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The Relative Clause

Yaya Mulya Mantri, S.Hum, M.Sc

What is relative clause??

Who: menggantikan frase orang yg
berkedudukan sbg subjek
Whom: menggantikan frase orang yg
berkedudukan sbg objek / pelengkap
Whose: menggantikan frase orang yg
menyatakan kepemilikan (possessive)
Which: menggantikan frase benda atau binatang
berkedudukan sbg objek/subjek
That: menggantikan frase orang atau benda

Types of Relative Clause

Non Defining relative clause: berfungsi sebagai
kata ganti dalam suatu frase, bersifat
menambahkan informasi (tidak terlalu penting),
diapit oleh koma (,) example:
Jokowi, who was a governor of DKI Jakarta, was
the candidate of Indonesian President.
Defining relative clause: berfungsi sebagai kata
ganti dalam suatu frase, bersifat penting

menggantikan frase orang yg berkedudukan sbg
subjek, examples:
Fini is angry.
She has just lost in the game.
Fini who has just lost in the game is angry.
The people were mostly young soldiers.
They were killed during the war.
The people who were killed during the war were
mostly young soldiers.

menggantikan frase orang yg berkedudukan sbg
objek / pelengkap, examples:
The men are angry.
I dont like the men.
The men whom I dont like are angry.
Lea lives in Thailand.
Brade loves her very much.
Lea whom Brade loves very much lives in

The man is angry.
The woman is talking to him.
The man to whom the woman is talking is angry.
The lady had move to another city.
This letter is addressed to her.
The lady to whom this letter is addressed had
move to another city.

menggantikan frase orang yg menyatakan
kepemilikan (possessive), examples:
The electric car was made by citizens.
The citizen dedication was evident.
The electric car was made by citizens whose
dedication was evident.
Toms father is in hospital now.
His health hasnt been so good lately.
Toms father whose health hasnt been so good lately
is in hospital now.

menggantikan frase benda atau binatang
berkedudukan sbg objek/subjek, examples:
I saw a dog.
The dog was beaten by the boy.
I saw a dog which was beaten by the boy.
Lupus is my cat.
I feed it everyday.
Lupus which I feed everyday is my cat.

menggantikan frase orang atau benda,
Lupus which I feed everyday is my cat
Lupus that I feed everyday is my cat
The men whom I dont like are angry
The men that I dont like are angry
Fini who has just lost in the game is angry.
Fini that has just lost in the game is angry.

We saw some people.
Their car had broken down.
We saw some people whose car had broken down.
Whats the name of the girl.
You borrowed her car.
Whats the name of girl whose car you borrowed.
The man was on holiday.
You wanted to see him.
The man whom you wanted to see was on holiday.
The girl left him after a week.
He fell in love with her.
The girl whom he fell in love left him after a week.
Johan is very friendly.
He lives in next door.
Johan who lives in next door is very friendly.

The dress doesnt fit her.
She bought it.
The dress which she bought doesnt fit her.
Have you found the key?
You lost them.
The key which have you found are lost.
The girl is now in the hospital.
She was injured in the accident.
The girl who injured in the accident is now in the hospital.
The girl is Sundanese.
Budi is going to marry her.
The girl whom Budi is going to marry is Sundanese.

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