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"Abuslve By The U.S.

Air Traffic



f have been under I'BI abusive and deadly surveill-ance

since october 12, 2004, for 11 years and eontinulng.
This i-s a matter when The White House; U.S. Government;
U.S. Department of Justice; U.S. Air Traffic Controllers at
the Federal Aviation Administration; U.S. Federal Bureau Investigation Servlces and the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs., have broken the law and rules and regulation.
Immediately, the U.S. Government begin sitting unsafe
and dangerous Helicopters overhead my resident intentlonally
and threatening me on purposed.
The helicopters flights were in vj-olation of the FAA,
CIA and the National Transportatj-on Safety Board Code and
the 20 helicopters and airplanes attacks made agai_nst me
was not under investigation.
The U.S. Air fraffic Controllers at the Federal Aviation Administration., violated my rights to privacy by
sitting unsafe and dangerous helicopters overhead my resident, indicating that if the helicopters engine had fail-ure and crash I will be injured or killed.
The FAA and the National Transportation Safety Board
and the CIA, should have foeus on these deadly incidents
and deadly threats made against me and my resident.
The rules and regulations, reguires no person should
operate an HelicopLer or Aircraft below the following altitudes:
A. Anywhere r dfr altitudes which permit, in the event of the
failure of powerr do emergency without under hazard to
persons or property on the surfacel

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