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Monster Poetry With the Five Senses

Materials/Equipment: Noll, A. (2009). I

Need My Monster. Brooklyn, NY:

Flashlight Press., Teacher created Sensory
detail and Poetry Anchor Charts, Monster
Writing and Illustration Sheet purchased
on, play dough,
google eyes, beads, feathers, pom pom
balls, pipe cleaners, pencils, markers, expo
makers, Elmo projector, crayons, colored
cardstock (optional) and sensory details
graphic organizer

Curriculum Integration:
Social Studies


TEKS Achieved:
110. 13 (b): (18B): write short poetry
that conveys sensory detail.

Differentiated Learning:



Blooms Taxonomy:

Comprehension/Understand Evaluate

Classroom Strategies:
Cooperative Groups
Independent Activities
Problem Solving
Peer tutoring


Submitted by: Jessica Thompson

Grade Level: 2nd_____ Subject/Topic: ELAR/Poetry___________________
Rationale: The purpose of this lesson is for students to identify and use sensory details in writing and/or


TSW write short poetry that conveys sensory details.

Lesson Plan:

Introduction (Anticipatory Set/Motivation):

I will have the students join me in the reading corner, where I will read to them I Need My
Monster, by Amanda Noll. Before reading the story I will ask the students to listen for words that
remind them of their five senses (seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, and feeling), since I will not be
showing them the illustrations just yet. Then, I will ask the students some before reading
questions such as, Looking at the title and cover picture, what do you think the story will be
about? What makes you think that? and What characters do you think will be in the book?
After I have read the first 11 pages of the book I will stop and ask the students some during
reading questions such as, What has happened so far in the book? When you listen to the story,
what pictures do you see in your head? How do imagine it looks in the main characters room? and
How do you think the story will end? And after reading the entire story, I will ask the students
some after reading questions such as, What was your favorite part of the book? Were the any
words that really made you visualize the story in your head? and Why do you think those specific
words helped you to paint a picture in your head? I will quickly do a picture walk with the students
to see if the illustrations were similar to the ones they were seeing in their heads.


Information Giving: I will place two anchor charts on the board. The first one will
describe sensory details (details or words in writing that describes what is seen, smelled,
tasted, heard, and touched). The second anchor chart will describe poetry (tells a story
and appeals to feelings and senses, they can sometimes rhythm or not rhythm, they all
have words, a title, and sometimes they have repetition.)
Modeling: I will show students the monster that I created. Then, I will place the
Sensory Details graphic organizer on the Elmo projector. I will already have the
describing words filled in about my monster. I will ask the students if there are any
categories of the chart that we could not complete? (Response: Yes, the smell and taste)
Then, I will ask, why do you think that is? (Responses may vary)
(Guided and Independent): I will also place the template for their Monster Poems, on
the Elmo projector. I will have the looks like part of the poem completed, so that they
can see how I used the graphic organizer to complete the first part of my poem. (For
Further instruction see Guided Practice)
Check for Understanding: To check for understanding, I will ask the following higherorder thinking questions: Who can define sensory details and give me an example? Who
can summarize what poetry is and some of the qualities of poetry? and How can you apply
sensory details to poetry/writing and what do they help us to do?
Guided Practice: With the template for the Monster Poem still on the Elmo projector,
the students and I will fill in My Monster feels like sounds like Then, I will explain to
the students that on the sections of the graphic organizer labeled smell and taste I had
to use my imagination, since I cannot really smell or taste my monster. Afterwards, we will
complete the smells like and taste like portions of the poem.
Independent Practice: I will pass out a small container of play dough, 4 small pipe
cleaners, 6 google eyes, 3 feathers, and 6 pom pom balls to each student and they will
create their monster that is under their bed. For those that do not want to create a
monster, I will have an illustration sheet so that they may draw their monster. Once the
students have created their monsters they will be given the sensory details graphic
organizer to complete about their monsters. After I have checked their organizers, I will
give the students their Monster Poem page and they will create a short poem that
describes their monster using sensory details. To differentiate for the many level of
students in my classroom, I will provide some students with a copy of the poem sheet
that has the looks like feels like sounds like smells like and taste like. already
filled in for them, while others will receive a blank sheet.

Closure: To culminate the lesson, I will have students volunteer to share their Monsters
and Monster Poems that they created.
Enrichment/Extension: For the students that finish the independent practice early, I will
have them create another poem using sensory details to describe themselves and/or Ethan
the little boy in the book I Need My Monster, and compare it to their original work.
1. For a student with special needs, I will allow them extra time to do the assignment
and they will be able to dictate their poems to myself or another teacher to write
for them.
2. For an ELL student, I will provide pictures of the sensory words used in the story
and graphic organizer and have the words translated into their native language.
They will also be allowed extra time to complete the assignment.
Assessment/Evaluation (Students): I will assess the students short poems, so that I
may be able to see that they can identify and use sensory details in a written work.
Assessment/Evaluation (Self): Self-Assessment based on your reflection on how the lesson was presented by
you and perceived by the students.

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