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ED 345


Teacher Intern Formal Observation Record

Teacher Intern: Becca Mumby

Social Studies
Mentor Teacher:
Julie Warners
this lesson: 35 min.
Grade Level: 3rd grade
supervisors use only)

Date: November 18,2015

Subject/ Topic:

Time of Observation: 2:40-3:20

Approx. time spent planning

Observation #

(*Asterisks are for

I. Objectives
What is the main focus of this lesson?
This lesson will be reviewing the continents and oceans.
Briefly describe the context of your lesson. How long have students been studying this
particular topic and/or how does it tie into a unit?
This is the 6th day of the lesson, students have covered continents, oceans, hemispheres, landforms, and
human &physical characteristics. This will be a review of the first two lessons.
What are your objectives for this lesson? Indicate connections to applicable national or state
(If an objective applies to only certain students write the name(s) of the student(s) to whom it applies.)
I can define absolute location, political boundaries, relative location, and spatial perspective.
4 - G1.0.2 Use cardinal and intermediate directions to describe the relative location of significant places in
the United States.
4-. G1.0.3 Identify and describe the characteristics and purposes (e.g., measure distance, determine
relative location, classify a region) of a variety of geographic tools and technologies (e.g., globe, map,
satellite images).
II. Before you start
Prerequisite knowledge
and skills.

(formative and

The students have learned continents, oceans, hemispheres, landforms,

and human & physical characteristics.

Students will be painting pumpkins blue and identifying the continents and
oceans then pinning them onto the pumkin to create their own Earth.

Universal Design for Learning Networks/Domains (see UDL Guidelines)

Multiple Means of
Options for Perception
Students will have visual cut outs of the
continents, they will have labels for the
oceans and a pumpkin to represent the
Earth. Each continent will be a different
color for differentiation.

Multiple Means of Expression
Options for action/interaction
Students will create their own pumpkin
and put labels on to show understanding of
continents and oceans. Students will
follow intructions as we go but will be
responsible for creating their own Earth

Multiple Means of
Options for recruiting interest
Students will engage in hands-on activities
that give them opportunities to cut, paste,
and paint different objects.

Options for
Students will be working alone but
following instructions as they go, they will
paint the Earth blue to represent the water
and they will pin on the continents to
represent land and ocean names to show
understanding of the oceans.

Options for Expression

Students will show their understanding
through pumpkin Earths. They will use
colored continents to show differences and
labels to show oceans.

Options for Sustaining Effort

& Persistence
Students will help encourage each other to
be persistent through creating their own
Earth with correct representations.

Options for Comprehension

Students will be showing me their
knowledge through this creation. They
will be responsible for naming the
continents and oceans and following
directions to put them in the correct

Options for Executive

Students will create their earth
with their own ability through
cutting out continents and
painting the pumpkin.

Options for Self-Regulation

Students will work through the
process individually but through
guided instruction.

Materials-what materials
(books, handouts, etc) do
you need for this lesson?
Technology utilized?

Do you need to set up

your classroom in any
special way for this
lesson? If so, describe it.
Groupings Utilized?
III. The Plan

Document camera
World map
Blue paint
Continent cut outs
Ocean and continent labels
Paint brush
Students will be standing at their desks with paper covering it for painting.

The description of the lesson, teacher activities and student activities

I will start by asking students how many continents the earth has?

How many oceans?


5 that were labeling

I will introduce the materials that the students will be using for this activity
we will show our knowledge of the continents and oceans by creating out
own Earth.

You will receive a pumpkin, continents, labels, and paint.

Paint is to be shared with you and the person sitting next to you

Go over the rules of painting

The continents sheet, labels, and oceans


to be
into your


I will hand out the pumpkins, paint and paintbrushes

Students will first paint their pumpkins blue and set them on their desk so
they have time to dry while we create the labels for our pumpkins

While our pumpkins are drying I will ask students to take a look at the
continents worksheet

Their job will be to cut out the continents and labels and paste them
onto the colored continents

Their next task will be to layout the continents and oceans on their
desk how they want to glue them, in the order they want them

As students work I will walk around the room to oversee their progress,
monitoring students as they place the continents

Once everyone has completed this activity I will demonstrate how we will
add the continents to our pumpkins, students will follow

I will walk around the room while they do this to aid them in their creations.

Once we have finished glueing students will share some of their creations
and we will put them on the back table to dry

I will ask students to return to their seats

I will ask why is it important for a geographers to know where continents

and oceans are located? How does it help them? What themes does it fall
into? How can it help us as students?

Dismiss students to get ready to go home.

Conduct Management: Behavior management/self-regulation strategies/behavioral
[List at least 2 ways you are planning to get your students attention, both whole group and individual
Whole Class: To regroup the students after noise, we have a clapping sequence. I will also say I can
wait.. until students are quiet and ready to learn. I will quiet my voice so they meet me at my level.
Individual Students: Reminding them by name of the task they should be working on. Also asking them
what they should be doing and if what theyre doing is on task or not.
Covenant Management: Relationships with students/ community-building
opportunities/praise/care of students
[Note any specific ways in which you plan to build community or strengthen student-relationships]
Students will help me come up with words that work for our class to remember the two strategies that we
are learning
As students read independently I will walk around and check in with them to give praise and guidance as
they work on these new strategies.

*Presentation Characteristics:
(*Comments where necessary)
Confidence/ teacher presence:
Lesson pace/flow:
Professional appearance:
Professional language:
Vocal projection/variety:
*Supervisors Summary Comments
*Concerns (If concerns are noted, these are to be taken very seriously.)
Teacher Intern Post Observation Reflections
On a scale of 1-10 how well do you think your lesson went?
1=not well at all
10=it couldnt have gone any better!
What about your lesson went especially well? What strategies were effective? Did the
students learn what you intended them to learn? What specifically would you change if you
were to teach it again?

How will the information you gleaned from this lesson assist your future instruction?
What I want to remember not to forget

Goal # 1:
I will work on effective classroom management by:
1. Trying different methods and taking note of what works with the students and what
2. Watching my tone of voice and fluctuation to keep students engaged in the lesson.
3. Keeping track of my methods in the reflections of my lessons.

Goal # 2:
I will work at meeting struggling students needs by:
1. Paying attention to their comments, attitudes, and emotions throughout the day and
2. Creating personal relationships with them to understand their thinking and feelings
3. Creating lessons that reach all angles of teaching, tracking which ones work well and
which dont.

Goal # 3:
I will work at my in class communication (rules and instructions) by:
1. Keeping my voice at a lower level and requiring students to meet me there instead of
talking over.

2. Giving direct expectations for students to track as they work.

3. Feeling confident in my abilities and standing my ground in my instruction.

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