Observation 7

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, HBU TRWERSTY Formal Clinical Teacher Evaluation CIRCLE: Midterm or Final L130 fis Observation Startiend: B!45 uration: 8°5O Conference TIME StarvEnd: Durati paTI CCLINCIAL TEACHER: SEMSTER & YEAR: DistricricamPus: (Ac! aon react EVALUATOR (PRINT NAME): SIGNATURE; Indicate Evaluator’s Tile: University Field Supervisor Mentor Teacher_( Clinical Teacher “The cliowing cinical teacher evaluation form is dvied ito four domains as adopted by the State Board of Education. These domains ate Planing, Instructon, Leaming Envionment, and Professional Practice and Responsibiltes. The Dimensions within each domain ‘ensure cinieal teachers have tne knowiodgo and skis to taach in Toxas puble schools. Please complete the form by checking the appropriate box. Use Not Applicable (HA) when the clementis not cbserved ois eleva othe particule Setinglobservation/evalustion, SCALE: “t=Needs Improvement _2=Developing ‘Proficient “Requires witten “COMMENTS” specifying observed, shared oF recorded evidence if saring f=Nesds Imprc the goal . Developing DOMAIN 1: PLANNING - Evidence is apparent in the lesson plan. ‘Sandards & Aignmant The cinta acher Gest, iganaes snd implements ear, Welarganred Sequsral Basons at reock best practice, afgn with standards and are sppropriate fr diverse leamers ‘Data & AsaBSSment The cinical teacher uses [ora and RTorMal MeuNOGS To MBGSITe STEM BOGIES, Mah Manages aT analyzes student data to inform instruction ‘Knontedge of Suderis: Through lowledge of tadents and proven practoes, te cnical aacher ensures Nh levels of arr Secialematonal development and achievement for al students + Alfessons connest to student prior Apowiodg0 and exporoncos ms + Alleason asst for stuent svengthe and gaps in Background knowledge, He experiences and sls a Tarts: The einivalTeaoher plans engaging, Hexibe lessons that encourage higher-order thinking, pereRtene Ord BoheveMeNt +_Questons encourage al sudorts to engage m complox Righer order taking T + Insictional groups based on student nesds = {+ Alsiudent understand individual ole wih nsitucional groups + Active, resources, fechnology, insructonal materials algned to instystonal purposes _ COMMENTS: ‘ 4 Zp SDN ex ena eaporation Flexibility phon atadert mas —UASHe coed ret “Tk parts 7 aca) 45 exelain main idea, Aetals/ parts ote speech. Ashlynd gonsistently reviewed previews lessons while eusirg ‘on objective. si jziz BE |g] Se | 2/3 DOMAIN 2: INSTRUCTION ~ evitonc & spparentin nsticton and ciassroom. aj 4|6 ‘Aehibvng Expectations The once iecher supports al earers Ue pars ih val of academe ad Slal- emotional sueses. * Evidence tht met ae ae fossa yz +A 28 a i eee C2) Provides sen! esperunty toate nifave of her om emia 7 = Convoy sesrate cont irewieage Z| Inegraes leaning bjctvee win one NSS + Anat posse stent miunderstanainge + Accurate rots Now lesson ts wit suueture of sip and TEKS * Proves oppruntes fr sucens fous oferent types of tnking eg, naive, preacal create & esearch bases) ~_Uses probing questions to ary, slaborste learning suet i + Recognizes possible student misunderstandings and responds wit an aay of teaching Yeoh iques to Gaal concepts. a = Asks remember, undeTstand and appy level questions Teuiang on lesson cEecTve and provakng wuts = Proves explanation bat are clear = Uses verbal and writen conmuneaion that lar and oe * Esabishes classroom practoes thal provide for mast studentto Communicate Seavey wit ha Teacher and their pears ae Adaptation fo eds vival neds of asians Zl ‘+ Regularly monitors quali of student participation and performance tT needs | + Provides difierentiaied instructional methods and content to ensure students have | eso taught Us input om adeno to otha and aU RSTn and ais ‘Monitors student behavior and responses for engagement and understanding + Ass insriton snd atv fo mainan sion ongagement t7] CT questioned sil studerts. She —remacked COMMENTS Clinical Teaching 3” Glassroom EnvFanment Routines & Procedures. The Gincal eacher OWganues @ Sale, ooSessIe and STON oRssToom [= Students actively participate in groups, manage supplies and equipment with very limited teacher Needs cient lo procedures, reuines end Wanaiions ara dear rection + Classrooms safe and organized to supporteaming sbjecives and ls aocessibe o most students Tanaging Stusent Behavor. The cinical teacher estabishes, communicates and maintains clear expectations Yor Stem Canavan Ze 1 = Consistently implements the camaus andlor classroom behavir eystom profisently = Most students meet expected classroom behavior standards engaged Tearers. Classroom Cure: the clinical teacher eas a matvaly respect] and ColBbOratve lass OF ct = Engages al students inelevent, meaningfulaaming ae A "Students work espetuly naval and’ groups comments: é ast fime 1a fel. and knew = DOMAIN 4: PROFESSIONAL PRACTICES & RESPONSIBILITIES Frotessional Demsanor & Ethisn The cinioaleaaher Meats UTD and david expectations Tar SFOMGGnCS OTSSSIOneT d fe their 1earnre, objective sppsoranee, Secorum, procera ethical legal and eatuory responses Benaves in accordance wi he Code of Ees and Standard Pracees (a Teas Ecaiom® Heels al preesionlsiandard (eg, alendance, professional appeorence and Bena) a Advocates sueces fil for tho noes of students nthe classroom Za Teal Sotng: The teacher refecs on Naher practee, 7 Sats snort and arg tom profesional goals based on S07 SSSA, TWHeCion BT BUpOTTEGE [ is ood en ce Rees aa + Moots al professional goals resulting in improvement in pracice and student parformanes Frofessiora’ Davoiopmont. The teacher enhances th professional community > Colanoraivaly paaices ma schedied profesional development aie, Campus proeSSTal T learning communes, grade-orabjctievel team members, committee membership of her | | x ‘opportunities ‘Schoo! Cornmanay inaWament. Te Toacher demonstrates badership wih sladeits, coleagues, afd Conmuniy Members al school, istrict and cammunity through efective communication and outreach ~ Communicates the mission, vision and goals ofthe school a sudons, cotoaguee, parenis and ‘aries demic regularly regarding students’ {ina Teens REFLECTION: Cnical teachers greatest strength: Clinical teacher's gretest challenge: linia! Teaching Recemmendations Next StepsiGoals: 1-30 -S Zo an Date University Supervisor Date Glinieal Teacher Date (Cinical Teaching

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