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ED 215 LESSON PLAN Lesson #__3____

Format and Cooperating Teacher Feedback Form

Name: Amanda Adamek


Content Area:
Grade Level: 12

Use this template to plan, removing the notes in parentheses and this box. Give this form to your
cooperating teacher for review and a signature before you teach your lesson.


Introduce precise, knowledgeable claim(s), establish the significance of the claim(s), distinguish the
claim(s) from alternate or opposing claims, and create an organization that logically sequences the
claim(s), counterclaims, reasons, and evidence.
Students have prior knowledge on American values based on their precious assignment
and quiz they did as homework.


Students will analyze the information read in their section and form connections as to
what it means regarding America and homosexuality.


Informal: Students will post main points from their section and make inferences about the
underlying meaning. This demonstrates their comprehension of the article as well as their
ability to draw meaning from the information.

Materials Needed:

needed: ___
Total time: 20 minutes
Introduction: 2 minutes
Partner work: 10 minutes
Discussion: 5 minutes
Closure: 3 minutes

(Include time allotments)
Introduction: Discuss how this lesson ties in with values and their next reading on homosexuals in the
military. (2 minutes)
Steps for instruction:
Create groups and assign sections of the article for students to analyze (10 minutes)
Post notes and discuss (5 minutes)
Closure and transition into the next topic (3 minutes)

Questioning: What conclusions can you draw from the main points in your reading?

Is this significant? Why or why not?

How did this impact gay/lesbian individuals?
Is this article missing any relevant and information? If so, what information would be

More recent information
Gay marriage
Repeal of Dont Ask, Dont Tell
Tammy Baldwin, first openly gay U.S. Senator
Strategies for students requiring additional assistance: I will walk around while students are drawing
conclusions from their section and help anyone who may need additional assistance.

Closure: Briefly discuss how the assignment on values ties into the reading students will do for

Cooperating Teacher Signature:


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