Comprehensive Instructional Design Packet

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Comprehensive Instructional Design Packet

Client: Bastion Church Ryan Baker
By: Megan Grayburn

For this assignment, I chose to work with Bastion Church, a local

church plant in Marietta that is working to attract new members to the
church. The pastor, Ryan Baker, officially launched the church this past
August, but has been working on it for nearly a year and a half. While this is
not directly educational, it is a form of education in the religious realm of
education, seeking to attract Christians to learn and grow with this church. I
have been working with this church plant from the beginning, and the people
involved are very passionate about spreading the Gospel and bringing new
Christians to the faith. It has been an uphill process and is still a work in
progress, and the pastor is looking for new ways to attract people to our
church service. This packet contains two projects to attract more people to
this budding church.
In a church, you assess your instructional success in the service based
on return attendance and church membership. The artifacts I plan to help
implement are based on social media, and therefore can instead be assessed
based on participation on social media. To spread the Gospel, my hope is
that people will comment and share the weekly artifacts, which is how I plan
to assess success. Weekly assessment will consider growth in the social
media participation as well as content of participation.

My first artifact can be used as a pre-assessment OR a postassessment of the sermon for the week. The pastor can create a weekly
video demonstrating the purpose behind the sermon with the weekly
scripture. As a pre-assessment, the pastor will create a video previewing the
sermon ideas, outlining the main points the sermon will hit. Each video will
end with a leading question that will make the viewer truly think deeply
about what will be taught to prepare for the sermon. As a post-assessment,
the video will have the same format, but will be used to encourage
conversation on social media with regards to what was taught in church that
week. This can be used for people who are unable to attend the service so
they are able to get a basic overview of the sermon, since in a sermon series,
the weekly sermons build upon each other. For these videos, I will work with
the pastor to incorporate Mayers Multimedia Principles, to ensure the
viewers are getting the most out of each video presentation. The video
attached is an example of a preview video that can be used for a sermon.
One issue with this video is the problem of copyright. To have access
to all original images for these videos would be ideal, however that is not
realistic. As a form of education as it is in the church, I believe the images
are permitted under fair use policy, however that does not mean it is
acceptable to use images without recognition or to alter the work that was
created. With my attached video, I used a Google search to find my images.

My second artifact is an example of a poster for the church. Bastion

Church purchased these signs to be placed on street corners directing people
to the church location each week:

Due to the amount of writing and the size of the posters, they have not
proven to be beneficial to informing those looking for a church of our
existence. I have created a new poster using Mayers Multimedia Principles
to replace these posters. On this poster, the important information is
included, and extraneous information is excluded. The purpose of this poster
is to inform people of the existence of the church, not to tell everything
about the church. The website is enough information to get people

interested. The inclusion of the church logo is intriguing in its use as the
background. My sample artifact can be found below:

While this artifact is a single poster, it is a sample of the posters to be made

to encourage church attendance. Many of the posters and flyers currently
presented for the church are very wordy and difficult to find the purpose of.
The pastor and I will continue to work together to create appropriate
advertising for the church, ensuring just enough information is presented, to
attend various events with the church.
The artifacts being used for this instructional design packet are used
more for interpretation of the media rather than creation of the media.
Therefore, I believe the following standards are being addressed:

Standard One: The visually literate student determines the nature and

extent of the visual materials needed.

Standard Four: The visually literate student evaluates images and their

The learning outcomes from the materials can be found in the church
attendance (Were the advertising materials clear with information provided?)
and from social media discussions (From the products provided, are people
intrigued to interpret the information and learn from it?). There are many
other standards that I can say are part of the process as well, but for the
sake of the pastor. Through my instruction of the components of visual and
media literacy, was he able to properly design materials using images and
just enough words? This can be assessed through the assessment of the
other artifacts.
I selected the church as my client as I learned significant information
regarding images in this course and felt a potential for using it to the good of
the church. While church is not specifically EDUCATION, it is an educational
component of society that is often left to just the auditory senses.
Additionally, once the service is over, often the information is never
reviewed, but to truly comprehend the content, it needs to be! That is why I
felt compelled to create videos as a preview OR review of the information.
Not only does it present the sermon in a visual way, but by posting it on
social media, it can be viewed as often as desired by people who are either
unable to attend the service or are in search of a new church to attend. My
struggle in this assignment was more how the artifacts relate to the

standards as it was not a packet on educational standards, but on Christian

education. Assessment in this area is not as specific, so the assessment
portion was also difficult to determine. As it is, I believe the pastor and I
have more work to do to determine the success or failure of the visual and
media components we are using.

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