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Jessick 1 David Jessick Mrs. Raymond UWRT 1103-E01 8 November 2015 Who wants to fly anways? ‘When I was looking for someone to interview about the topic of my semester long project | decided that it would be best to find someone who has experience with the topic. Since my semester long projegt is about the military sequestrations and downsizing, had a conversation with Sean MeNyfy. Sean is a former Colonel in the United State Marines. He joined the Marines in the early "s after graduating college with a Mechanical Engineering degree and served for over 15 yéars as a Harrier pilot. Our discussion was about how military aviation has changed since Sean was in the milftary, One of the big things that Sean said was how much harder it is today to have a career in the military. He said “once I graduated I had no problem going to a recruiter and getting a commission for the job that I wanted but the kids now a days can’t even get a commission, let alone the job they want.” One thing that really surprised me about how much the military is changing is that people ar@ having difficulties keeping their jobs. Inthe military, one signs a. contract for how long they work, normally anywhere from two to ten years long, Sean said that some of the men he knew were having difficulties renewing their contracts and if they were able to they were transferred to a different position and because of this many of them decided to leave the military. Also, Sean talked about during his career one of the biggest ways the military saved Jessick 2 money was by shifting the flight training from real aircraft to simulation. With costs of almost $50,000 an hour to fly these jets, these practices cut down greatly on the spending. Although I did not get many statistics from our conversation, the answers that Sean. provided me with gave me a good idea of what I should continue to research. With these ideas 1 will be able to take on researching for this project in a different view that I would have if I did not have this conversation.

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