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Jessick 1 David Jessick Professor Raymond UWRT 1103-E01 14 September 2015 Wve in n a Just Text Me Many adults would say that I am lucky because I grew up with all the different types of technology that are able to help me with school; I think the opp inatime where everything has gone digital, The family film camera was replaced with a digital camera. Homework assignments went from being passed forward to the front of the class to being due at 11:59p.m. the day before class. There have been many great things to come out of this new teghnology and there are many things that negatively affected our generation, but all of them fect our acy Narratives. aye Technology has helped me in many different ways. Growing up, whenever I had a question that I wanted answered, all I had to do was walk upstairs and Google it. It was so easy and I did not have to go searching through encyclopedias or searching book shelves to get the book I needed. Now, there is an endless amount of knowledge available and it is only a few clicks away. One thing I remember that influenced me greatly in the past was going on “Wikipedia adventures”. I would just go on Wikipedia and start reading about something that, interested me, and if there was a topic that I wanted to learn about, I would just click on it to Jearn more. I would find myself doing this and getting lost for hours. This not only expanded my knowledge but it also improved my reading and writing ability as well. Jessick 2 One of the greatest technological advances that has happened during my lifetime so far has been the invention of texting. Now instead of picking up the phone and calling someone, all wwe have to do is just swipe our fingers a couple times and what could have been a ten minute phone call takes fifteen seconds. This capability has affected me greatly because one of the biggest problems associated with texting for me is the lack of detail and description of what I ‘was going to say and the tendency to abbreviate words. My spelling has always been rough but with the auto correction that is on phones today there is no need for me to worry about spelling because the phone will take care of it. an. Be aay Vid t My dad said “if | only had the technology that you had today it would have helped me so much.” There are many great things that have come from the recent advancements in technology, but there are just as many negative things to result from it as well. Everything that has derived from this advancement has shaped and changed my Literacy Narrative.

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