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August 2015 | Issue 171








2 | Incentive

An event full of training, networking and unmissable fun.

Bringing together high performing and ambitious Managers
in an inspirational setting to share best practices and ideas
in the pursuit to the next level of success.

Incentive | 3


7501 E. McCormick Parkway
Scottsdale, AZ 85258 USA

Toll free: 1-888-440-ALOE (2563)
Within the US: 480-998-8888
Fax: 1-800-455-3503

Customer Care
P: 1-888-440-ALOE
Hours: Mon-Thurs, 9am to 11pm
Fri, 9am to 9pm
Sat, 1pm to 3pm
Eastern Time (ET)


Believing and Achieving

Sapphire Manager Emma Cooper shares
her Forever story.


Social Media

P: 480-998-8888 x4306
The contents of this publication are to be used solely for educational
purposes and should not be used as a sales supplement, handout
or publication for use in conjunction with a sales promotion. To
avoid having this information taken out of context, you are not to
copy or extract any portions of the publication without prior written
permission from Forever Living Products International, LLC.



16 On The Rise

10 Build Your Business

See whos taken the next steps

in their Forever dream.

17 Top Twenty

Business builders at the

top of their game.

18 Global Leadership

Achieve Manager in only

5 Months with Forever
Essential Oils.

12 Forevers Summer
6 tips for beautiful summer


Meet the final members of our

2015 GLT.

Forever News
04 Rexs Message

Chairman and CEO, Rex

Maughan, talks perspective
and the power of positive

14 Buzzworthy

Stay up to date with Forever

North America social media.

August 2015 | Forever

4 | Rexs

Change Your
How many of you, at some point in your
Forever Business, have faced a feeling
of self-doubt or frustration? Im sure
that this has happened to all of you its
something that Ive certainly experienced,
especially when I was starting Forever
years ago. There were plenty of people
who doubted the power of Aloe Vera
or that a company could help millions
around the world look and feel better and
experience financial freedom.

We cant always control our situation, but

we can control how we choose to view it.

Abraham Lincoln once

said, We can complain
because rose bushes
have thorns, or rejoice
because thorn bushes
have roses.
We can either be discouraged when
someone doesnt share our view of the
Forever opportunity or says no to
starting their own Forever business or,
we can change our perspective.
What if you viewed that same interaction
positively? You had an opportunity to
practice your business presentation,

share your favorite products or share

your passions. Many of you probably
said no to Forever the first time
because, it wasnt the right time for you.
When the time is right, those people will
remember your passion, your dedication
and your drive.
Our subconscious is incredibly powerful.
You would be amazed at what you can
accomplish when you find the positive
instead of the negative. Its not always
easy. Sometimes it seems that more
and more people are choosing to focus
on the negative. The important thing to
remember is that it is a choice! If you
look for the positive, you will find it and
if you look for the negative, you will find
that, too.
We have seen people accomplish
amazing things in our business by
changing their perspective. Instead
of focusing on the people who didnt
believe in Forever in the beginning, we
focused on the ones that did and look
what weve been able to achieve!
Forever Yours,

Rex Maughan

Forever | August 2015

Incentive | 5

Unleash the power
of the senses.

Forever Essential Oils harness the power of nature to support the body,
stimulate the senses and help you look better and feel better.
Since 1978, Forever Living Products has worked to source the
purest natural ingredients found all over the world. The
end result is nature's purest botanical essences,
harvested especially for you.

Learn more and shop now at

6 | FBO

My life now seems

too good to be true
The growth of Emma and Shaun Coopers business has been a bit of a
whirlwind to say the least. Having only joined in December 2013, the couple
have now hit Sapphire Manager level a phenomenal achievement in less
than 18 months.
For many FBOs, Forever offers a chance
to exchange the stress of their current
job for something more flexible and
rewarding. For Emma and Shaun Cooper,
this was most definitely the case. Emma
had been working as a police officer in
the drug squad of Greater Manchester

Forever | August 2015

Police when she found Forever. Her

husband Shaun, whom she met through
work, was also a police officer on the
tactical aid unit. Before joining the police,
Emma had suffered badly with anxiety
and bouts of depression. Being accepted
into the force was a huge achievement
and made her happy most of the
time. I was alright for a little bit, she
explains, but then I got assaulted quite
badly a couple of times, and when two
female officers, Nicola Hughes and Fiona
Bone, were shot and killed on duty in
September 2012, it really hit me hard.
They werent friends of mine, but they
worked on the next division. They were
just two girls who went to work one day
but didnt go home to their families. It
really hit home then what kind of job I
was in. Emma began to question what

she could do long term, but felt that there

was no real way out of her job as a police
officer as she had few qualifications.
It was while 30 weeks pregnant with her
son, William, that Emma was approached
about Forevers business opportunity.
I had been offered the opportunity four
years before, but it wasnt the right time,
she recalls. But the prospect of raising
a family while she and Shaun were
still risking their lives as police officers
completely changed her perspective and
she decided to sign up. Emmas policehoned instincts meant that she didnt
take the decision lightly. I researched the
heck out of the company first because I
was very skeptical as a police officer and
it still seemed too good to be true. But
do you know what? My life now seems
too good to be true. So Im glad I was
open-minded enough to just take a look,
she says.

FBO Incentive
Highlight | 7

The day we became

Forever Business Owners
has got to go down as
one of the best days of
our lives, says Shaun.
Shaun was also naturally cautious when
his pregnant wife told him shed found a
way for them to retire from their careers
in the police force. She went on to tell
me about Forever and the concept of
network marketing and she talked me
through the Marketing Plan which pretty
much went straight over my head, he
laughs. But being a police officer, I didnt
really trust anything until I saw it actually
work. Four months in, Emma was
earning four times her monthly police
wage and by nine months was able to
resign from the police altogether, with
Shaun following shortly after. Today, the
pride Shaun has in Emmas achievements
is palpable as they both look ahead to a
bright future with their family. The day
we became Forever Business Owners
has got to go down as one of the best
days of our lives, says Shaun. Its
allowed us to create an amazing life for
William and made us both realize that
absolutely anything is possible.

Building Belief
Despite her rapid success, Emmas selfconfidence issues were still a challenge

in the beginning. But with the help of

mind-set coach, Dave OConnor, she
was able to push past those barriers and
believes his advice has had a huge part
to play in the growth of her business.
This guy has been a big secret to my
success, because hes helped me find
the confidence and belief, she says.
Reaching Sapphire Manager level has
helped cement this belief further, showing
Emma and Shaun just how boundless
Forever is. When I went Sapphire, I
thought that it wouldnt make much
difference, but clearly I didnt work out
the percentages very well, says Emma.
When we checked the bonus re-cap, we
discovered it was a 10,500 ($16,000)
pay rise from the previous month, which
means that I earned more with Forever
that month than my entire police starting
salary which is just insane, isnt it?

term thing, explains Nicola, who is now

a Manager with Forever. So I watched
for four months. Then Em showed me her
bank account and her Forever wage next
to her police wage was four times the
amount. Needless to say, she and her
husband, Darryl, signed up with Forever
shortly after.
Continued on page 8.

In the beginning, Emmas success

seemed so insane even to close friends
and family that she had to show her
bank account to her sister, Nicola, to
convince her that the business really
could deliver what it promised. My first
thought was that it was a fad and a shortAugust 2015 | Forever

8 || Incentive
FBO Highlight

We are one big family

with great team spirit
and to celebrate
together in Greece
will be incredible.
Continued from page 7.

A Different Type
Of Family Business
Nicola is no stranger to running her
own business as she already has her
own online toy company, Bonnie and
Pearl. She launched the company in
the traditional way, which required a
large cash investment and involved
working upwards of 50 hours per week.
Her experience with Forever has been
very different although not without its
challenges, especially with two children
to think about. But now shes hit that
all-important Manager milestone, she is
beginning to reap the rewards. We have
paid off all of our debts and our Earned
Incentive has been used for our son,
Joshuas, university savings. Weve
moved to a new home and have been
able to enjoy eating out, plus we have
a ski trip booked for January with no
expenses spared, says Nicola.

Forevers business model and Nicola has

enjoyed having the support of Emma and
Shaun, and her younger brother Kyle,
who has also reached Manager. We
work together as a team and often have
our FaceTime on for hours she says,
so we feel like were in the same room.
Her brother Kyle, a graphic designer
who was working six days a week when
he joined Forever, agrees: I am always
on the phone to Emma sharing our
success stories and she gives me the
best advice, he says. My team also
speaks with her directly which is very
helpful. It goes without saying that both
Kyle and Nicola have no regrets about
taking the leap and joining Emmas team
and would advise anyone who is in two
minds about signing up to simply go for
it. Life is so short, says Nicola, my doll
company has cost 250,000 ($390,000)
to set up and I have already exceeded
my directors wage with Forever.

Being able to work alongside family

members is another great benefit of

Kyle wishes that hed seen the potential

sooner, It has taken me over a year to

Forever | August 2015

start doing it myself, and now I regret not

having done it straight away, he says.
Im so grateful to Emma for introducing
me to the business. To say its changing
my life would be an understatement; I
have now resigned from my full-time job
as a graphic designer, Im my own boss
and work from home, or wherever I want,
which is a luxury I never thought I would
have. Financially, I can now save for a
house in London, and it has given me the
freedom to book lots of holidays as I love
to travel.
If the past 18 months are anything to go
by, this family has an exciting future to
look forward to. With Kyle and Nicola
now at Manager level, they have all of
Forevers incentives in their sights. The
incentives are phenomenal and give you
laser-like focus, says Nicola. My main
goal this year is to help as many people
to achieve Eagle Manager by December.
We are one big family with great team
spirit and to celebrate together in Greece
will be incredible.

Incentive | 9

Whether your car is a status

symbol or part of the family,
feel great about your
next adventure.

Thousands have already

qualified for a new car via our
Forever2Drive incentive. If you
want to be next, contact your
upline and ask how.

Qualifiers this month

Level 3
Abelina & Miguel Mendez
Level 1
Ashley White

10 | Build
Your Business

Build Your Business

with Forever Essential Oils

Achieve Manager in only 5 months using these easy to follow

business building best practices!
At Global Rally in Singapore, Jayne
Leach spoke about the power of vision.
She defined vision as the ability to
see something long before it actually
becomes visible. To be successful in
Forever you must have the vision to
believe that you can achieve greatness,
make a plan and then work to see it
through. Its time to catch the vision of
Forever Essential Oils!
Whether aromatherapy is new to you
or you have been using aromatics and
essential oils in your daily lives for years,
Forever Essential Oils will bring a new
dynamic to your business.

Understand The Power Of

The Aromatherapy Market
In 2014, the aromatherapy market was
over $25.3 billion and growing! Think
of all of the people that you know or
share Forever with that are already using
aromatherapy and would be interested

in learning why Forever Essential Oils

are the best products available on the
market today.

Become An
Aromatherapy Expert
How are the products used? Where?
By Who? Essential oils have so many
uses it would be impossible to know
all of them, but by knowing some key
ways the products help others look and
feel better, you can speak intelligently
about the product line and give your
customers and downline confidence in
the product and in you. Aromatherapy
can be diffused throughout the home,
your car or anywhere else you would use
fragrance. It can be mixed with carrier
oil and applied to the skin, and some of
them can even be ingested. The best
part? The whole family can benefit from
the power of Forever Essential Oils! If
you find ways that you love to use the
oils, sharing them becomes even easier!

Learn About The Best

Products On The Market
Now that you understand the power of
aromatherapy, take some time to learn
why Forever Essential Oils are the best
products available on the market today.
Since 1978, Forever has traveled all
over the world to find the purest natural
ingredients to use in our products and
weve done it again! Sourced from all over
the world and 100% pure with no synthetic
fillers, Forever Essential Oils are natures
purest botanical essences harvested
especially for you! Understand the sources
and uses of these amazing products so you
can speak confidently to your downline,
customers and prospective FBOs!
Once you understand the sources,
ingredients and benefits of Forever
Essential Oils, its time to share the
products! By following these business
building best practices you can achieve
manager in as little as 5 months!

Use Forever Essential Oils in meetings,

trainings, product launches and presentations to
show how easy the product is to use. Because
of the way that the sense of smell works with
the brain, the effects of essential oils can be
instantaneous, giving your downline, customers
and potential FBOs an instant, positive
interaction with the product!
To learn more about the sources,
ingredients and uses of Forever Essential
Oils, and to watch Jayne Leachs entire
training on Building A Manager Business
with Forever Essential Oils, visit
Forever | August 2015

Build Your Business

Incentive | 11







2 =


Retail a minimum of
1cc of Forever
Essential Oils

2X - Forever Essential Oil Bundle | 513

3X - Forever Carrier Oil | 505
2X - Forever Tri-Pak | 512










Month One

Personally retail at least 1cc of Forever

Essential Oils. Recruit two new Assistant
Supervisors who will join with 2cc of
Forever Essential Oils. By the end of
month one, you will have a 5cc business!

Month Two

Follow the same steps as month one.

Next, work with the two people you
sponsored last month to find and recruit
two new Assistant Supervisors each with
2cc of Forever Essential Oils. By the
end of the month, you will have a team of
three people and a total of 15cc!

Month Three

Repeat steps in the previous month. Its

important during month three to build
good habits and set an example for your
growing group. Speak to people daily
about the products and the Forever










Work with your new Assistant Supervisors from last

month to help them recruit two new Assistant
Supervisors each with 2cc of Forever Essential Oils

Opportunity! Leverage your connections

on social media to share information
quickly with a large group of people and
follow up! Ideally, if everyone followed
your best practices and recruited two
new Assistant Supervisors a month, you
would have nine people in your business.
Let's assume that only six of these nine
people acheive their goal to do 5cc's,
you will have a 30cc business and will be
recognized as Su pe r v is or !

Month Four


Recruit two new

Assistant Supervisors
who will join with 2cc of
Forever Essential Oils




Continue along the same steps as the

previous month. If everyone followed
your training and best practices, you
would have 18 people in your business.
Let's assume that only 10 of these 18
people have caught the vision, see the
potential of Forever and do their 5ccs,
you will have a 50cc business and
achieve As s is t a n t Ma n a g e r .

Month Five

Same steps as the previous month. Best

scenerio you would have 30 people in
your business. Let's assume that only
14 of these 30 people are committed to
selling 1cc personally and sponsoring
two new Assistant Supervisors a month,
you are now a Ma n a ge r !

After five months, not only have you

become a Manager with an estimated
income of around $2,500 a month, but
there are more people in your downline
who see the momentum you are building
and want to do the same! Work deep
within your group to identify those
who are as motivated as you are and
help them achieve Manager. With a
business built on good habits and best
practices, theres no limit to what you can

August 2015 | Forever

12 | Forever's
Incentive Summer Skincare

6 Tips For
Summer Skin
As the weather heats up, we all spend more time outdoors. While there are benefits to soaking up the
suns rays (We LOVE Vitamin D!), it is more important than ever to take proper care to protect your skin
from the potentially harmful effects of the sun. Here are 6 important ways to care for your skin before,
during and after fun in the sun!

1 All Over Protection

Did you
SPF (which stands
for Sun Protection
Factor) indicates how
much longer you
can stay in the sun
without protection.
For example, SPF 30
allows you to stay
in the sun 30 times
longer without burning
than you could without
sun protection! Still,
make sure to reapply
sunscreen often.

Before spending time outdoors, apply sunscreen

with full-spectrum UVA and UVB Protection. Facial
skin is particularly sensitive so take advantage of
facial moisturizers or foundations with SPF that can
give you an added layer of protection.

4 Say Ahhhhh
Even with all of our best intentions, sometimes
sunburns happen. Apply Aloe Vera to the skin to
sooth, cool and rehydrate red and irritated skin.
Keeping the skin moisturized can help burns
heal faster and delay or prevent painful peeling.
Tip: keep your Aloe Vera in the fridge for a cool
sensation to instantly take the sting out of burns!

2 Dont Forget The Lips

The suns rays can be especially drying to the
tissues of your lips. Make sure to apply a lip balm
with SPF to protect lips from drying, peeling and
cracking. Preventative care is important! Planning
effectively can help keep you from having to
treat an uncomfortable or painful burn, or rough,
chapped lips.

3 Hello, Hydration
There are so many benefits to drinking 8 glasses
of water a day. Being well hydrated helps curb
cravings, fight infections, flush toxins from the
body and support healthy skin. Skin contains
water, and when it is dehydrated the skin is more
susceptible to appearing dry and wrinkled. Dont
wait until youre thirsty by then youre already on
your way to dehydration. Instead, make drinking
water part of your outdoor summer routine!

5 Deep Clean
After spending time in the sun, skin can be oily
and dirty. As soon as you get home, cleanse your
face thoroughly to clear pores and minimize the
possibility of breakouts before applying a light
moisturizer. To keep your summer glow going
strong, moisturizing is key! Dry skin can peel or
shed faster and appear dull vs. well-hydrated skin
that has a natural, healthy tone.

6 Get Even
Uneven skin tone can happen after pregnancy,
time in the sun or as we age. Thankfully, these
spots dont need to be permanent! Apply a spotevening formula to brighten the complexion and
improve the appearance of dark spots. Regular
exfoliation can also help to keep your skin tone
bright and even.

Following these simple steps can help keep your skin beautiful all year long!
Forever | August 2015

Forever's Summer Incentive

Skincare | 13

S u m me r
We have so many favorite
products that its hard
to choose! Here are
just a few of our favorite
products to help you get
beautiful summer skin!

Aloe BB crme Nude | 371

Aloe Sunscreen Spray | 319

Aloe Sunscreen | 199

With SPF 10 and SPF 20, daily use of

aloe BB crme can help protect skin
while providing a healthy, flawless glow!
Sandy | 372
Cocoa | 373

With SPF 30 and the added benefits of

Aloe, water resistant Aloe Sunscreen
Spray protects skin from the damaging
effects of the sun with an easy,
convenient spray application.

Block the harmful rays of the sun with our

silky-smooth lotion formulated with Aloe,
rich moisturizers and humectants to help
maintain skins natural balance.

Aloe Vera Gelly | 061

Forever Epiblanc | 236

Forever Sun Lips | 462

As close to cutting open an Aloe leaf as

you can get! Our 100% Aloe Vera gel
hydrates and soothes sensitive tissues
for immediate relief.

This exclusive formula is specifically

designed to even skin tone, help lighten
dark spots and improve the overall
appearance of your complexion.

Protect and relieve chapped or cracked

lips with this soothing Aloe-based lip balm.
Water resistant with SPF 30, Forever Sun
Lips is the perfect summer companion.
August 2015 | Forever

In c c e i n a t l i v M e e d i a
1 4 | So

North America social media highlights of the month!
The wait is over...
Canada, let's get


On sale now!

Forever North America

July 2 at 3:12pm

Win a Mac With a Pak is Back! Check out the full

incentive details here:



Forever North America

June 23 at 10:29am

Who else is excited that our 2016 U.S. Product Brochure

has arrived!?! Available in English & Spanish - visit -> My Business -> Forms & Downloads
-> Product Brochures ---- Product Brochures should
be available in your nearest Product Center soon!
42 people like this.

July 1 - August 31, 2015

Day to
all of our
72 people like this.
F o r e v e r | Au g u s t 2 0 1 5

Incentive | 15

Forever Sun Lips helps to provide relief for chapped lips
while also shielding them from damaging sunburn.
With soothing ingredients to help protect our lips from harsh
effects of the weather, Forever Sun Lips is the perfect daily
addition to your skin care regimen. Say goodbye to hard
cracked lips, and say hello to pillow-soft, healthy lips!

Forever Sun Lips | 462

SPF 30
Protection against UVA & UVB sunlight
Moisturizing Jojoba seed oil and soothing Aloe Vera
Cooling Mint sensation

16 | Move-Ups

On The Rise


Juana Gallarzo

Humeera Ahmed

Raul & Margie Quinto

Claudia Maritza Coca

Ramiro Reyes

Gerardo Ixehuatl

Sarah Rose

Ana Rojas-Garcia

Ethel Tria

Esteban Tovar
Anna Liza Wiegand

Dominic Ambe

Minerva Juarez & Alejandro Guzman

Marjorie Antonio

Sarah Kim

Debra Ann & Stephen Lewis Barnett

Julius Lebbie

Eduardo Bernal

Yulia Logacheva

Lissette Blanco

Beata Lowisz

Lori Bonvillian

Nicolle Mdimi

Jedelane Bugna

Maria Mendoza

Laura Calvillo

Maria Millan

Alexander Cometa

Ana Monreal

Patricia Cruz

George Nforbi

Jamilyn & Laurence Dela Cruz

Hilda Noyola

Patria Dela Santa

Erika & Washington Nunez

Melody Dunkley

Geraldine O Brien

Ana Bernal

Youn Kil Pyun

Marina Esparza

Editha Ramos

Jose Estrella

Violet Reid

Maria Fabian

Katy Renner

Jessica Feldman

Maria Lourdes Rondina

Amelyn Figueroa

Amir Salman

Imelda Galanga

Margarita Sanchez

Fabiola Garcia

Claudia Sanchez

Ester Gardner

Shukuru Simba

Erlinda Gines

Baudi Soliz

Lorena Gonzalez

Steve Tobish

Yuliana Gonzalez

Virgina Tovar

Saida Hassan

Thuan Tran

Juliana Ibarra & Sergio Alvarez

Jasmine Vasquez

Juan Juarez

Raquel Zerduche

Forever | August 2015

Top US/Canada Leaders | 17

Top Twenty


This incentive is based on achieving the highest personal

business and sponsoring at least one Assistant Supervisor
during the month.

This incentive is based on achieving the highest non-manager

business and sponsoring at least one Assistant Supervisor
during the month.



Thomas Gorton
Sarah Rose
Noemi Martinez & Ricardo Lopez
Elvira & Roberto Ruiz
Maria Villegas
Ethel Tria
Sergio Garcia
Ana Rojas-Garcia
Esteban Tovar
Carmen & Rafael Castillo
Juana Gallarzo
Lucia Santos & Arturo Rojas
Violet Reid
Robin & Aracely Carrillo
Anacleto & Maria Pacheco
Maria Bado
Yesenia & Jaime Ibarra
Vilia Barreto
Luciana Rodarte & Jose Murillo
Maria Elena & Sergio Garcia

Katie & John Miller

Gabriel Briceo & Karen Farias
Thomas Gorton
Ruben & Geraldine Layug
Yesenia Castellanos & Federico Jimenez
Rosaline & Anomah Ngu
Boris & Irina Mezheritsky
Andres & Lilia Gallardo
Maria Elena & Sergio Garcia
Enrique & Zonia Espinosa
Earl Garcia
Oliver & Olivera Lepki
Ellene Ocfemia
Arlene & Ronald Calinao
Elfrida Lukong
Yelba Flores
Elvira & Roberto Ruiz
Luis Leal & Nubia Valencia
Alexander & Elvira Tunitsky
Margarita & Apolinar Lopez

August 2015 | Forever

18 | GLT

We're so excited to announce
the final members of the Global
Leadership Team for 2015! These
individuals are Forever's Top FBOs
from around the world that help
generate ideas for the business
and for YOU!

Adam May
Adam May, UK, came from a high-octane,
stressful career in the city. Since joining
Forever he and his team have achieved
amazing things including seeing him reach
the much-coveted position of Diamond
Sapphire Manager. In 2014, he received
an incredible Chairmans Bonus check of
$470,000 in front of his home crowd in
London, just another step forward in his

Forever | August 2015

GLT | 19

Bogumila & Jan Sroka

Meet Bogumila and Jan Sroka from
Poland. Theyre happy that 20 years
ago they had the courage to seize the
opportunity that Rex created for millions
of people around the world. They enjoy
the #ForeverDream, living in Poland and
Surprise, USA in the houses of their
dreams. Cheers to Bogumila and Jan!

Julianna Woods
Meet Julianna Woods from the UK! She
launched her business after nine years
in corporate banking and is now one of
Forever UKs top FBOs. She won the
award for highest percentage growth in
2013 and her #ForeverDream is to build
her mom a brand new house next door
to her own in the near future. Cheers to
Julianna, one of the biggest smiles in
the business!

Enos Salema & Elizabeth Riwa

Meet Enos Salema and Elizabeth Riwa
from Tanzania! These Sapphire Managers
went from living in remote areas to living
in the heart of the city. With their Forever
Business they've been able to build a
house, buy a dream car and contribute to
charities that help less fortunate children,
and that's just beginning! They have big
plans for their future. Cheers to Enos
and Elizabeth!

To learn more about ALL of the GLT members and

what they do, visit
August 2015 | Forever

A momentous event, an exciting destination.
Make it your goal to qualify.
In order to be eligible, all you need to do is achieve 1.5k
(1,500CC) in one calendar year or qualify for Chairman's
Bonus. Forever will take care of the rest.

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