Marrero Feedback Lesson 2

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Cooperating Teacher Feedback: _ Li Date of Lesson: 4-72-05 Lt lontinuetion of lessen @s pericdic table From & Yi! Red beck + reacherfetueot Reviewed previovs KWL and stavled to color code periodin ** table, Techrolegy Working allew(ne a visual en SMART beard fe aid 1 under standiag OF directions Gen for celer coeting Woo's not te this print 2- Visual step ~ Walking anund ancweriig questions [guiding color coding. Sthey metal 18 coded green om my exemple. Confirming Progress with students, Resih've encouragement. Continial Kededemermet rein forcement of developin 4 KEY a6 He went. Kecde went off trp with current cuenta Fedtveckon qutdlyresponded to needs that you'll tate about Concern laler but refocused & Complete fase now. fAscde From borrewing Colored penetls back d forth still very focused. an you were awave When conversation moved loeyond tnading pereils You were aware and Aneweriig gucshins , Pease sign for pregress. We're going tv feke Z me clements fy start creating our own periodic table those finished can come over +o gur matewiale for class construct periodic tubie. 1 PShidinls were acted fo say group the Clements were part oF. Redicecked Atex , Antonio + Viewtewhe Wad begun te chat and reengaged them ui achviby, Offered direct support when Alex + Antonio werent Paging aHention to directions - The visual model of what 4 do aéled them + was a good redirectYon with studentc uth ADD. Once achvity started Seemed fo Jo beter and students setied 1 a bit. + Having | set ef cole codsr may allow students fo fellow diracrfons beter + help, stunts folio future direcHons, Calling grup tigether allowed Wer movemantignd male thea feel that hey were supported 11 serting eur elements [categories Nice connections with students, Your attempts @ building relahvenships With students is patzing ef They continue Kwant + work with fer yu +? learn concept With the exception of a feu side Benversatiens, students were Mighty engaded with arming abet aoragp the periods table, In leo Oe my Cor, of the been stucleds were beeping vp with divectlend s nied pacing, Students are respecting # responding 4B you, wer Nice (edeons | + As yeu look foward Wed. leseon find ways te hit upen import and Conepty on assessment th your lesson to review tg Idease Wrifen vespense should indicate e+ elements makt up all Hungs on Carthy

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