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"f Almost

Snapped And

Committed Sui-cide"

The readers of this web-site can play a important role in

brinEirrg these cowards' and crimine].s to justlce and put behind


f thought of suicide enter my mind from the constantly

pressure, punishing and torturing made against me each day by
the U.S. Government, FBI and the other named federal organizations involvement.
t hope you will find this j-nformation provided in this
chapter and the 230 or more deadly incidents, with lntent revenge and urgent enough to kill me by the U.S. Government,
FBf and the other named federal organizations.
The U.S. Government, FBI and the other named federal organizations., listed insj-de this web-site became a very serious problem with vicious attaeks and charged for using extreme and excessive force against me and my resident.
I thought that the U.S. Government, FBI and the other
named federal organi-zations., would have stop these deadly
incidents 11 years later but I see that these (5) federal
organLzations., U.S. Air Traffic Controll-ers at the Federal
Avj-ation Administration; U.S. Department of JusLlce & Eederal Government; U.S. Federal Bureau Investigatlon Services,
including the U.S. Department of Veterans AffaJ-rs., do not
have the guts to stop these deadly incidents.
f do not know what to do to stop these 230 or more continui-ng deadly incidents made against me and my resident. f
knew it is very hard for me to love white people after my
childhood life growing up on Orange Grove Plantation, a sugfarcane plantation in a sfave cabin until I was 1 5 years
I was only 5 years old when I experience racism. When
a white man who worked on the sugrarcane plantation, took
my oldest brother head and dipped it into a (fifty-five
gallon drum) of old thi-ck dirty used tractor oil and nothing was did about it.

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