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Syllabus - Fall 2015

Algebra II
Mrs. Taryn Geroche
Teacher Information:
Class Website:
Phone: (970)xxx-xxxx

Room: 418, Maroon Bells

Office Hours: 3rd period and lunch,
or by appointment

Course Description:
Algebra II builds on knowledge from Algebra I and Geometry to develop advanced algebraic
concepts and skills. We will go into more depth with polynomials, systems of equations, graphing, and
inequalities. We will also explore logarithmic and exponential functions, complex numbers, and basic
trigonometry. The content of this course is important for your success on the ACT and other
standardized exams. After Algebra II, students can choose to take Pre-Calculus or College Algebra.
Class Policies:
Respect The number one rule in this class is respect: respect for yourself, for the teacher, for each
other, and for our classroom. This should feel like a safe place where it is okay to speak up, to try
something new, to express yourself, to make mistakes, and to learn. In order to make this possible we
must have respect.
Effort I expect you to do your best in this course, as in everything that you do. I will accept nothing
less from you, and I hope that you accept nothing less from yourself. This means showing up to class,
on time, with all of your materials, and with an optimistic attitude. This means giving your best effort
on all assignments, and advocating for yourself if you need help. If you ever feel that you are not or
cannot meet this requirement, come talk with me.
Academic Integrity You are expected to do your own work. Plagiarism and cheating will not be
tolerated. Consequences for these offenses include getting a 0% on the assignment in question, and
potential action from the administration. Be responsible and confident in your own abilities you are
capable of success without compromising your integrity.
Attendance Your presence in class is key to success in this course. More than 3 absences per unit,
even excused absences, will likely require you to come in during lunch to catch up. Two or more
unexcused absences, or multiple tardies, will result in a conversation between you and me, and potential
action from the administration.
Make-Up Work Work for the week can always be found on the class website. Do not ask me for your
make-up work: go to the website, then come to me if you have questions. Make-up work is accepted for
excused absences only.
Late Work Late work is only accepted given significant extenuating circumstances. Come talk to me,
on or before the assignment due date, so that I am aware of the situation and we can make adjustments
accordingly. Late work will not be accepted if you do not clear it with me.
Retakes Retakes are offered on exams only, when deemed necessary.
Food / Trash / Cell Phones / Computers You are in charge of yourself and your learning. I understand
that people need to eat, and may need to text their mom occasionally. However, you must always take
responsibility by cleaning up your trash, show respect for others by not causing distractions, and show
respect for yourself by not allowing these freedoms to inhibit your learning. If I discover that they are
too distracting, these privileges will be revoked.

Syllabus - Fall 2015

Unit Overview:
Unit 1: Functions and Notation
Unit 2: Linear Systems
Unit 3: Quadratics
Unit 4: Polynomials
Unit 5: Radical Functions

Unit 6: Logarithms
Unit 7: Rational Functions
Unit 8: Trigonometry
Unit 9: Probability and Statistics

Textbook: Algebra 2 Prentice Hall Mathematics. Can be checked out from Mrs. Geroche. Also
available online at: www.
Calculator: TI-83, TI-83 plus, TI-84, or equivalent. Can be purchased or checked out from Mrs.
Geroche. Also available online at:
Assignments and Grading:
You will complete many different kinds of assignments throughout this class. At the beginning of each
unit you will receive a calendar listing all assignments for that unit and their due dates. Grades are
assigned based on a typical +/- grading scale. Below is a list of each type of assignment and its weight
in your final grade:
Homework: 10%
Homework will be assigned almost every class period, due the next class period. Homework will then
be self-graded in class to check for understanding of the topic. Homework is usually graded based on
Quizzes: 15%
Quizzes include a few questions which will test your understanding of the classwork and homework.
They will be completed online, and are usually multiple choice. Quizzes are unannounced, so always
stay on top of your homework to be prepared for a quiz. Homework can usually be used to help you on
the quiz.
Projects: 20%
Each unit will include a project, assigned near the beginning of the unit and due near the end of the unit.
These projects will always be different, ranging from class discussions to writing assignments to creative
projects. Each unit you will be given explicit directions for the units project.
Exams: 35%
Exams are given at the end of each unit. They are the biggest factor in your grade for the class.
Notebook: 5%
You need to acquire a spiral-bound or composition notebook to use as your interactive notebook. This
notebook is where you will take all notes and complete class activities. Notebooks will be collected
periodically to be graded for completion.
Citizenship: 5%
This is your participation grade. If you are active and aware in class, participate in discussion and
activities, and respect your peers, you will be given full citizenship points. Extra credit can be earned
for specific service to a classmate.

Please review the syllabus with your parent/guardian.

When you have read and understood all information, please sign below.
If you have any questions, please ask in class or contact me by email.
Return this page with your signature by the first Friday of class.

Student Name (Print): ___________________________________

Student Email: ___________________________________
Student Signature: ___________________________________

Date: _______________________

Parent Name (Print):___________________________________

Parent Email/Phone Number: ___________________________________
Parent Signature: ___________________________________

Date: _______________________

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