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Letter to Parents

Dear parent,
May the peace and love of christ be with you all.
I am sister Delphine Apinjoh, your childs biology teacher. I am writing to you to keep you
inform of all that will be happening in the biology class, my goals and objecitives as well as what
is expected of you parents to ensure the smooth academic year
To begin with, I will like to present the goal and objective for the year. The aim and goal of
this course is to provide students with an in-depth of what biology is all about. It is intended to
make students feel, touch and experience biology in all aspects as well as to make them be
creative in the natural environment.
Moreover, the course objective will be to enable students develop factual knowledge, and
analytical skills necessary to cope with the fast advancing biology world, to demonstrate an
understanding of biological concepts, demonstrate and experiment science as useful and
applicable to all relating it to their daily life
In this course our daily learning activities will consist of discussions, demonstrations, group
work, experiments, note taking, recitation and laboratory exercises The usage of any digital
device will be announced prior to when it is needed.
As a matter of fact, biology is a hands-on subject. It is worth noting that each topic is a unit
and consists of at least 3 chapters. Each chapter has at least 3 laboratory exercises. Students will
be doing many laboratory activities that may require the use of chemicals, laboratory equipment,
and other items which, if used incorrectly, can be hazardous. Safety in the science classroom is
the number one priority for students, teachers, and parents.
Below is a brief course content for the class.
The Nature of life
The Human Body
The Course Requirement and material that each student need are as follows:
Pen, pencils, and erasers
A scientific calculator
A graph book, notebook and a 3 ring binder for lab exercises/reports.

To maintain an appropriate learning environment, I have established the following classroom


Obey all school rules

Follow the teachers directions
Respect yourself, others and the teacher
Leave all sorts of negative behaviors and attitudes at the door.
Read and follow all safety rules and procedures
Bring all learning and writing materials to class daily
When the aforementioned rules are observed, I will praise and reinforce the behavior of the
students positively. If a student chooses to break or violate the rules, I have determined an
escalating series of responses that will be clearly defined to the student. To ensure effectiveness,
and to create a comfortable environment that enhances good teacher-student relationship, the
following policies have been established:
Attendance: Students are expected to attend all classes. Please do well to always keep me
informed if you are to be absent for any reason. Any unjustifiable absence is a minus 5
Punctuality: All students are to be in class on time with assignments, and other class
requirements ready for class 5 minutes before the teacher.
Homework/ Assignments Students will have work to do at home every night and it will be
checked for completion on a daily basis. Late assignments or failure to do home works
/assignments will have an impact on your final grades.
In addition, with regard to my grading procedure, the grades are broken down in to the
Quizzes (20%)
Exams (40%)
Writing Assignments (10%)
Projects (5%)
Graded Homework (5%)
Attendance and Class participation (10%)
Laboratory participation and reports (10%)
NB. All grades will be entered into the grade book soonest possible. All feedback will be timely,
accurately and consistently done.
My goal is to have your child achieve success by learning work ethic and motivation.
This is expressed in my classroom motto which is Hardwork, Knowledge, progress for the fear
of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. I desire to have a close relationship with you as the
parent(s) so that we can work together to have an enjoyable and productive school year.
Please feel free to contact me with any questions, comments, or concerns that you might
have. My classroom number at the school is XXX-XXX-XXXX. My Email address is
Yours sincerely,
Sr. Delphine APINJOH

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