Seminar Plan

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Taylor Buckmaster

Content Area: Grades 9-12 (teen age range) Educating clients with depression.

Overarching Seminar Behavioral Objectives and Life Skill(s)

Cognitive After participating in the 8 day seminar the client will be able to reduce or eliminate their depression by identifying symptoms
of depression and its prevalence. Learn about the scientific study of human behavior and mental illness, including disciplines that study mental
illness and behavior. Explore how to identify stressors in ones life. Identify prevention efforts that may help with depression, and practice stress
management techniques. Identify possible causes and available treatments for depression and other mental disorders. The clients knowledge and
usage of the information taught will be tested by their ability to reduce or eliminate depression by keeping daily journals.
Psychomotor The client will participate in a group session 1 day per week, for 8 weeks with individuals who need guidance for depression,
where they will learn strategies to cope with depression. The client will be assessed on their knowledge through the pre and post assessment test at
the beginning and end of the seminar program.
Affective After participating in each session the client will keep a journal of the ways they coped with depression, from there each client will be
assessed based on the coping strategies used and each client will explain the reasoning for each coping strategy and if there is a better alternative to
the situation.
Life Skill The client will reduce or eliminate the risk of depression by using the guidance they learned in their 8 day seminar program on ways to
cope with depression. They will be able to use the variety of methods that were presented throughout the 8 day seminar program to help the clients
maintain a good mental health.

Day 1
Intro- Asses their mental
well-being by doing a
Main ActivityLecture/PowerPoint on
What is Depression?
(feel free to take notes)
Secondary- Break into
groups and assign a
specific topic on

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4


Intro- Ice breaker game

Main Activity- Individual
goal setting for the client to
attain during the eight
week seminar.
Secondary- Lecture/
Discussion on the stages of
Closure- Mix and Match

Intro- Entry ticket (5 T/F

questions from day 2)
Main Activity- Watch PBS
In the Mix - "Depression:
On The Edge". Fill out a
worksheet during the
Secondary- Split class in
half to have a debate on the
three models of depression

Intro- Self-evaluation of
each student on their
thoughts and feelings
coming into the session
Main Activity- Brain
anatomy lecture. Basics of
the nervous system and
there functions. Identify
and label the parts of the

Intro- Pre-Quiz
See how much they know
Main ActivityPreventions and treatments
for depression lecture.
Help students become
familiar with mental
Secondary- Health
problems series quiz on

Taylor Buckmaster
depression to research and
present to class after.
Closure- Q&A

Standards Addressed

Standards Addressed

(biological, psychological,
and social model).
Closure- Q&A
Standards Addressed -1,3

Day 6

Day 7

Day 8

Intro- Entry ticket on

week 5 discussion
Main ActivityPresentation on what is
stress and perform/ engage
in relaxation exercises.
Secondary- Internet
research on stress
management techniques
(Read: The Medical Basis
of Stress, Depression,
Anxiety, Sleep Problems
and Drug Use).
Closure- Short paragraph
on how they feel this far
into the seminar.

Intro- Self assessment on

image of themselves
Main Activity- Create a
collage illustrating their
own life experiences in
words and pictures to
express what they believe
contributes to mental
wellness or illness.
Secondary- Discussion/
Presentation on self- image
pro and cons. Present and
discussion on college
illustration posters.
Closure- Fact or fiction.

Intro- Recollection of
previous 7 weeks
Main Activity- Evaluation
of progress made during
the 8 week depression
Secondary- Make a list of
10 things the client learned
during the 8 week program
that will help them
improve their own.
Closure- Single session of
determining future.


nervous system.
Secondary- Skits on how
to deal with depression.
Break into groups and
perform skit a specific
topic given.
Closure- Exit ticket on
what they learned from the
daily activity.
Standards Addressed
Day 9

Closure- Q&A
Standards Addressed


Taylor Buckmaster
Standards Addressed

Research and Data


Materials List:
instructor and client
materials needed
Differentiation for
varied abilities
Infusion of Multicultural
Gender Specific or
Gender Neutral
Seminar Assessment Plan
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4

Standards Addressed

Standards Addressed1,5,7,8

National Institution on Depression:

Mental Health America:

Journal for client to document stressors, issues, progress, etc. Computer and projector for Power point presentation on
risks and preventions, and self-image sessions. Magazines, newspaper, scissors, glue, posters for collage. Diagram of
nervous system, worksheets and index cards.
This session plan would be beneficial for teens grades 9-12. It would be beneficial to keep groups by grade so they
can relate better to one another. Breaking into groups allows for better discussion sessions. Adaptations of teaching
styles could be made due to maturity level of clients. Physical skill range adaptations: Each client will begin the
seminar at their current skill level. As the client develops more skills and better develops current skills, personal goals
and teaching methods can be altered.
Identify the impacts of race, ethnicity, culture and society on mental health and depression. Print off materials in
different languages if needed.
Women have a higher risk of developing depression.
Please identify formative and summative assessments used
Client questionnaire on previous and current mental health, and journal documentation on reason
for depression, stressors that led to depression, results, and prevention strategies.
Journal Documentation- What is depression?
Journal Documentation- Collage project on self-image
Journal Documentation- Thought of PBS video
Journal Documentation- Brain anatomy lecture

Taylor Buckmaster
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7

Journal Documentation- Preventions and treatments

Journal Documentation- Relaxation exercises
Journal Documentation- Self-image pros and cons
Questionnaire of final mental health, compare and contrast pre and post assessment and journal
documentation evaluation.

Instructor Reflection
1. How will your clients be productively engaged in the development of the identified life skill?
Response: The clients will be productively engaged by participating in the discussions related to developing life skills, as well as engaging in
relaxation exercises and participating in skits on how to deal with depression.
2. What informal assessment activities are planned as a formative measure to check for understanding of either content or life skills?
Response: We will assess the clients understanding of content or life skill by their response/ input from group discussion and participation of the
3. What formal assessment activities are planned as a summative measure of the seminar objectives?
Response: The client will be documenting information about depression, risks and preventions, ways to cope, anatomy of brain, and mental health
in a journal that will be evaluated and discussed after the eight week seminar.
4. Describe why you selected the instructional materials you have included in this particular unit?
Response: The variety of materials selected will help the client understand all aspects of depression, as well as the ways to help prevent or decrease
the risk of developing depression symptoms within themselves and others.

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