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Victor Martin

February 17, 2015

AP Biology 2
Fourth Block
Crime Scene Story
Ahh, time for Friday, said Stephen Adeoye, getting out of bed will a huge smile
on his face. The last day of school was soon about to begin. Ash got dressed,
brushed his teeth, and went down the stairs to wait for his mom to eat breakfast.
Are you all packed up? she asked, and Ash was just nodding while chumping on
his pancakes. Well, you did a terrific job out there, his mom said as she was
reminding him about the soccer game last night.
It was the South California Annual Soccer Championship, and Stephens
team, the Newport Beach Merlions, was in the finals against the Rancho Santa Fe
Buccaneers. This team, located around San Diego, was the champion of last year,
and the coaches for the club were hoping to win this year. However, both teams
were good enough to tie all the way until the time was extended to four minutes.
Something during that time, and it was a penalty kick for the Merlions. Everybody
on the team was too nervous to do it, because this will be their last chance to break
the tie. This could be my chance, Stephen thought, and he walked up to the coach.
How about me, coach? he said, and the coach looked at him weirdly, but soon
accepted his statement. The whole team is counting me, he said to himself, This
will change everything. Stephen walked to the place where he will take the shot,
with sweat rolling down his face. The referee called to see if the goalie was ready,
and then fired his whistle. At the time, Stephen took one step back, and ran as fast
as he could, feeling the adrenaline all over his body. He kicked the ball at the laces
of his shoe, and it was sent into the air to the goal. Suddenly, the goalie tripped
over some grass and fell down, and it was a GOAL! Stephen couldnt believe it.
This was his time to shine! His team came up and picked him up, all singing,
STEPHEN, STEPHEN, STEPHEN.. The crowd went wild, and he even got to

hold the trophy. The coach even announced Stephen for VIP and stated, We
couldnt have done this without you Stephen. This was all he needed to become a
star and went to bed thinking about the best day ever.
Yeah, I know, Stephen said to his mom. The whole game was awesome
and fun. After eating the last pancake off his plate, Stephen went out onto the sofa
with his phone out, playing Clash of Clans. Once it was time to go, he got his
backpack and rode his bike to school.
At Newport Harbor High School, everyone was totally happy to have one
last day of school. Stephen parked his bike and locked it, and went to Hein Aung to
talk to him about the big news. The bell rung and students went to their classes, as
usual. However, the unusual thing was that the principal had the Pokmon Theme
Song playing all over the intercoms in the school. Stephen had a frown on his face,
since he knows that his friend Victor Martin, a huge fan of the franchise, was going
to sing the song all day long. He walked into his first block class, and, with the
catch of his eye, sees a boy lying down on the floor, dead. There was a metal
weight stuck into his back, with blood flowing down on the floor. A girl walked
into the class and screamed when she saw the dead boy. Who is it? asked
someone, and Stephen soon noticed it was actually Victor. Thats Victor! he
exclaimed, and some of the students were worried, wondering who did it and
certain other things. Stephen soon started thinking about what happened yesterday,
before he was the superstar soccer player, and before the championship started.
During that time, in first block, Stephen and his classmates were viewing the
grades they got on their test last week. The biology teacher, Mrs. Cashdollar, was
passing out the grades to everyone. Victor, as usual, got an A on the test, along with
Stephen. Soon, the teacher, saw another test that had 2.B.A. Master written for
the name, along with several answers relating to Pokmon. Umm..who did
this? Mrs.Cashdollar asked, and she soon looked at Victor. Hey, I didnt do that,
Victor answered. My test results are all here on this paper. Then who did it?
asked the teacher. I had a sub for you guys since I had a meeting to go to, she
explained, And you all took the test last week. There were exam papers just
enough for the sub to hand out to you. So will someone come forth and put all
these horrid answers on this test? Stephen looked at the test. Victor was working
on his test, he thought. It could have been someone else. Soon no conclusion was

reached and the bell rung for second block. Time for Soccer class, Stephen
thought, and walked to the gym. During the during time, a big mean fellow named
Raheen Sterling was asking Victor for his lunch money. Dude, I have no money,
said Victor, but what I do have is a shiny Mewtwo! You want it? NO! shouted
Raheen. I want to stinking money, or else! Or what? asked Victor. Or we can
fight right now, one to one, said Raheen. Come on, said Victor, with a smile. I
can definitely beat you. I got all of the legendaries. Whats your friend code?
What are you talking about? Rakeen asked, with a frown. You know, said
Victor. Havent you ever heard of Pokemon? NOOOOO! shouted Raheen. I
have had enough of your Pokeness! Its pronounced Poke-E-Mon, corrected
Victor. Get it right, dude. Coach Broady came into the gym and told the two to
stop fighting. Victor explained what happen and Raheen snatched the bag of balls
the coach had and threw onto the floor, with a big yell. The soccer balls were all
over the gym, with some of them bouncing from the walls and hitting the coach.
Its super effective! Victor exclaimed. Coach Broady was so angry he called
security to have Raheen sent to the office. This isnt over! Raheen said. Oh yes
it is! the coach shouted out and Raheen was never seen again. After school Victor
had to make up some work for a class. So he told Stephen that he will not be
coming to soccer practice, but definitely to the championship. Later, Stephen got
on his bike and rode home, trying to get ready. He then saw Raheen walking
angrily to the school with a large backpack in his hand. Wonder what hes up to,
Stephen thought, and opened the door to his house.

Who killed Victor Martin?

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