Syllabus 317

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IET 317 (Section 301-online)

Just-in-Time / Lean Systems

Course Syllabus
FALL 2015
Department of Engineering and Technology Management
School of Engineering and Information Systems
Morehead State University
Course Description
IET 317, (3-0-3); I and II. Just in Time and Lean Systems.
Prerequisite: junior/senior standing. Analysis of production methods in engineering for
profit improvement. Elements of lean manufacturing and just-in-time inventory control
are covered.
This course emphasizes techniques for improving production efficiency in
manufacturing, electronics, construction, and service organizations. Service organizations
like banks, retail stores, and hospitals are heavy users of T & M techniques, as are
manufacturing and construction organizations.
Christopher Smith
Winchester, KY
Tel: (859)-274-3405 Note: This is my cell number. Please try and call after 5:00pm or any
time on the weekends, and ensure that you leave a return phone number by which I may reach
you. However if you are stuck on an assignment call any time and if I dont answer right
away please leave me a message and I will call you back. Also email is a quick way to reach
me as well.


Reading Materials
Required Text

Motion and Time Study for Lean Manufacturing, 3rd Edition, by Meyers, ISBN: 9780130316707
Supplementary Reading

Jacobs F.R., Berry W.L., Whybark D.C., Vollmann T.E. (2010). Manufacturing
Planning and Control for Supply Chain Management, 6th edition. McGraw-Hill/Irwin,
ISBN: 978-0073377827

Course Objectives
As the conclusion of the course, student should be able to:
1. Demonstrate an understanding of the mission of Time and Motion Study in
manufacturing (Assessed by assignments, group projects, and exam.)
Understand how the Time and Motion Study Department fits into the
organization chart of modern manufacturing companies.
Understand the technical contributions of Frederick Taylor, and Frank and
Lillian Gilbreth.
2. Demonstrate an understanding of graphic representations such as Flow Process
Charts, Flow Diagrams, and others (Assessed by Assignments and exam.)
Understand the importance of graphic representations to the operation of a
modern manufacturing company.
Construct a Flow Process Chart
Understand the use of Flow Diagrams.
3. Demonstrate an understanding of the guideline for the micro motion study
(Assessed by assignments, group projects, and exam.)
Understand the smallest detail of each operation that small improvement can
be made
Understand operator/ machine chart
4. Demonstrate

an understanding of the work station design (Assessed by

assignments, group projects, and exam.)
Understand work station design from motion and time study perspective
Understand the principles of motion economy by using efficient and effective
work station design
5. Demonstrate an understanding of Just-in-Time (JIT) / Kaizen / Kanban systems.
(Assessed in homework assignments, discussions, group project, and Final
6. Understand tools of a Pre-determined Time Standard (PTS) System and stop watch
time study (Assessed by assignments, group projects, and exam.)
Understand the procedures and forms of time study
Understand allowances
Course Requirements

1. Attendance: In order to earn the points assigned for class participation, students
must be present in all sessions of the class and must be actively involved in ALL
activities including the online DISCUSSION BOARD and GROUP PROJECTS.
2. Discussion Board: Students are required to participate constructively in all discussion board
activities in order to earn the points assigned for discussion board activities. At the
beginning of each week, the instructor will inform students of the due dates for discussion
board. No posts to the discussion board will be accepted after the announced due date.

3. Individual Projects/Assignments: Each student will be required to submit weekly

individual projects/assignments that will be assigned and posted by the instructor. Each
individual project/assignment must be submitted on the specified due date. There will be one
grading scale deduction from the assignment total grade for each delay week after the due
date. Should a student need to miss an assignment, the instructor must be consulted
beforehand. MSUs excused absences fall into five categories: 1) University sponsored
activities; 2) Student/Family illness/death; 3) Military obligations; 4) Jury duty or subpoena
for court appearances, or 5) Major religious holidays. (Competencies 1 4, 6 - 8).
5. Exams: There will be two (2) exams during the semester and a FINAL EXAM. There
will be no makeup exams. There is no substitute for any exams. Should a student need
to miss an exam, the instructor must be consulted beforehand. Otherwise, it is not
accepted and the student will not receive any credit for that exam. MSUs excused
absences fall into five categories: 1) University sponsored activities; 2) Student/family
illness/death; 3) Military obligations; 4) Jury duty or subpoena for court appearances, and 5)
Major religious holidays.
6. Group Projects: Each team will be assigned a quality improvement task as a group project.
All teams will complete their assigned projects and present their work in class (online for
BSTM students). There is no substitute for these activities.

Syllabus Quiz
Personal Information Page
Discussion Board
Homework Assignments (8)
Group Projects
Mid-Term Exam
Final Exam

Note: 90-100% = A



80-89% = B 70-79% = C 60-69% = D Below 60% = E

Cheating, fabrication, plagiarism or helping others to commit these acts will not be
tolerated. Academic dishonesty will result in severe disciplinary action including, but not
limited to, failure of the student assessment item or course, and/or dismissal from MSU.
If you are not sure what constitutes academic dishonesty, read The Eagle: Student
Handbook or ask your instructor. The policy is located at http://www.moreheadst.
edu./units/studentlife/handbook/academicdishonesty.html. For example: Copying
information from the Internet is plagiarism if appropriate credit is not given.
Professional staff from MSU Academic Services Center (ASC) coordinates efforts to
address accessibility needs and class accommodations with instructors of students who

have learning or physical disabilities. Faculty will cooperate with the ASC staff to
accommodate the needs of students taking departmental courses.
Emergency response information will be discussed in class. Students should familiarize
themselves with the nearest exit routes in the event evacuation becomes necessary. You
should notify your instructor at the beginning of the semester if you have special needs or
will require assistance during an emergency evacuation. Students should familiarize
themselves with emergency response protocols at
In case of emergency that may impact classes, students are expected to contact
Blackboard for an announcement by the instructor.
WEEK 1 & 2

Date Lecture/Lab Reading

08/17 Syllabus and Course Introduction
Introduction to Motion & Time Study Ch. 1
Syllabus Quiz and Personal Introduction assigned
08/24 Motion & Time Study for the Lean
Environment Ch. 2
Syllabus Quiz due
HW1 and DB 1 assigned
WEEK 3 & 4
Date Lecture/Lab Reading
08/31 History of Motion & Time Study Ch. 3
Personal Blog Page due, HW 1 and DB 1 due
HW 2 and DB 2 assigned
09/07 Importance & Uses of Motion & Time Study Ch. 4
HW 2 and DB 2 due,
HW 3 and DB 3 assigned
(Labor Day, Mon. September 7)
WEEK 5 & 6
09/14 Techniques of Methods Design Ch. 5
HW 3 and DB 3 due
HW 4 and DB 4 assigned
09/21 Techniques of Micromotion Study Ch. 6
HW 4 and DB 4 due
HW 5 and DB 5 assigned

Mid-Term EXAM (Fri. Sept. 25)

WEEK 7 & 8
09/28 Work Station Design Ch. 7
HW 5 and DB 5 due
HW 6 and DB 6 assigned


HW 6 and DB 6 due

WEEK 9 & 10
10/12 Just-in-Time / Kaizen / Kanban
HW 7 and DB 7 assigned
10/19 Time Management Techniques Ch. 15
HW 7 and DB 7 due
DB 8 assigned

WEEK 11 & 12
10/26 Attitudes and Goals Ch. 16
DB 8 due
HW 8 assigned
11/02 Predetermined Time Standards (PTS) Ch. 8
Stopwatch Time Study Ch. 9
HW 8 due
WEEK 13 & 14
11/09 Group Project Review
(ATMAE Conference: Nov. 11 - 14)
11/16 Group Project Update
WEEK 15 & 16
11/23 Final Group Project Presentations
Electronic Portfolio assignment
11/30 Course Overview (Review for Final Exam)
Electronic Portfolios due

HW = Homework DB = Discussion Board GP = Group Project

Final Exam: Monday & Tuesday online December 7th, 8th.
NOTE: This syllabus is subject to change at the discretion of the instructor to

accommodate student and/or instructional needs.

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