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Amara Khzouz

Tyler Bohay

Solar System Scope

Michigan Standards (content and tech):
3-5.RI.2. use digital tools to find, organize, analyze, synthesize, and evaluate
E.ST.05.11 Design a model that of the solar system that shows the relative order and
scale of the planets, dwarf planets, comets, and asteroids to the sun.
E.ST.05.21 Describe the motion of planets and moons in terms of rotation on axis and
orbits due to gravity.
Grade: 5th
internet access to the website
markers/color pencils
scrap paper/construction paper
*Students can use any other materials they feel like they need to make their poster look creative (ex.
styrofoam, wire, etc).*

Students will be able to analyze the solar system in how it works with planets, sun,
moon, gravity, etc.
Students will be able to create the solar system in a way that demonstrates what they
learned from the website.
Students will be able to describe the motion of the planets, moon, and sun in terms of
rotation due to gravity.
Assignment instructions:
1.) Students will be working individually at a computer on the website to create a solar system.
2.) Log on to the website and mess around with it with students, get familiar
with it.

3.) Then have students play press play on the planets orbiting. While they
are watching everything orbit in the solar system they should be taking notes on
what is orbiting, how it is and which direction it is going.
4.) Once students are done taking notes they should create a poster of the
solar system
5.) The poster must include how the planets and moon orbit. Why the sun
stays put and how gravity works. What are comets and asteroids and how do
they affect the solar system. Where the earth is located and how is it positioned
during the four seasons.
6.) After finishing the poster at the end of the week, students will present their
poster to the class.
Students will be graded on their presentation on how well they presented what they
learned, and if they presented all the requirements.
After that students will hand everything in (notes and poster) to see if they did
researching before the poster for proper assessment in all stages of this lesson.
After all presentations are done the posters will be displayed outside the classroom in
the hallway to educate our fellow peers!

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