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Jesus Hidalgo, Karson Shipp, Tony Valencia

Professor Pirrone
TEL 311
November 25, 2015
Activity Design Plan

Activity Objective: Students will know vocabulary words pertaining to the weather by
labeling each phrase or word with its appropriate picture.
Description of Activity: The students will play a game called Identifica la imagen,
which means Identify the image in English. This game will focus on the students
ability to recall information presented by the teacher and to properly match the visual
with its word. The words in this game correspond to weather phrases and words in
Spanish. For example, the teacher will show a picture of a rainy day in Seattle; however,
the picture wont have the word that pertains to the image which is est lloviendo. The
students themselves will have to provide that phrase by looking at the image using
context clues. They will write their answer on a whiteboard. The group who answers the
fastest will receive the point. Students may help each other, but they are not allowed to
speak. Using gestures will be a key component of communication. There will be a total of
9 images for 9 rounds. However, if theres a tie, the teacher will add one more picture to
break the tie.
Motivation: The extrinsic motivation will be goodies such as king-sized candy bars, ASU
pins and wristbands or a no-homework-for-one-night pass. The students will have a
selection of these different options.
The intrinsic motivation will be the practice they will receive by memorizing specific
vocabulary words. Providing these images, in a way, also helps the students memorize the
words because it provides the students with visual assistance. Connecting the vocab

words with an image is crucial because it ties the words and image together, which
facilitates the memorization process. These words will also be in a vocab test.
1. Teacher will assign students into groups of 4. This will already be established due
to the seating arrangements. Students will already be in groups.
2. Each group will be assigned a group name. This will be done by a random-name
3. Each team will be given a small whiteboard with a marker.
4. Teacher will explain the rules, which are:
- No speaking, students can use gestures to help their group members.
- Every student must participate. Rotate the whiteboard clockwise so each

student gets the opportunity to write an answer.

Groups who answer first must have an answer that is nicely written and

correctly spelled to receive points.

5. Nine rounds will be played.
6. A round will end after a group answers correctly.
7. Notes may not be used.
8. What happens if theres a tie?
9. Group with the most points will receive a selection of prizes.
10. Check for understanding:
- How will groups be assembled?
- How many people per group?
- What will be used to give group names?
- What materials will be distributed?
- What is one rule of the game?
- How many rounds will be played?
- What are some of the prizes?
Active Participation:
To ensure full active participation, each student at every group will have the chance to
write an answer down. Students will rotate their small whiteboards clockwise after each
round. This way, each student is fully engaged in the activity.
On-task behavior will be maximized and managed through general observation of the
students. Since this activity consists of no talking, the teacher will make sure that every
student is complying with the rule and will deal with talking accordingly. All electronic
devices will be put away.

Transition times will be minimized by conducting in an appropriate manner and

following the rules. When a group gets the correct answer, the teacher will be by the
board to tally up the points. After, the teacher will ask for any questions or concerns. If
there arent any questions or concerns, the teacher will proceed to the next image. The
teacher will give the students 5 seconds to be ready.
Expectations of Students Behavior:
In order for this game to run effectively, students must remain quiet. Any group who
speaks or has a student that is disruptive will be disqualified from that round. Silence is
golden. However, a team may celebrate if they get the correct answer. This will be the
only noise heard during the game. Students must respect each other and show
sportsmanship in this competitive activity. My auditory signal, Tres, dos, uno will be
utilized if the students are misbehaving. This auditory signal will include a raised hand
with a finger countdown. Winning team may not boast.
Materials Needed:
1. Smartboard with specific images
2. Small white boards
3. Markers
4. Candy
5. ASU pins/wristbands
6. No-homework for one night pass

Modeling: The teacher will demonstrate how the game will be played by conducting a
practice round. The teacher will put an image of something that was already covered, and
then he or she will write the answer on the small whiteboard without talking. Then, the
teacher will pass it clockwise to one of the students. When the students show clear
understanding of the rules, the game will commence.

Images that will used in the game:

Tie breaker picture:

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