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Lord of the Flies Characters






Important Events

The central character and the appointed

as a leader to the other boys

He has the equivalent of a megaphone for the

boys: the conch shell

Fair decision maker

He thinks seriously about quitting his position

as leader

The leader of the Choir boys

Impatient and the type to not take
orders well
Rivalry with Ralph
One of the oldest

He leads the hunters

He makes up the beastie
He kills the pig in a cruel way
He becomes the new majority leader
He is responsible for the deaths of Simon and

A fat, older boy

Most intelligent of the group
The punching bag of all the boys
Wears glasses

Gets made fun of for his weight

Loyalty to Ralph is strong
Finds the way to make a signal fire
Get his glasses stolen
And dies

Older boy
A good moral sense of compass
Very caring and supports his boy Ralph

He discovers the savagery of Jacks tribe

He finds out what the beastie really was
He gets killed by the crazed hunters from
Jacks tribe

Mean and merciless boy

Loves violence
Follows Jack
Votes against Ralph in the leader in the
leader vote

He doesnt have a purpose

He wants to be with jack
He becomes a hunter
He kills piggy

Two boys who are identical twins

Unable to for others to tell the two
apart so they called by a combination
of their names. They are followers of

They were given the responsibility to watch

he signal fire but disobeyed




They were eventually taken into Jacks tribe


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