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Jessica Barron

Professor Smith
ELED 3111
edTPA Indirect Lesson Plan*
Subject: Science

Central Focus: Weather Patterns and Seasons

Common Core/Essential Standard Objective:

K.E.1. Understand change and observable
patterns of weather that occur from day to day

Date submitted: November 12, 2015

throughout the year.

Date taught: N/A

K.E.1.3 Compare weather patterns from

season to season
Daily Lesson Objective: Today we are going to be able to identify the different seasons.
21st Century Skills:
Creativity and Innovation: Students should be
able to think creatively and work creatively with
others | Communication and Collaboration:
Students should be able to communicate clearly
| Flexibility and Adaptability: Students should be Academic Language Demand:
able to adapt to change and be flexible | Social N/A
and Cross Cultural Skills: Students should be
able to interact effectively with others and work
effectively in diverse teams | Productivity and
Accountability: Students should be able to
manage projects and produce results
Prior Knowledge: Prior to lesson students should be able to understand and describe daily weather conditions.

1. Engage

Description of Activities and Setting


Begin with a YouTube video that describes the four seasons in a song:


Students will be responsible for creating a collage of each season. Each

student will find photos that correspond with the season they are
2. Explore

currently working on and will be required to cut and paste that photo on








magazines/newspapers, scissors, glue, and construction paper.

Students will work with the members of their table group (typically
3. Explain

between 4-5 students) to discuss the differences between the seasons and
how to identify the weather patterns from season to season.
Students will elaborate by explaining their current task to the teacher as
I walk around the classroom to observe (CFU). I may ask students to
answer the following questions:

4. Elaborate

How do I know the season is changing from summer to fall?

If I see snow on the ground what season is it?
Can you describe winter/spring/summer/fall to me?
How many different seasons do we have?
After the completion of the project (which may take several days),
students will be allowed to share they work with their classmates. This

5. Evaluation

provides students an opportunity to assess their understanding and

abilities, as well provide the teacher with an opportunity evaluate
students (CFU).

6. Assessment Results of
All Objectives/Skills


Targeted Students Modifications/Accommodations

Student/Small Group Modifications/Accommodations

Students with modifications will be allowed to work Students within a small group setting wouldnt be able to
at a table with the teacher. If needed, the teacher will watch the engage video via the SMARTboard, however the
assist with any small motor skill tasks that may be teacher could use either a laptop or iPad to display the video
too difficult for the student. The teacher will help for the students to watch. The small group would also be
facilitate a discussion on the different seasons but guided as which season to focus on, rather than being
will primarily leave the responsibly of finding the allowed to complete all of the seasons in the order they
photos for the corresponding season up to the prefer. This would help them stay focused and gain
student (CFU).

understanding for one season at a time (CFU).

Internet Access: YouTube | SMARTboard | Magazines | Newspapers | Scissors | Glue | Construction Paper
Reflection on lesson:
CT Signature: ____________________________ Date: _____________
US Signature: ____________________________ Date: _____________
* Taken from UNCC / edTPA and modified (simplified) for use in ELED 3111 (djs)

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