Franklin Lynn M.: I My I I

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Cailee Franklin
Professor Lynn M. Raymond



7 September 2015
Senior Year Was More Than Just "Lasts"

I had always considered myself having a weakness when it came to English, whether it
was reading or writing,

I never thouglrt I was good enough. My grades in English were always

lower than math or science, so I always just assumed I wasn't going to be as talented when


came to my literacy ability. This all shanged in my senior English class last year.

My teacher, Mr. Furguson, let us know that he was going to let us explore any social
issue that we wanted, in hopes of sparking our interest in a multilayered semester long project.

He had plans for us to discover new types of uriting, we specifically focused on features and

opinion editorials. These types of writing were so weird and different, yet I thorougbly
them, more than any other type of uniting before.

I picked the social issue of sex traffrcking, which to me was such an interesting topic to
learn details about and to have the opportunity to bring awruenes$ of this issue to my fellow

I chose a realistic fiction book named "Sold", thatwas journal accounts from

thirteen-year-old girl from right outside ofNepal. I couldn't stop reading and, for the first time,
never wanted to put the book down. After completing the book, I have to write a feature about
the main events that occurred. I was so pleased with my grade of a ninety-nine and my teacher
commending me on such a great job and on how much he enjoyed reading my feature. I was so
excited that I finally felt accomplished in English class, that I could not wait to finish the rest
the project.


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