Marrero Lesson Plan 5

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ED 315 LESSON PLAN — Lesson #5 Format and Cooperating Teacher Feedback Form Name: Cesilia Marrero Content Area: Language Arts Date: March 30,2015 Grade Level: Seventh CCSS.ELALiteracy-W.73.4 ‘Use precise words and phrases. relevant descriptive details, and sensory language to capture the action and convey experiences and events. i ‘Common Core Stat Standards for seventh grade ask students to use precise ‘words and phrases to convey experiences and events, So far the students in Mrs. ‘Sokup’s elas have had several opportunites to demonstrate ther knowledge of ‘word choice and phrasing. Though the students are very knowledgeable about Wat an essay and a narrative pee lok like and know what information to include Mrs. Sokup has found some teachable moments to help the tent in their writing, Analyzing their writing hs lead Mrs. Sokup to suppert the students learning through lesons on diferent kinds of sentences, compound sentences, and proofreading ‘This lesson on misplaced and dangling modifiers will help students in afew ‘ways, First this lesson wil support thie learning on diferent types of complex Sentences and how those sentenes an be unclear A survey of the class showed that two sents (Isabella and Soe) had previously head the words dangling ‘modifiers and misplaced modifiers. Al eighteen students do not know wht ‘dangling modifiers or misplaced modifiers are. This lesson will help them to ‘understand what these concepts re, apply what they know about the concepts (0 ‘writing and analyzing sentences. For the ture, this lesson wil help students {void ambiguity and confusion in thee sentences. Students will be better ‘repared in editing thers and thee peers writing pieces with this new Information. In the lesson I plan to introduce the concepts of dangling modifiers and misplaced movies. This wll help all stents asthe survey showed al ofthe Students do not know what these conceps are. Ihave als conducted seven Indirect vocabulary that may come up = Paniciple- 8 gartoftb vr: in English language there is only a present tiple and a past participle; is form ofa verb that is used in a sentence {modify @ noun, noun phrase, verb or vet phase, and thus pays a ole similar to tha of an adjective or adverb tis one ofthe types of aoafnite ‘et forms, = Phrase = «small group of words standing together asa conceptual unit, ‘ypically forming a component of clause = Pariciple phrase is alivays used as an adjective phrase to mod pronoun In clear, logical sentences, you wll find modifier ight next to the words they describe. Direct vocabulary that will come up Modifier - words or phases that reinerework’modiy something else = Dangling modifier ifthe sentences docs not include the object that moi ‘refines; when there i no target included “Misplaced modifier - when there is too much distance between the modifir and the object its refining/modifying: when te aim of the writer is off and too mach distance separates the modifier fom is target a misplaced modifier iscreated| ‘Language funetion Explain misplaced and danating modifier Explain thir ilustation and sentence Write misplaced oe dangling modifcr sentence Informal Assessment: observing student patciptin, discussion students have ‘with pers, illustration and sentence corection, explanation of illustration and Look ors: Can students explain what the difference is between a misplaced and dangling modifier? Do students we the vocabulary of awrite: dangling modifier, misplaced moitier participa! prese? Can te students comect imprecise sentences about experiences or an event? Formal Assessment: Because this isthe ist time the stents will be working with misplaced and dangling mowiiers thee willbe no formal assessment, The ‘sual withthe inorret and corect sentence are besinnng understandings for them, I will not grade these but give feedback on their understanding. As students begin to eit their pieces of writin and ther poors writing his concept wll be more relevant them. It wll als serve as an opportunity to informally and formally asess te student’ sentence structures. {List all of the materials you will need fo teach this For students: 1. Markers For the teacher Paper Hole Puncher Sing Example of Visuals “Target and Ball Allhandouts fr students ‘Note handout Dangling and Misplacod modifier helper (Checklis for Mustrtion Finishing steps ‘ntroductionitiook (3 miautes): How many of you have ever played darts ora game where you shoot an objest at target? You know that nthe game you need an object to throw and you want to se this object as lose to the venter as posible right, When we write we want to focus on the same concept. For example, whea you write sentence ore narative you want fo stay on pont focusing on your main idea, What makes up a paper area bunch of sentences. Those sentences also have to stay acused. As we work on complex sentences this ean be challenging and we can end up with hangng/dangling modifiers and misplaced modifiers. These hanging and misplaced modifiers will rete confision and a lot of mes silly sentences. show you what [mean today with two cxamples,Ibet when you do your work today you'l also be able to sc the siliness ofthese ‘Steps for Instruction (engagement, demonstration, participation, practice} Include higher order ‘thinking Engugement & Demonsiration (1S minutes) ~Stadens wil come around the target board. [will have a sentence on a ball and give them a visual representation of what a dangling modifiers and what a misplaced moslfier i. ARer the visual [ wil go into deeper deal about what a dangling modifier and a Iisplaced moder i wll begin with misplaced modifier. Sentene: A woman passed by leading a ‘Songer spaniel in slong black dress. Remember I said there was silliness to these kinds of complex Sentences This sentence makes it seem lke the dog is wearing along black dress. You can see this in my picture I drew. What I need to dois change this complex sentence with a misplaced modifier so its cleat Ivo is weerng the dress, Comest Sentence (flip the drawing over): A woman passed by in long dress leang « springer spaniel, Moving words around in the sentence help to fix the misplaced modi. Misplaced modifiers re crested when there is oo much distance between the moi and the object its refining/modifying Move on to an example on dangling modifier. Sentence: We saw several birds Tookng out our wisow. Again, there isa litle funny business going on inthis sentence. This sentence makes it seem ike the birds are looking out the window, What | ned to dois pu target in ths sentence {its lear who is ooking ou the window. Correct Sentence: Looking out the window, we say sever birds. A dangling modifier doesnot include the objet the modifier refines. ‘Practice (25 minutes): Give he students time to complete one worksheet on dangling and misplaced modifiers. From here check whether or not students ae able to analyze the sentence and say why itis wrong, This will be the beginning foundation of their thinking about dangling and misplaced modifiers. After the students complete this worksheet they will pick sentence to correct and draw an iusration oft, When students are Fnished we will bang the dangling modifier and place the misplaced moles around the om. If students are finished I wll check their work: give them time to explain their work to me and what may or may not be confusing to them, This wll allow met0 cither sth students thinking or give ational instruction, Irthey are ready to be stretched, they ‘ill construct their own sentences with dangling modifier and a misplaced mosis. They will also ‘eed to coret it. For students who are nat ready, they will receive addtional instruction (small ‘cnference) and then try again Strategies for students requiring additional asistance: (use the information you gathered during the pre planning process} {know that his the first ime students are learning about this concept For this reason {give them a good amount of practice. aso provide a checklist fr students who may need hep in deciding how to corect the sentence. 1 lso focused onthe information | gathered about the kinds of eamers in the classroom, Because T do not have information on al ofthe student, ‘realize that | may not cater oll the types of learners. Fr students who need additional assistance nd are strugling willbe able to receive additonal help ffom me ora peer. Students who are ready 19 ‘move on wil be able to construct her own sentences and correct them, If there are enough students ‘who are realy to be sretched I will ask students to exchange thelr incoret sentences and conference Closure (Sminutes): Revisit the definitions of dangling and misplaced modifiers. Allow students to describe these definitions in their own words. Have a few students sare their ilestrations. coperng Tense gras ender rte ‘tsenes iesson Fu krowyeur ready when your eyes are on me Today we're going to leavn abovt dang oT) er mitplaced mods frers, Pia Games wrth taeger - Pin tail on clenkey + Weary Misplaced wodifntn ein Ss of, Legh bag sods fer abet K Good to gee back and see 1f they Knew whet & mod.frers Tries te help. Word or phrase Hat medkitie s anoun ~ describing & eur with more detail. Fixing these modi fiers » * Dangling | Hanging modifier. - Birds locking out the windkou/ Good

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