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EXAMS OFFICE 08:30 11/11/2013 SHWWDH USE ONLY UNIVERSITY OF THE WITWATERSRAND, JOHANNESBURG Course oF topic No(s) APPM 2007 Course or topic name(s) Paper Number & title Examination to be held during month(s) of Year of Study (Art & Science leave blank) Degrees/Diplomas for which ‘This course is prescribed {BSc (Eng) should indicate which branch) Facultylies presenting Candidates Internal examiners(s) And telephone extension number(s) External examiner(s) Special materials required (graph/musicidrawing paper) maps, diagrams, tables ‘computer cards, etc. Time allowance Instructions to candidates (Examiners may wish to use this space to indicate, inter alia the contribution made by this ‘examination or test towards the year mark if appropriate) Mechanics I November B.Sc. Science Mr R. S. Herbst (76114) Prof. C. M. Villet Non-programmable scientific calculator, One sheet of paper with necessary formulae, Course No.(s) Hours | 2 (Two) "ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS. ‘SHOW ALL MAJOR CALCULATIONS AND WRITE DOWN FORMULAE USED. NON-PROGRAMMABLE, NON- ALPHANUMERIC CALCULATORS ARE PERMITTED. NO CELLPHONES ALLOWED. Internal Examiners or Heads of Department are requested to sign the declaration overleaf 2015 Examination APPM2007: MECHANICS (2 hours) INSTRUCTIONS: Please ttm all quetions and show all workings clemlyand in the word of forefather May the Generatzed Components of tie Force be with You Lagrangian Mechanics: ‘The Falling Pendulum [99 marks} ‘A penal of fixe length attached 1 a vertical ral and is alowed to side fnely along the rail sce diagram. 1 Define the tern degrees of rom. (@ mari) 2, How many degrees of from dacs the bob of the pendulum have and what are the coresponding generalized coordinates? (4matis) {8 Ife force ating on the pendtum seven by F's mg, Gd its potenti, (6 aris) 4, Hence show that the Lagrangian for the pendulum is given Uy b= Jn (F ~alsindid +7) + maty + Leos), (6 marks) 5. What isthe physial significance ofthe pendulum’ Lagrangian satsying the Baler ‘Logrange equations? @ sacks) 6. Show thatthe aquton of motion nthe ydzseton i given by a a=5+ 4 (sui) (mas) 1. Show tat the @ equation of motions ven by S89 4+ 2 Heino =o. (Smuts) 8 Hews sow sat te motion te # dco comply npn of 9 and (mais) 8, Lay sow that ot) = atx ft + (6 masks) Hamiltonian Mechanies: Pendulum on a Disk [st marta 1. Comment on the diferencs between Lagrange’s equation and Hanon’ uations tir structure as wall ws the oneralized quatitis thay solve for. (4 2. Show that for natural estem the total enecgy ie conserved, hint dhe Hamiltonian ‘ofa nateral system has no explicit time dependence (mari) ‘A sold dite of radios, Rand mass, Mf, it fve to rotate about is centre, the moment of| MER. The dsc bas a pendulum of fixed length, rence, ser diagratn. Choe down to he the +¥e 9 leeree of freedom are there and what ae corresponding generalized (@matla) 4, Wht ar # ond y eordinats i terms ofthe oncrlrd oordinats? (marks) 5, Sow that the generalized momenta are given by pom mill + Reef0 635] 1 p= fa [rtea(0 9+ (2m + 1A] (02 mack 5 Solving for # end ¢ is an extromaly todous task resulting inthe following (borible ooking) Hamtonian ‘Ave any of the momenta constant? (2 marks) 7 Ifthe penlam is kept at 6(?) = = cons, show thatthe Hanltonian becomes Hn) = ~ mglleasdy + Reasé), wh mene 0 = omst ats expres po i Lr of Pr win 's equations to that the sesultag equation of motion of

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