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After that i-neident, things grot worse and worser for

black families who lived on Orange Grove Plantation and the

surrounding plantations.
After leaving Orange Grove Plantation, with a bitterness and hatred attitude toward whiLe people. GOD bless me
with forgiveness in my heart, knowledge and understanding
and how to care about human kind.
I thank GOD, my whi-Le brother, Mr. Jack & family; my
white sister, Ivlrs. Mikki & family; and my white mother,
Mrs. Loris & family; including Mr. Fred & family, who love
me a4d save my life.
lf it hadn't been for GOD and their support and love
for me. I wouldn't be alive today to tell my story. They
became my white families and people I needed i-n my life
very badly who accepted me in their lives as a black male
and a part of their family.
They made all the difference in my life between life
and death. They accepted me by loving me and they never
given up on me and that what kept me going and alive unti1 this day.
I learned that the VA Dr. Gaylek Stewart was influenced by pollticians power and pressure from wealth who
affect others, Lo a point, to admit me into a mental
health facility and the impact from the negative decision was made in Washington, DC., to Our Lady of the Lake
Regional Medical Center in Baton Rouge, LouJ-siana.
This decision came from Washington, DC., was well
planned where the U.S. Government, FBI and the other
named federal organLzations to lntervene and take part
in the decision illegally.
These federal orgaaLzations should feel guilty and
very sad that the U.S. government had them to take a huge
cost of millions of taxpayers funds to operate these illegal incidents, and newly hiring FBf employees to harass


This is very sad that The White House; U.S. Department

of Justice and the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs", aIlowed the U.S. Government, FBI and Lhe other named federal
organi-zations., are acting like a 13 months old baby.

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