies in October 1, 2015 because I need to start soon. The sooner I
start using my strategies the better my relationship will be with the people I care about. I am
going to make sure I use my strategies every time I have a conversation with my family, friends,
and boyfriend which I will do on a daily basis. I will achieve my goal by thinking twice every

time I find myself in a conversation that way I do not need upset the person I am speaking with.
If I fail to listen I will make sure I use the Active Listening technique during my conversations
(Beebe, p. 137-138). Using this technique will help me listen carefully and engage in the
Works Cited
Beebe, Steven A., Susan J. Beebe, and Mark V. Redmond. Interpersonal Communication:
Relating to Others. Boston: Allyn & Bacon, 2014. Print.

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