Vaniwaarden Nicole Assignment7-1

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Running Head: ASSIGNMENT 7:1

Assignment 7:1
Nicole Van Iwaarden
Arizona State University
PPE 310
Professor Jessica Skipper
October 11, 2015

Modified Lesson Plan

Objective: SWBAT review reading and writing integers, finding absolute value, adding integers, subtracting integers, multiplying
integers, and dividing integers.
Lesson Activity: Students will participate in fan and pick activity involving chapter three review cards.
Physical Activity Break: Mouse Trap Snap. After students have been working on fan and pick activity for twenty minutes, the teacher
will stop the class and introduce the physical activity break. She will then introduce the trigger words, discuss voice level, classroom
set up, as well as student behavior before allowing students to participate in activity. She will then walk four students through
modeling the physical activity break using one group of four desks. Once the physical activity break has been properly modeled, the
teacher will have students stand and push in their chairs by saying the trigger word go. She will say the trigger word, walk, and
students will begin the activity.
Note: Modifications were needed for this activity because of the large group size. Instead of having the entire group stand in a circle
and have students weave in and out, the teacher modified the lesson to take place in groups of four at the desks set up in the classroom.
Students will walk around their desk instead of weaving in and out. The teacher will also use numbered cards at the table to randomly
select a number to determine the student who will answer the math question. The teacher will make sure to provide each table with a
whiteboard and a marker so they can write down their answer to the math question instead of answering verbally.

Lesson Reflection
Once again the kids were really excited about the activity even though it involved a math component. However, filming the
lesson seemed to really change how the lesson went. Suddenly the kids had trouble following directions and were focused on the
camera. In fact, at the end of the lesson, one student said Can we film that again? Were supposed to make you look good and we
didnt. I thought this was sweet, but also reflected on me as the teacher. Its not the students jobs to make me look good. Its my job
to give them clear instructions that they can easily follow.
Originally, I had thought the directions were clear and that the modeling went over well. Then, when I said the first trigger
word, go, the students just stood up, pushed in their chairs, and begin walking. Some kids began shouting out that no one was
supposed to walk yet. It was great that the students were not hesitating this time to begin the activity, but I had to grab their attention
back and remind them of the directions because they went right into the activity when that was not the directions. I think adding the
second trigger word was what created a problem there. Consequently, I plan to only use one trigger word from now on to reduce
The activity definitely didnt go completely as I planned. I was so focused on trying to give clear directions that I forgot to
discuss voice level and behavior with my students. They clearly got very enthusiastic about the activity, so it was hard to control the
voice level which meant I was constantly reminding them to keep it down since they were in a classroom setting. Thus, I feel like I

struggled more with managing student behavior this time. Maybe it was because students were being filmed and were excited about
that, but the voice level was pretty loud.
I also didnt get to move around the classroom like I wanted to. It was harder to maneuver around the room with students
standing all around their desks, so I was limited in my movement and that really didnt allow me to get around to give positive praise
like I had planned to. I know last time I did give positive praise and I wanted to do more during my next physical activity break.
Because of that, I think that is something I really need to focus on next time since I have not been consistent in that area. Moreover,
last time I did a physical activity break, I used names constantly. After doing this activity, I realized that I only used names a few
times, which is really unlike me because I love connecting with students and using their names to do so. Other than those issues, the
students were on task and were participating in the activity so I think it still went well. In fact, afterwards many of the students said
they had a great time and would like to do more activities like mouse trap snap.
My mentor and I discussed the lesson afterwards and agreed that voice level and behavior must be addressed before the
directions. We also talked about maybe trying to do the activity as a whole class outside to see which one works better for us.

Integration of
Standards and
Content (PIC)
Activities and
Teacher Content

Exemplary (5)
Instructional plans include:

Score: x1

All learning objectives and state

content standards are explicitly
communicated and not altered with
the integration of physical activity.
Lesson activities include integration
of physical activity component in at
least two parts of the lesson plan
Integration of the physical activity
component does not detract from
the academic content
Teacher regularly implements a
variety of subject-specific
instructional strategies to enhance
student content knowledge. (TCKTAP)
Activities and materials include:
o Sometimes activities are gamelike, involve simulations,
require creating products, and
demand self-direction and selfmonitoring.
Presentation of content always
includes (In Video as well): (PICTAP)
o Concise communication of
expectations for student
performance of the physical
o Modeling by the teacher to

Proficient (3)
Instructional plans include:

Most learning objectives and state

content standards are communicated
and are only slightly altered with the
integration of physical activity.
Lesson activities include integration
of a physical activity component in at
least one part of the lesson plan
Integration of the physical activity
component slightly detracts from the
academic content
Teacher sometimes implements
subject-specific instructional
strategies to enhance student content
knowledge. (TCK-TAP)
Presentation of content most of the
time includes (In Video as well):
o Concise communication of
expectations for student
performance of the physical
activity component.
o Modeling by the teacher to
demonstrate his or her
performance expectations.

Unsatisfactory (1)
Instructional plans include:

Few learning objectives and state

content standards are communicated
and are drastically altered with the
integration of physical activity. (S&OTAP)
Lesson activities include integration of
a physical activity component in only
one part of the lesson plan, nor not at
Integration of the physical activity
component significantly detracts from
the academic content
Teacher rarely implements subjectspecific instructional strategies to
enhance student content knowledge.
Presentation of content rarely includes
(In Video as well): (PIC-TAP)
o Concise communication of
expectations for student
performance of the physical
o Modeling by the teacher to
demonstrate his or her performance

for safety &
and for
children with
special needs

Plans (IP)


demonstrate his or her

performance expectations.
Safety issues for integrating
physical activity are well thought
out and described in the lesson as
well as demonstrated in the Video
Classroom management techniques
are clearly defined and
demonstrated in the Video
Instructional plan include: (IP)
o Evidence that plan is
appropriate for the age,
knowledge, and interests of
all learners and;
o Evidence that the plan
provides regular
opportunities to
accommodate individual
student include
one modification to
accommodate students with
cognitive disabilities and
one for students with
physical disabilities
Teacher creates learning
opportunities where all students can
experience success. (Exp-TAP)
The classroom is arranged to
promote individual and group
learning. (Env-TAP)

Safety issues for integrating physical

activity are somewhat thought out
and described in the lesson as well as
demonstrated in the Video
Classroom management techniques
are somewhat defined and
demonstrated in the Video
Instructional plan include: (IP)
o Evidence that plan is
appropriate for the age,
knowledge, and interests of
most learners and;
o Evidence that the plan
provides some opportunities
to accommodate individual
student needs, to include one
modification to accommodate
students with cognitive
disabilities or one for
students with physical
Teacher creates learning opportunities
where most students can experience
success. (Exp-TAP)
The classroom is arranged to promote
individual and group learning. (EnvTAP)

Safety issues for integrating physical

activity are not thought out and/or not
described in the lesson as well as
demonstrated in the Video
Classroom management techniques are
vague and somewhat demonstrated in
the Video
Instructional plan include: (IP)
o Little evidence that plan is
appropriate for the age,
knowledge, and interests of
most learners and;
o Little evidence that the plan
provides some opportunities to
accommodate individual
student needs, and does not
include one modification to
accommodate students with
cognitive disabilities or one for
students with physical
Teacher creates an environment where
mistakes and failure are not viewed as
learning experiences. (Exp-TAP)
The classroom is not arranged to
promote group learning. (Env-TAP)

Video of

Video presentation of content includes:




Video presentation most of the time includes:

visuals that establish: purpose of the

lesson, preview the organization of the
lesson, and include internal lesson
submitted to YouTube Unlisted or
another secure option agreed with your
examples, illustrations, analogies, and
labels for new concepts
modeling by the teacher to demonstrate
his/her performance expectations
concise communication
logical sequencing and segmenting
all essential information
no irrelevant, confusing, or nonessential information

Self-reflection was well thought out

and included at least 6 specific
examples from the teaching experience
on: (a) what went particularly well, (b)
what you will change next time, and
(c) the feedback you received from
your mentor teacher; (d) managing
classroom behavior, (e) teacher
movement, (f) response latency,
(g) using student names, and (i)
providing positive praise
Self-reflection was the appropriate
length (1-2 pages), in APA and in third
Rubric was attached at the end
Title page was used
Appropriate highlighting was used

Video presentation of content rarely includes:

visuals that establish: purpose of the

lesson, preview the organization of the
lesson, and include internal summaries of
the lesson
examples, illustrations, analogies, and
labels for new concepts and ideas
modeling by the teacher to demonstrate
his/her performance expectations
submitted to YouTube Unlisted or
another secure option agreed upon and
shared with your instructor
logical sequencing and segmenting
all essential information
no irrelevant, confusing, or non-essential

Self-reflection was somewhat thought out

and included 4-5 specific examples from
the teaching experience on: (a) what went
particularly well, (b) what you will
change next time, and (c) the feedback
you received from your mentor teacher;
(d) managing classroom behavior, (e)
teacher movement, (f) response latency,
(g) using student names, and (i)
providing positive praise
Self-reflection was the appropriate length
for the assignment (1-2 pages)
Not in third person
Rubric was attached but not at end
Highlighting was not correct

visuals that establish: purpose of the lesson

preview the organization of the lesson, and
include internal summaries of the lesson
examples, illustrations, analogies, and
labels for new concepts and ideas
modeling by the teacher to demonstrate
his/her performance expectations
concise communication
logical sequencing and segmenting
all essential information
no irrelevant, confusing, or non-essential
no submission through YouTube Unlisted o
any other secure option agreed with your

Self-reflection was not well thought out and

included less than 3 specific examples from
the teaching experience on: (a) what went
particularly well, (b) what you will change
next time, and (c) the feedback you
received from your mentor teacher; (d)
managing classroom behavior, (e) teacher
movement, (f) response latency, (g) using
student names, and (i) providing positive
Self-reflection was too short for the
assignment and not in third person
Rubric was not attached
No title page was found
No highlighting was found.

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