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Reflection Paper

GEDU 543
Sha Hall ~
What do I hope I will become(vision, goal or specific aspects
of ASCA model)
I aspire to have a RAMP Model program in the future. I love the
ASCA model and all it holds for counselors and stakeholders. The four
ACSA components; Foundation, Management, Delivery and
Accountability help keep counselors and administrators facing the right
direction in offering students, families and school staff a
comprehensive, results driven and developmental counseling program
that supports all stakeholders.
Using the four themes of leadership, advocacy, collaboration and
systemic change I can be a change agent for our school system and
lead the way to ensure all students have equitable access to a rigorous
curriculum and positive relationships with all staff. In doing so I can
take small steps toward closing or eliminating achievement, access
and opportunity gaps that exist today. I have been a social worker for
over 25 years and in my role as an advocate for clients from all walks
of life I work tirelessly to empower them to reach their goals and find
success in life.
Blending my social work skill set with my skills as a school
counselor should be seamless and my hope is to collaborate with my
co-workers on vision and mission statements for our comprehensive

counseling program that supports ALL students; black, white, Asian,

island pacific, mixed race, gay, straight, bi-sexual, questioning, able
bodied, students with exceptionalities and students without
exceptionalities, etc. Empowering students to make positive choices
and approach challenges with grit and determination is my ultimate
goal as a professional school counselor.
What do I think I will become...(challenges to ASCA model
implementation and what would I immediately implement)
Relationship building is a top priority for me. I know I will
become a counselor who has positive relationships with my students,
administration, school staff and other stakeholders. That being said, I
hope to land at a middle school this fall that currently has two
counselors who have been at the school 15 and 25 years respectfully.
One is retiring this year and the other one next year. I hope to take
one spot this fall. Implementing an ASCA model program in my first
year with a veteran counselor is not likely. But I will collaborate with
the counselor to offer programming for students that is based on need
rather than just doing what we want to do because it is easy.
I plan to look at the disaggregated school data (data profile from
ASCA Model), talk with school staff and reflect on the information
gleaned to consider starting points for service, opportunity and/or
achievement gaps. I also plan to join the ISCA board in some capacity
to keep me connected with other Iowa counselors and stay abreast on

trending topics in the world of professional school counseling. I want

to start a Twitter account for the school #IMPACTfms, which is an
acronym for I Made Positive Affirming Choices Today. This would be
my branding if you will. The hashtag could go on my website, my
letterhead, and office. I want to help create positive culture in my
Another way I can create positive culture in my building is
through service delivery. Using core curriculum in classroom
instruction and small group activities I would like to focus on the
incoming 6th graders and assist them with their transition to middle
school. Having worked as a liaison at both middle and elementary
school levels I feel I have unique insight on what those incoming 6th
graders will need to be successful in middle school. I would like to
provide individual student planning and offer instruction on executive
functioning skills, highlighting the importance of those skills for school
success. Another area I have been exploring and considering how to
implement into the schools is Carol Dwecks, Mindsets. It would be
very exciting to have the opportunity to cultivate growth mindsets in
our students their first year of middle school and continue those
lessons throughout 7th and 8th grades. I am extremely excited about
the opportunity that lies ahead for me and ultimately I want to have a
RAMP designation.

What do I fear I will become(what do I NOT want my program

to look like)
I will not have a school-counseling program that is exclusively
reactionary in nature. Many counselors I talk with are frustrated with
lack of time to be proactive with their programming. They feel like
they are barely keeping their heads above water and only seem to
have time to put out fire after fire, in part because of all the non-school
duties to which they are assigned. They really want to be studying
their data to find the needs of their students, creating SMART goals to
address those needs and providing direct services to their students.
As a counselor I will be in a leadership role and will advocate for
my students, my fellow counselors, the counseling system and for
myself. I will work tirelessly to ensure counselors get the time they
need to provide positive, proactive and comprehensive programming
for their students and families. ASCAs time on task analysis will be an
important data collection tool when advocating for systemic change to
provide more time for direct student services. The annual agreement
is another ASCA model tool that can be used to help ensure an agreed
upon ratio of direct and indirect services and non-school duties that are
part of the school counseling expectations.

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