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partment of Justice and the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.

against me and my resident.


The U.S. Government, FBI and the other named federal organizations., decision was so difficulty to believe after seeing the
Helicopters bad behavior working against me and my resident.
When the U.S. Government, FBI performi-ng illegal and danger
acts there are other people who are involved in sight. They heard
the noj-es and seen the helicopters movlng on different occasion
stop and moving low and slowly across the rooftop of my resident,
but then I knew that it was done iIlegal, unprofessional and intentionally.
I looked up in the sky to see the number on the side of the
helicopter and the color of it but my fear of the helicopter
would crash blocked my vi-ew. Then the helicopter move forward
and disappeared. That was al-I I needed too see that matter.
I learned that these incidents only happening in a crime
scene and in a movies behind the scene and seeing this in real
l-ife was scary and causing fear to me. The feeling what I felt
watching these helicopters what happened to people in the TV
movie "Mash" when everyone was running for their lives. I was
more scary and fearful then these actress in the motion pictures of ttMash.t'
It felt as if I was in the mist of it and shaking out of
my skin screaming at the top of my lungs and disturb. It affected me in a trouble way that caused weaken and rapid heart beat
and severe movement in my brain and during sleeping 1'm screaming and kicking that associate with dreaming. Eachtime I felt
that was the end of my life being overpowered by the U.S. Government, FBI, U.S. Ai-r Traffic Controllers at the Federal Aviation Administration and the other named federal organj-zations.
The people stood watching the helicopters until it managed
forward and faded away. A11 I wanted to get away from
my resident because what I had just seen and experj-ence was too
much comprehend and believe it was happening to me. It was l-ike
waking up from a nightmare crying.
I have requested over and over for the U.S. Government,
FBI and the other named federal organizations "to leave me
aloner" but the officials refusi-ng to do so and using unnecessary torture and punishment, excessj-ve and extreme forces

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