WP 5 Revised

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Blankenship, 1

Tyler Blankenship
Mrs. Raymond
Tyler Joseph Blankenship
When my parents were picking names for me and my brother Ethan, my father
chose his middle name to be his first name, Charles. Oso after that, my mom got to
name me after someone in her family. She chose her father Joseph Michael Conn to
name me after, which is where my middle name Joseph came from. In our family, the
name Joseph came from the name Giuseppe, which is the original Italian version. The
name Giuseppe also came from my Great Great Grandfather, who emigrated from Italy
to start a life here in the United States. He eventually had 13 children, which he only left
one his name to.
The impact of passing names down from generation to generation is a positive
one. It gives your name a meaning, and a story behind it. When theres a personal
connection to your name, you feel like theres a special connection to someone who
was worthy enough to have their name passed on. This provokes people to research,
and find why that name was worthy and who that person in their family tree was. This
leads to the name being carried on further and further through the generations, thus
giving the name even more meaning. This creates a legacy that is special to one
person, or family. These kinds of legacies are what makes people interesting, and in
turn worthy to have their name carried on as well.

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