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Literature Circle #5

Cassandra Pofahl
Qualitative Research Methods
Role: C

The Connectors job is to help group members make connections

between this research article and other research articles that have
been read. The Connector should think about how the text relates to
his/her own experiences or the experiences of others as researchers.
Also, the Connector can talk about how this selection is connected to
other readings or similar topics that they have heard about. Here are
some questions to begin discussing connections between the reading
and the world outside.
What has happened in your life as a researcher that is similar to some
of the things that were experienced by this researcher or are
happening to the participants?
What connections to the research topic or methodology can you make
based on your own experiences? What new thinking have you gained
from the reading? How has your understanding of the topic and/or
research changed?
Does anything in the selection remind you of something in the news or
something that you have read (research or non-research)?
Some connections I have found between this reading and other people,
places, experiences, events........
1. The premise of the study made me think of some parallels we may
see in our own studies. The investigation focused on the examination
of an experience of good supervision from the perspective of
supervisees. The author mentions that a different vision of good
supervision could emerge if supervisors perspectives were also
investigated. Im sure there would be some differences if we examined
other populations affected in our own studies.

2. The author also mentioned that while commonalities were found

among participants, each trainee had some unique variations in their
experience. I have found the same to be true in the interviews I have
conducted for my study. There is a lot of value in both the similarities
and differences of respondents in every qualitative study conducted.

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