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ED 345 Calvin College Lesson Planning Form

Miss Vander Baan
Safety/Summative Assessment

Date: 10/16/15

Subject/ Topic/ Theme: Fire

I. Objectives
What is the main focus of this lesson?
The main focus of this lesson is to test the students on their learning of fire safety. This final lesson is
the summative assessment for students learning throughout the week.
How does this lesson tie in to a unit plan? (If applicable.)
This lesson is the final lesson in the unit plan. This is the lesson that shows me students learning
throughout the week. Ultimately shows how well I did teaching my objectives to students.
What are your objectives for this lesson? (As many as needed.) Indicate connections to
applicable national or state standards. If an objective applies to only certain students write the
name(s) of the student(s) to whom it applies.
-Students will show me their learning of the expected objectives throughout the week

II. Before you start

Prerequisite knowledge
and skills.

-All the learning about fire safety from the week

-All the objectives throughout the week
-Summative: done in 2 parts
1.) Written testread to students orally
2.) Students recitationstudents recite their phone numbers and addresses
verbally using a fake telephone.

(formative and

Universal Design for Learning Networks/Domains (see UDL Guidelines)

Options for Perception

Multiple Means of Expression
Options for action/interaction

Multiple Means of
Options for recruiting interest

Options for Language/Symbols

Options for Expression

Options for Sustaining Effort &


Options for Comprehension

Options for Executive Function

Options for Self Regulation

Multiple Means of Representation

Materials-what materials
(books, handouts, etc) do
you need for this lesson
and do you have them?

-Written tests
-Fake phone
-Student certificates
-Student fire engines
-iPad with story
-Notecards to send home with written tests

Do you need to set up

your classroom in any
special way for this
lesson? If so, describe it.
III. The Plan

-Students will have to move their desks to appropriate places throughout

the classroom.

The description of (script for) the lesson, wherein you describe teacher
activities and student activities
-Good morning students!
-Today we wrap up our week on fire safety
-We have learned a lot about fire safety, and even had the chance to talk to a real
firefighter on Facetime!
-Meet me back at the grey chair if you have a red shirt on
(green shirt)
(blue shirt) etc.
-Go around the room and ask students to share a favorite thing they learned about
fire safety


-Ask students to go around the circle and share their a favorite thing they learned

-Read Fire Safety book on my iPad to students

-Questioning throughout it:
-What did the boy do when he found a fire hazard?
-What did the boy learn to do if his clothes caught on fire? (Do kinesthetic
movements with students)
-Where did the family decide to meet if there was a fire emergency?
-Ask students to return back to their desk and move their desks back to the spots
they test
-I am going to be passing out our test, what is the first thing you do when you get a
-Point to your elbow, touch your knee, touch your name at the top of your paper
-Good! Circle number one
-Read #1 in case of a fire you should call _______ blank?
-Circle number 2
-Read #2 If you find matches or a lighter, you should tell ____ blank?
-Circle number 3
-Read #3 How many smoke detectors are in your house? (write the number on the
-Circle number 4
-Read #4 You should sleep with your bedroom door? (write the answer on the line)
(look at the board for 2 optionsopen/closed) (choose the best option and write it
on the line)
-Circle number 5
-Read #5 Draw a picture of where your family will meet after a home fire drill
(Draw the picture below)
-Circle number 6
-Read #6 If your clothes are on fire, you should ____, ____, _____ blank, blank, blank
(Write those three words on the 3 lines)

-Once you have finished, you may go put your test in the green basket, and return
your desk to its spot quietly.
-Pass out fire engines for students to decorate while we wait for everyone.
-Once students finishing coloring, I will staple their fire trucks to our fire safety


-Explain to students that later on they will have an opportunity to practice dialing
the number they call in case of an emergency and then be reciting their addresses
and phone numbers.
(Throughout the day: call students back to my desk and test them on their
memorization/verbalization of their addresses, phone numbers and 911)
(Students will be sent home with a certificate of achievement, as well as a note if
they needed help on their memorization. This will be a reminder for parents to
continue working on this information at home)
(circle the bubble at the end of the test that says if students could remember their
phone numbers, addresses, and 911)

Your reflection on the lesson including ideas for improvement for next time:
-I was pleased with how students did on this summative assessment. I could see that my
objectives were covered throughout my lessons with the way students performed on the test.
Some students needed help on the memorization of their phone numbers and addresses, but
most did very well. For the students that needed extra help, I wrote a note home to the
parents to continue working on this memorization at home. This note just stated that
students needed a little help and should continue practicing at home. Overall, students did
well and I was pleased with their learning. They all had fun sharing their favorite thing they
learned in our circle and also enjoyed the story on the iPad.

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