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Canale 1 Danny Cana Professor Raymond UWRT 1103-02 2 Cclader 2015 My Family Tree By just looking at me. most would think I come from a Hispanic background, but that is totally wrong. Actually, Tam mostly from Italian decent, but I also have an extremely small bunch of different European backgrounds from my mom’s dad’s side of the family. ‘These ancestors landed in America during the pilgrimage, having an impact on our country’s history, Most of my parent's grandparents were foreigners and their country of origin, grand ole Italy. Not much is known about why they leff their homes to travel to America, but luckily one of our family members conducted sn interview before my great grandfather of 102 years old passed away. My great grandfather from my dad's side of the fami . Joseph Canale, was born in a small town in Italy, Gallo Matese. This town measures only 19.8 square kilometers and currently houses 612 residents (Gallo Matese). Gallo Matese sits right in the middle of the country. My great grandfather's dad, Tony Canale, had previously been working in the USA and would ‘commute between America and Italy. He was not even a year old when their family decided to- move to the USA. They came over to Am traveling on the R.M.S. Canopic, a White Star Line Ocean Liner. It landed in Port Boston, and thom there, they migrated to Delaware Township, New Jerscy. currently known as Cherry Hill, a small town right outside of Medford, New Jersey Most of my current family still lives in and around Medford, NJ. The furthest place from there. other than my immediate faril is Wilmington, Delaware. My i mediate family is the Canale 2. ‘only family who has moved away from the area. My parents, married for 21 years now, moved immediately after the: cd the knot due to my dad’s work. They moved to Waxhaw. North Carolina, just south of Charlotte, and have lived there ever since. My family has a few members that have served this country military wise, myself included. These people include my moms dad, serving in the Navy. my d 's dad, serving in the Army, mom's brother, serving in the Marine Corp. serving the Air Force, and myself, also serving the Air Force. Although all of these members have served, they didn’t receive any ‘major honors, however, my Family was part of a movement that would eventually start an entire nation. am directly related to a signer of the Declaration of Independence, the document that allowed the creation of this wonderful country. John Hart, a farmer bom and raised in Hopewell, New Jersey, was a very well known man in his community holding many governmental positions during his lifetime. His first public service was being the Justice of Peace. “In 1761 he was elected to the New Jersey Assembly. there annually reelected until the assem was dissolved in 1771. In 1775 he was appointed to the local Committee of Safety, the Committee of Correspondence, and a judge to the Court of Common Pleas, He was elected to the newly formed Provincial Congress of New Jersey in 1776, and sent as a delegate for New Jersey to the Contin Congress that year” (ohn Hart) We are alse related, through my mom’s dast’s side, to a man by the name of Thomas West De la Warr. According to the sixth edition Columbia Eneyclopedia, Thomas West became knighted when serving in Ireland, was the first appointed governor of Virginia, and was the inspiration for naming both the Delaware Bay and the State of Delaware, Most of my family is religious, Catholic to be exact, and some are very active in the Canale 3 church. For instance, my mom’s dad is an extremely active member in the Knights of Columbus. ~The Knights was formed to render financial aid to members and their families. Mutual aid and assistance are offered to sick, disabled and needy members and their families. Social and intellectual fellowship is promoted among members and their families through educational, charitable, religious, social welfare, war relief and public relief works" (Knights of Columbus). My dad is also partially active in the church, serving as a Eucharistic Minister. In addition to being active church members, we are a very active in helping out in our local community. My dad’s side of the family Tikes voluntcer with kids and sports in particular. My dad’ s dad, was very active in the community, volunteering as a high school football coach and Pop-Warner coach for over 33 years. My dad followed in his footsteps by coaching. our local middle school team for six years, going through “the cycle twice, head coaching with a 30-0 record during his second cycle. For those who don’t know. going through “the cycle” means to start with a team in sixth grade and follow them all the way through their eighth grade year. When you repeat “the eyele” after eighth grade. you swing back around to sixth grade and start over. Thave also tried to follow in their footsteps by giving up my time to help others. I, however, never really got into football, but tea, I took interest in swimming and revolved most of my volunteer work around the pool. For example, over the past few summers. have spent a week helping a Special Olympics camp. My job consisted of swimming and playing with the campers. when they came to the pool, all while keeping them safe. | absolutely love working at this camp, and I look forward to returning to it each year. In our family, working in the community is something that is a normal part of our every day lives. Inconelusion, horoughly enjoyed exploring both sides of my family's deep history. | a Canale 4 gained so much insight into my roots and I hope to continue to discover more interesting facts. | ‘am s0 proud to be apart of my wonderful family and | hope some day Ihave aa impact o8 our future generations, Canale 5: Works Cited Gallo Matese - Italy: Information and Town Profile." N.p., n.d- Web.27 Oct. 2015. “John Hart." Independence Hall Association, n.d. Web. 27 Oct. 2015. "Kpights of Columbus.” N.p.. nd. Web, 27 Ot, 2015, Vv \\"Phomas West De La Warr. 12th Baron." The Columbia Eneyelopedia. New York ‘Columbia UP, 1965. Print.

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