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Primary Children's

Child Behavioral


Healthy Lifestyles Group

Music and Movement

The focus of this group is to help patients

develop healthy self-esteem; learn problem
solving, anger management, and social skills.
Patients participate in a variety of activities
designed specifically to address these issues
and give patients an opportunity to practice
these skills.

This group is taught by a Dance Therapist and

uses music, movement, and other non-verbal
mediums to explore emotional, behavioral,
and social issues.

In October we will be focusing on the skills

"Teamwork" and "Anger Management".
Patients also participate in a weekly exercise
group designed to build strength, endurance,
and flexibility.
Patients also participate in a lesson given by
the dietician twice a month. The lessons in
October will focus on "Why breakfast is

In October, some of the groups will be

supplemented with multi media learning
provided by Spy Hop Productions.


Art Education
In October we will be working on self-portraits
and then creating our own imaginary
creatures and the role monsters play in our
lives. Happy Halloween!

Community Resources
These activities provide patients with
opportunities to practice and develop
appropriate social skills and abilities in a
community setting. These activities will occur
Friday, Saturday, and Sunday afternoons.
Please refer to the calendar on the back for a
list of upcoming community activities. Some
activities may be weather dependent.

Pet Therapy Groups

The focus of Pet Therapy Groups is to help
patients practice and integrate teamwork,
communication, following directions, problem
solving skills, and empathy towards others.
We currently have 4 volunteer Pet Therapy
teams through Intermountain Therapy

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