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- Debbies stance is more of

one of dominance than the

other 5 band members. Her
facial expressions show that
she is the most serious and
in control whereas the men
are smiling and arent as

- The font of the title is girly which pushes

that the main band member is Debbie
Harry. Along with her being stood in front
of the other 5 band members

- The cover does not appear to be of

an American Rock band as Blondie
are, but more of a Jazz or Indie Pop
- Debbie is slightly off centre
which presents her as a main
band member but shell share
credit with the others

- The Black and White stripes

show simplicity, however if
compared to a Zebra could
suggest the music is fast and

- The costuming of Black and

White Repeats what is seen in
the background

- Blondie is bigger than the

album name this focuses
more on the star image
than their music
- The red title pops out with
the red on the black and white
background which makes it
easier to see the name and
increases the star image

- The red also contrasts with the black

and white striped background.

- The album cover appears to

be soft with soft blurs where
the background colours meet
with the floor.
- A long shot is used so
we can see the whole
body of each member

- Debbie is wearing an armband which can be shown as a

sign of dominance, however it appears to have blood on it
which could be a subtle indicator of power (blood is red
and red is powerful)

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