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“Teor Weta Deen Camp te and ak le tit tera you vil se gg e< GRD eel ou ou ee ech ts th) You my el 08 ome witeesiommar (Prof) mont 4 = Super Sleuth Advarced [3 = Daring Detectne| Proficient Ze trereng [T= cose Und | Pnenactore Base ements ot « steey erg evar characters ple, lt, Evens of corecters, pet cles that carb {aloned equ, od Use of characters ph, ‘hs ed some ably fe Sethe mystery Walasedmay me [onda pat men @_. einai seas at |stapannresn [har gedtegrans,” |ottenpl bogey content | liebe bgring. |e orden sri |fiste ont ensstcten) wafer fom | apres. Psearoe” Brains ney aris Peterman | ren laity ee Cacti stot A Strange Day In July ‘July 13° Friday1980, “My birthd: * I shouted to my sister Julie “I know Zack" she responded “but I'm ten!” [said in excitement. We just arrive at our cabin up north. The weather was great and the sun was out. The first thing I did was go meet my Great Grandma Susan. I slowly walked in the eabin so T ‘wouldn't disturb her if she was sleeping to my surprise she was. She was sleeping cold as aac lierlly she Jooked at her hands she Seid fo Be holding an old wooden box, I ec it was pretty old it because there was still dust on it and it hada silver ‘on every comer, After looking at the box I slowly took the box think ‘was a birthday present and ran off. After studying the box for a solid thirty minutes inside of the « room, I decided to open it up. I slowly opened the top ofthe box, I fel chill run down my spine and then the box suddenly flew open “Ab yelled, still not knowing what was inside ofthe box because I looked : fear that there was something strange inside of the old box. My sister in, the room went silent and she asked me why a rack was in such an “Arock?” I mumbled I quickly tured my head and noice there was inside the old box. “What? I yelled how could it be, Great Grandma g2Ne it too me.I eaefelly took out the rock from the box and slowly at. It, trying to spot something special about it. The next day we went to the lake near the cabin. It seemed to be because all you could see is water in the distance. I brought the box invited my sister to come with me. Julie said yes and came with. My asked “where you get that box” I replied, “From Great Grandma Su “Didn't Grandma Susan die like three years ago?” my sister Julie @ confused. ly she was really cold and her skin was pale. I the lake, so she could get the best stones to skip. ater goto te lake and scon Julie skipping some really good rocks. [grabbed a couple of rocks and picked the best racks, I then skiped the two bes rocks that I thought would ‘be easy to kip, [ent down to gab some more rocks when T noticed the ‘ld box was open. ITooked a the rock inside the box and decided to skip it 1 drow with ll my might and the third stone came skipping back, the stone splashed water all over my brand new Nike shit and jeans. “What! I yelled “Hw could that have happened?” Iwas speechless I tumed my head, o that | acod the lke, I then looked at Jie she seemed to be moving really slowly “Real funny Julie” I said sarcastically. [then seen some sort of light coming from the comer of my eye [tured rmy and ook atthe lke but Iwas nearly blinded by the fight. ALT could ‘ake out ofthe light was wings that seemed o be walking onthe Ike [as ‘confused, Time seemed tbe frazen as everything was silent I then could see the litle ripples cause by the stones skipping of? the water an the tees slowly moving with the win, I could se the bitds chirping ad the clouds moving. Everything secmed tobe of importance. Until suddenly, a cold chill ‘went up my spine and the light went ava. took a deep breath, trying to ‘comprehend what happened. Then I passed out | then woke up a couple days lator, my birthday passed end I was inthe hospital. Stilo this day I don't know what happened that strange day in July uta [know ism lucky be alive ack uly 132002 We finally got to the lake and I noticed I got my black Converse at dirty. I didn’t really care, all I could think about was how I got this box and ‘how Great Grandma Susan was inthe cabin if she was dead. Julie then ran to

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