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Mr. White
English 12 AP
17 August, 2015
How to Cope with Murder
Imagine, if you will, that you are a painter. You paint beautiful landscapes and
fantastic still - lifes, everything you draw seems to be alive and well, until you paint a
self portrait. You use the paints you got from college and all the skills you've gained
through curiosity and your own findings. As you finish the painting, you step back and
look at it, it smiles at you, but you don't remember painting it smiling . All at once
your painting, so lifelike on the canvas springs toward you in a flash . It breaks some
vases and runs from the room screaming. What have you just done? what will it do?
how did this happen? all these go through your mind as your assistant walks in takes at
your perfectly normal self portrait and the vases that YOU broke while you were
having a fit.
In my reading of the book Frankenstein, by Mary Shelley, I found myself
thinking a very peculiar thought. Throughout my readings the thought became more

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and more prevalent. By the end of the book I figured that I must be wrong, until I
remembered the Salem witch hunts and how mass hysteria can affect lead large
groups of people into ridiculous conclusions . Finally it all made sense to me,
everything was so clear. Frankensteins monster never existed.
We can conclude that Frankenstein was a loon, simply by thinking that he can
create life, something that people with modern medicines and technology have issues
doing. It is true that people can prolong their lives, yet scientists have never been
able to create life in a laboratory. Doctor Frankenstein, however, says he can. He
takes the corpses from a couple of people that he killed and sews them together to
create a new humanoid, and after "creating" said humanoid, he blames it for the
murders. Doctor Frankenstein cannot face the fact that he murdered people and is
now haunted by his own crazed fantasies.
After creating the monster Frankenstein becomes catatonic for a year, before
going to visit family, when he gets there he murders one of them and the monster
mysteriously appears once again. Is it a coincidence that the monster only appears
when people die or Frankenstein does absolutely crazy things ? When his wife died the
monster was there, when his cousin died there was the monster, when he was in jail
for murder, the monster once again showed up. The monster only appears when he is

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necessary because the monster doesn't exist, and never did. Frankenstein attempted
to create a second monster, to keep the first one company, and failed at doing it
again, but this time he blamed the creature for tampering with it, because man
cannot create life, and because he never did.
Mass Hysteria is a psychological disease that affected many people throughout
time, the entire city of salem, or in northern Europe during the Renaissance era
where there were entire countries could be infected by "Possessed Dancing. " It just
goes to show that everyone can be susceptible to suggestion, the best form of
hypnosis. If someone one trusts is to suggest that they see a life threatening monster
in their last moments of life, then one is very likely to be constantly pariwaric. They
too will see this monster and fear it, even write about it to their family until, just like
the Salem witches, myth becomes reality.
Frankensteins monster was only ever seen by 2 people (discounting the
creatures story of the french family as another delusion as to why the creature can
speak) Victor Frankenstein and Captain Walton. All other people who were looking for
the murderer in the story never even saw the creature, and Captain Walton was under
plenty of stress being in the middle of the arctic with a crazed scientist, the powers
of suggestion are better to thrive in these harsh conditions . Frankensteins monster is
on the run from Frankenstein, however he keeps leaving things behind as if he wants

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Frankenstein to keep following him. Something that only a crazed brain could have
done to keep itself motivated when the elements laughed in its face .
What is a monster? The dictionary refers to a large ugly creature that causes
harm to other people. A powerful thing that creates problems. The dictionary tells
us in black and white terms that the creature is the monster, however, what do we
call monsters? Crooked selfish politicians, slave owners? Serial killers and thats
exactly what Frankenstein is. He's a murderer, he simply never admits to it.
Frankenstein himself is a monster, the other one never existed, it simply
embodied everything that was wrong with himself . Mary Shelley, the author, said
later that the monster was written as the bad things of her husband . It represents
the worst parts of humans, and makes it ugly and vicious. Even though its all in the
Doctors head.
Frankenstein never created a monster, it was simply his own crazy brain trying
to cope with what he had done to the people he loved and the innocent . He spent
the end of his life trying to chase down the monster that killed his wife but its always
just out of reach. He will never catch the creature because he cant handle the real
monster. Himself.

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Lieber, Kevin. "MASS HYSTERIA. " YouTube. YouTube, 12 Aug. 2015. Web. 12 Aug. 2015.

Tickle, Glen. "Its Not Wrong to Call the Monster Frankenstein. " The Mary Sue Its Not
Wrong to Call the Monster Frankenstein Comments. N. p. , 13 Oct. 2013. Web. 7 Aug. 2015.

"Hypnosis Direct Suggestion. " How to Use Direct Suggestion Hypnosis. Hypnosis Direct
Suggestion, 12 Aug. 2014. Web. 7 Aug. 2015.

"Monster." Merriam-Webster. Merriam-Webster, n.d. Web. 11 Aug. 2015.

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